Chapter Nineteen

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Liam’s POV

I took the spoon and looked at it. I let out a sigh and looked at Niall who had a huge grin on his face. ”You see? It’s not that bad.”

I sighed again and dropped the spoon. It made a noise which produced shivers running down my spine. ”It is. I’m only doing it for you.”

He blushed and pecked my cheek. Blood rushed up my to my head and I turned all red. ”Thank you, Liam. I know how much it took you to do that for me. I owe you something.”

”I already know what”, I whispered and leant in to connect our lips. We moved our lips in sync and suddenly I felt his hands playing with the hair in my neck. I shivered and grabbed his waist, pulling him closer to me. I loved Niall so much. He was everything to me, my best friend and the love of my life. I couldn’t live without him.

He pulled away breathless for a second before he connected our lips again. A moan left his mouth and I smiled slightly. He was so adorable. ”I love you”, he whispered close to my mouth and I shivered again, my cheeks burning all red. Niall just told me he loved me.

How should I react? Am I ready?, I asked myself and connected our lips again for a second before I pulled back and kissed his cheek, then his ear. “I love you, too”, I whispered into his ear and felt his lips sucking my neck. I already felt my skin tingling and knew a hicky would be there.

He pulled away and smiled at me, his blue eyes sparkling at me. Now everyone knows you’re mine”, he said happily before he kissed me once more.

I still couldn’t believe he felt the same way I did. I never thought he would. He has always been my best friend, since we spent much time together. We shared a room, we know how it feels to live together, without Zayn. Nothing against Zayn but I miss the days we spent alone. Just me and Niall.

I heard someone entering and pulled away from Niall. The boys, also Gemma, Des and Anne, didn’t mind we were gay (Louis and Harry were, too but they were afraid to tell everyone) but how would you react if you saw two of your best friends making out. “Hey Louis”, Niall said and cleared his throat as he recognized how breathless he was.

“Hey, guys”, he said and smiled but I could see he was sad.

“How’s Harry?”, I asked and I could see Niall’s smile fading. We all were worrying much about Haz, he was just one of us and it wouldn’t be the same without him anymore. I couldn’t imagine how Louis felt. I didn’t want to imagine how much it’d hurt if this had happened to Niall... I gulped and I felt Niall’s hand on my back, he was drawing small circles with his thumb on my shoulder. Instantly I felt better.

“He’s okay, still a bit... confused.” He took a deep breath and looked at the floor. “Sorry to disturb you.”

He wasn’t Louis. Louis would’ve made jokes out of Niall and me, told us to get a room or whatever. But he apologized. Louis never apologized for something like that. He really was depressed. I went up to him to give him the best hug I could give and and whispered: “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.”

He nodded and I felt he was crying, again. He made himself guilty for what had happened to Harry. Harry was fine, just a little headache and... well, he had a sidecut now. He was pretty shocked about that but he was okay with it now. And we knew Lou, she would buy a wig for Harry. Or she would build one on her own, she was a great make-up – artist. I couldn’t imagine anyone else doing our make-up or clothes.

“It’s all my fault”, Louis said for the hundredth time and I looked into his teary blue eyes. “Why should it be your fault? Harry said it isn’t. He slippered when he wanted to take on his shoes.”

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