Chapter Nine

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Yeah, I really went to the toilet. What the hell happened to me?

I’ve never been the jealous guy. Why should this suddenly change? And I had not the right to be jealous. Eleanr had if I made Louis to tell me loved me at the end of our phone calls. I hadn’t forced him to tell me since then… Since he knew Eleanot. Did we have any phone calls in this three weeks after all? I would remember, wouldn’t I? If Louis would tell me he’d love me… I would remember.

I know, I shouldn’T feel this way about Louis. For three reasons. First: We were best friends. It would ruin everything. Our friendship could chenge, we could change. And it wasn’t only about the two of us. If something between Louis and me change it would effect Liam, Niall and Zayn, too. I don’t wanna ruin our band. We worked so hard to get where we are right now. I’m happy our fans didn’t stop n supporting us. I’d probably going to the University right now. And he’d be in Doncaster…

Anyways, second reason: He was boy and so was I. Okay, he was already ninteen, but he still was immature and a bit childish so he still was a boy to me. A thing I loved about him… Seriously, I need to stop thinking about Louis like this!

What leads me to reason number three, the most important: He was taken. To a girl. To a very pretty girl.

I couldn’t deny, she was perfet for him. As crazy and funny and Louis. She really was like him, only the opposite sex, like he said…

Before I had introduced them to each other I’ve known they’d fancy each other. It was kind of destined but… why did I do it? Now I’ve lost Louis.


“Yeah?“ I gulped as I heard Zayn’s worried voice. How long have I been in here?

“Did you drown in the toilet?“, he giggled.

I grumbled. Ayn really was deep and very intelligent but sometimes – in moments like this – he was just stupid. Well, he wasn’t Liam. But also Liam had his moments. Fine, I admit it, no-one of us was serious 24/7. But we were young. I opened the door and passed by Zayn.

Confused I saw Louis wasn’t here anymore. I looked at Zayn who has followed me. “Where’s-?“

“Louis? He’s gone. About to meet Eleanor and her parents. She told the, about two days ago and… I don’t know why but they’re in town and they want to meet him.“ He went to the fridge and took out a Red Bull. With a fast move he opened it. It made the typical sound every liquid with gas had and fast he took a sip. “Are you okay?“, he asked and narrowed his eyes.

I nodded. “It’s just… he didn’t say goodbye…“ I know, I acted like a child. I pouted and folded my arms over my chest. I even stomped with he foot on the ground.

I watched Zayn as he bit his lower lip, hiding a huge grin. “Harry, he did. You just didn’t reply from in there.“ With his chin he nodded towards the toilez and I blushed hard, dropping my arms. “He… he did?“

Zayn threw back his head and began to laugh hard. “Sorry, but you should see your face right now, Harry!“ He had spit out a bit of his Red Bull, tiny drops were on the counter between us.

I looked down to the ground in embarrassment. It shouldn’t be that obvios… The way I feel for Louis isn’t healthy.

I felt Zayn’s gaze at me and dared to rause my eyes. His brown eyes were staring at me. “Are you okay?“, he repeated.

I din’t know why he was so serious! Fast I nodded and looked away before he’d find something in my eyes I rather kept as a secret. A very secret secret, no-one was allowed to know.

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