Chapter Three

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As we came home I announced I had to go to the toilet and that I was a bit sleep so I’d go to my room. Louis was about to tell the boys everything about the date, I guess, but I didn’t care. I had to sort out some things.

Could it be? Could I have a crush on my very best friend, the one, I had a bromance with, the one the fans said I was gay with?

I had nothing against gays but to be one on my own was still a different feeling. Or were I even gay? I weren’t even sure if I’d like Louis like that. But I also said Zayn was handsome…

No, no, no! I couldn’t be in love with Louis! He was my best friend and I just introduced him to a very sweet and cute girl he said he could fall for! I can’t fall for him!

Well, I will just try to act like always. Wink at the girls, flirt with everyone, don’t make anything unusual. I guess I could do it. As long as Louis doesn’t do anything that upsets me.

Week Three. It’s three weeks ago now since I admitted to myself that I might have fallen for Louis but no one seemed to know. Niall and me were going to Nando’s and I decided I should tell anyone. Why not him? He is one of the most thrustworthy people I know.

“Niall, I need to tell you something but you have to promise me not to tell anyone, especially not to Lou.“

Niall gave me a confused look. Normally I’d tell Lou everything but this time… I just couldn’t. “Fine, but why don’t you tell Louis first?“

“Because… well, if I tell you you will understand why.“

Niall nodded and looked at me, waiting to go on.

“Oh my gosh, I don’t know where to start… I think it all started the day I introduced Louis to Eleanor. And now that they’re a couple it’s even worse… I… I think… I might… like Louis more than I should.“ I focused my eyes on the streets.

“Right, now I see why you don’t tell Louis“, Niall sighed. “The most stupid thing is he is taken. To a girl.“

I sighed frustrated. “Exactly! I will never be able to tell him!“

“You hid your feelings very good through this three weeks“, Niall smiled soft at me. I was so happy he didn’t judge me because I was gay. “Did I hide mine aswell?“

I dared a look at him. “WHAT?!“

Niall laughed. “Seems like I hid them also pretty well. Now that you tole me I won’t be afraid to tell you – I think I might like Liam more than I should.“

I grinned. “But he’s with Danielle.“

Niall sighed. “I know. Do you think he recognized?“

I laughed and parked the car – we were there. “No way! Man, I’m happy I’m not alone. Does anyone except for me know you are…?“ He didn’t say the word because paparazzi could be everywhere.

“Yes, I told Greg yesterday via phone.“

Greg was Niall’s elder brother. I never thought about telling Gemma… “I told no one.“

“I feel honoured“, Niall laughed and we entered Nando’s. He oreder the food while I was lookig for some place to take a seat. Niall never acted like he was gay, He din’t show any emotions next to Liam… How did he do that? For me it felt like everyone was staring at me when I was next to Louis – like if everyone already knew.

I took my phone out and typed a message to Gemma: “Call me 2nite pls! Hve to tell u smth.“ Well, I didn’t use that much letters but withing seconds she answered: “R u ok?“ I wrote back a “yes“ and she answered: “OK, call u 2nite, hazza. Luv ya.“

I smiled and pouched my phone back into my pocket. Gemma was the best sister I could ever imagine. I wonder if she would support me if I told her I was gay… I really hope so. I smiled at Niall while we ate and sighed sometimes. “How long do you like him?“, I whispered.

Niall blushed and hid it by covering his face with a napkin. “Since boot camp.“

My jaw dropped down to the ground. How could he live with this feelings without ever telling? This boy was my idol from now on. “We have to talk later more“, I smirked what caused him to blush even more.

Before I had my talk with Gemma I talked to Niall and he told me everything. In boot camp Liam and Niall shared a room so they became really close friends. Niall always knew he was gay, but no one knew. Once Liam sang for him because he woke up crying because he had a nightmare – nope, it was NOT about food! Niall had heard Liam singing often so far but this time it was different – his voice sounded different, he sang with more emotions because it was only for him.

From this night on Niall had more than friend-feelings for Liam.

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