Chapter Twenty

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“On my way to London :) x”

I laughed quietly and grabbed Zayn’s phone. He wasn’t looking at me so I decided to hack his twitter. “jk, I am sitting in a bath tub” Instantly it got more than one thousand retweets and favourites. “Forget what zayn tweeted, he is a bit sleepy”, I read out loud. Sent by @Harry_Styles

I turned around to find Zayn sitting there with my phone. “Stop tweeting from my account!”, I shouted and pointed at him angrily.

“If looks could kill”, he chuckled and tweetes something. “Harry, before you don’t give me back my phone I won’t give you yours.”

“Why do you have to be so stubborn?”, I asked and pouted. “I am a hurted Hazzabear...”

He chuckled again and tweeted something else.

“@Harry_Styles: Kiss me like you wanna be loved, wanna be loved”

“@Harry_Styles: @Louis_Tomlinson is so cute today. I just wanna kiss him.”

I gaped and looked at Zayn shocked. “What in the hell did you just do?!”, I shouted at him but he just shrugged. He pouched the phone into his pocket and my thumbs started typing.

“@zaynmalik: Maybe i should tell you guys... but i’m not sure.”

Zany looked at me in shock. “Now the fans wanna know what’s up! What am I supposed to tell them?”

“The truther for example?”, I suggested and threw his phone at him. He catched it and handed me mine I tweeted: “@Harry_Styles all the tweets me & zany just tweeted were for fun! We pranked each other. he had my phone, i had his so don't believe it!”

Zayn retweeted it and we both stopped tweeting, right after Zayn answered: “@zaynmalik: @Harry_Styles just for you to know , my name is Zayn, not zany.“ Niall sat next to Louis, Zayn and me were looking after Liam who had been falling asleep. We still had another hour to drive so I decided to call Eleanor and ask her how Danielle was.

“Hey, Eleanor”, I said as she took the phone. “It’s Harry.”

“Hi, Harry”, she replied with a cracking voice. “Where are you?”

“Still one hour to go”, I sighed. “How’s Danielle?”

I heard her gulping an breathing hard before she answered. “They don’t let me go into her room right now. They say I have to wait until either one of her family members is here or Liam. It’s killing me. Can I talk to Liam?”

“He’s asleep, he cried himself to sleep.”

For another second she went quite. “Why did he break up when it tears him apart that much?”

I smiled slightly. “He still loves her, just in another way. Like a sister.” I almost said the same about her and Louis but I didn’t because I knew it would break her heart. Knowing Louis loved her but not the same way.

“I see”, El sighed. “Please, hurry up. I really need to see Danielle, it’s killing me.”

“I’ll tell Louis to hurry. I love you, Eleanor”, I said.

“Love you, too, Styles”, she whispered before she declined. Now that I knew Louis didn’t love her I could tell her I loved her. But rather as a sister. She was a perfect girl and I wished her all the best with her next boyfriend. She deserved someone who treated her like she deserved it to. Like a princess.

“Did you just say ‘I love you’ to Eleanor Jane Calder?”, Zayn asked me confused. “I always thought you hated her.”

“I could never hate her. She hasn’t done anything to me. It’s not her fault that we...” I lowered my voice, “... both love Louis.”

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