Chapter Eighteen

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I sighed and ran a han through my curls. I winced again.

“Harry, stop this, you were dead. I don’t want you to hurt your head again“, she said and grabbed my hand.

“I was dead?“, I asked and looked into her sad eyes.

She nodded and looked to the ground. “Hasn’t Louis told you?“

I shook my head. “I can’t believe it… It wasn’t that bad, was it? I just hit my head… no big deal.“

She smiled and squeezed my hand. “Love, everything’s a big deal if you’re hurted. And if it’s just a little scratch on your knee“, she said and smiled, remembering old memories. “So, I know there is something between Louis and you, I can see that. So tell me, do you feel more than friendship towards Louis?“

I sighed and played with my fingers. Now that I couldn’t run a hand through my hair I had to find something else to do with my fingers. I nodded but I didn’t say anything. I felt her gaze at my head but I couldn’t look her in the eyes. What would she say? That I’m no longer her son? That I should leave the house?

“And do you know how he feels about you?“

Now I just had to look at her. Her eyes were full of love and she smiled weakly. “You should tell hijm about your feelings, Harry.“

I sighed and twirled my thumbs around the other. “But I just can’t! What if he doesn’t want to be my friend any longer? I could live with him not loving me back but I can’t live without him literally. He is what I need, mom!“

Her smile grew a bit. “Do you really think your best friend would leave you just because you like boys? He likes you, Harry, he wouldn’t judge you.“

“Seems like you know him better than I do“, I snapped, meaner than I planned to.

But instead of getting angry at me she rubbed my shoulder.  “Harry, it’s not like I would know him better than you do, but I know he is your best friend. Believe me.“

I sighed and put my face into my hands. “Mom, it’s just too hard to admit.“

“I know, honey. But what if I had never told your father I liked him? Maybe you and Gemma wouldn’t exist today.“

I sighed. “That’s something different. I will never be able to have children with Louis.“

“Maybe you could adopt a child.“

I laughed quietly. “He doesn’t even like me back and you’re talking about us having kids. What’s next, have you already planned our marriage?“

“Maybe“, she smiled and winked jokingly. She stood up and put her hands against her hips. “Now, come on, Harry. Don’t be like that, I want you to be happy and finally tell Louis. I guess you’re already a bit longer in love with him, aren’t you?“

I shrugged. “Sorry, but I’m not gonna tell you.“

She smiled. “That’s okay, darling.“ She looked at the clock on the little table next to “Zayn’s“ bed and sighed. “We need to go, we have to feed your friends.“

I laughed and went out of the room. First i ran into Louis. “Hey“, he said and looked at me confused. “Had a nice talk? How’s your head?“

I nodded. “Thanks, yeah. And I’m fine. I need to thank you. Why didn’t you tell me I was dead?“

His eyes widened and he looked down at his fingers. “I thought you knew…“


A/N: Whil reading Louis’s POV you should listen to Enrique Iglesias‘ Hero :)

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