Chapter Seven

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AN: No entries yet!! Just comment your answers to be Zayn's temporary GF! (you can find the questions in the latest chappie ;D). And I wouldn't mindif you'd comment a bit! I'd love to hear what you think abiut my FF!! :)


Louis' POV

Did Hary just wink at Niall? What?

When should I tell the boys I broke up with Eleanor? I guess she is pretty upset now. If she ever got dumped because of that? I should stop thinking about this.

I looked over to Harry whose eyes were focused onto the screen. He didn't sleep with Caroline. Why did it make me so happy? I can't be...

But why didn't it work with Eleanor last night?

Seriously, stop thinking about this, Louis!

I looked over to the TV and sighed. Harry and me will never be... He likes girls. Not me. Ugh, what should I do?! I never felt anythjng similar for a boy!! I don't want this to happen. And if I told him I could ruin everything...

I looked at the clock. It was already half past two. I bet Liam and Danielle are still in bed. He'll comd home with a green shirt.

For sure.

This moment the door opened and Liam entered but he didn't wear green. He wore blue.

"Niall, can we talk?", he said and I could hear he was pretty nervous.

Confused Nial nodded and tey went upstairs. I wonder what was up with Liam. I looked over to Harry who smirked. "Do you know what's up?", I asked him.

He grinned at me. "Liam tells Niall that he likes him."

I looked at him. We all knew Liam liked Niall but- wait. "You mean... More than friendship?"

Harry nodded and seemed worried suddenly. "What do you think about?"

"About what? Liam being gay?"

Harry nodded. "Yes."

"As long as Niall likes him I'm happy for them."

Harry sighed smiling. "How was your night with Eleanor?", he asked and grinned cheekily.

I sighed. "I'll tell you later."

I didn't want to think.abou it but it just came up my mind again...


"Louis... This is our third week. You know the dating rules?", Eleanor smildd and pulled me closer to kiss me. I kissed her back but it felt different. She dragged me to her bedroom while.Liam and Danielle went to Danielle's room. She went on her knees and unclipped my belt.

She planted some kisses on my tummy and took my shirt off.

"Eleanor...", I muttered but she missunderstood it.

"That's gonna be the best night of your life", she smiled with a sexy voice and kissed me again.

"Eleanor, please", I said.

Again she misunderstood. "No need to hurry, BooBear."

This sentence let me see what was up. I didn't want Eleanor. "Stop it please. I can't..."

This time she understood. "What's up?"

"I... I don't know how to explain", I tried to tell her honest. "But I can't sleep with you."

"Why not?", she asked and seemed to be hurt.

"It's not about you..."

"I know, it's about you", she sighed and turned away. "This is so embarrassing."

"For me, not for you...", I whispered. Was I really about to tell...? "I think I'm gay."

She faced me in shock. "Are you serious?!" 

I nodded and my eyes became teary. "I'm so sorry, Eleanor... I didn't know..."

She sighed. "I never ever got refused because someone is gay... I mean, of course I don't judge you for what you love but... It's kind of weird for me now."

"I'm really sorry, Eleanor..."

She smiled. "It's okay. Friends?"

"Friends", I smiled.

*lashback end*

I looked at Harry. Where I ever able to tell him? That he was the reason I had to refuse Eleanor? It was so embarrassing, for both of us.

"Guys, we have to tell you something", I heard Niall say and lookdd at the clock before I looked at him and Liam. It was already half last four.

"Liam and I... We are gay. And we like each other." He blushed a bit and Liam smiled. He grabbed Niall's hand and now Niall also smiled.

"Congratulation!", Harry and Zayn shouted the same moment.

It all ended in a huge group hug, me included and I could feel shivers down my spine when Harry put his hands on my back. I managed not to shiver or get goose bumps but the blood rushed throuh my bkdy and my heart beated faster.

"We are really happy for you", Harry smiled as we all sat on the sofa.

"Thanks, Haz", Liam said and we all - including Niall - shot him a confused look. "If it wasn't uo to you I would've never dared to tell my little leprechaun."

Niall blushed again. "You told him?"

"After he told me he'd like you", Harry laughed. I wished I were able to tell him, too.

"I feel like the only not gay."

I looked at Zayn, confused. Did he know?

"Niam and Larry. I know, Larry isn't real but..."

I blushed and looked at Harry who looked at me. Niall laughed and I shot him a look. "That's gonna be fun. Thank you, Zayn", Niall grinned and cuddled into Liam's chest.

AN: sorry, it's not that long but I hope you like it!! 

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