Chapter Fiveteen

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Did I really just tell her the name started with an L? Oh no. Louis will find out if he doesn't already know.

"Come on, where do you know her from?", Emily asked me.

I didn't think about what to say, I just told the truth. "We met last year. We're really close friends now."

"Aww. Does she know how you feel about her?"

I gulped. She always said 'she'. I never said 'she'. But it was only logic she was assuming I fancied a girl. "I hope not. I have told the boys who it is." I didn't say he or she!

Zayn bursted out in laugh and patted his knees. He already started crying! "Are you okay?", Emily asked shyly and confused.

"I am perfectly fine", Zayn smiled and calmed down a bit.

"Is there also a girl you like, Zayn?", she asked cheekily.

I knew there was a girl. Amelia. He had told me about her. Too much. It wasn't annoying but it was quiet obvious he really liked her. He texted her twice but she hadn't texted back. "Not really", he lied but Emily seemed to believe it.

"What about you, Louis?"

I froze. What if... Wait, did they know he wasn't with Eleanor anymore? How? Confused I looked at Emily but her eyes were locked with Louis'. I felt a sting in my heart.

"There is someone I fancy", he said and blushed slightly. I gulped hard. He wasn't with Eleanor, fine. More than fine, great. But there was already another girl? Damn. "But I won't tell you. This person doesn't know yet and I wanna be the one who tells about my feelings."

I bit my lower lip. If he was talking about a girl that serious he really was in love. Desperatly.

I didn't pay attention as we left. I didn't even know if I had said good bye. Louis fancied someone and now he probably knew about my feeling towards him. What am I supposed to do now?

"You have never told me about that girl", he said and pouted.

I smiled in relief and blushed slightly. "You know that person very well", I said.

He lifted an eyebrow and laughed. "Do I?"

I nodded and turned to face Zayn. "Why did you lie to Emily? Why didn't you tell her about Amelia?"

He blushed and laughed. "Y'know, I can't tell about that. I think it should do it on my own and not through the media."

I nodded. I totally understood. But somehow Emily didn't let go off me. Probably it was because I was Harry. I had no idea why but all these girls liked me. It was stupid. Our fans, Directioners, liked all the five of us. But there were some who liked only one. Directioners called those Directionators. Sounds like "direction-haters". I smiled. What were I thinking about?

Louis held my hand again and I smiled at him. His eyes met mine and he blushed. I loved these blue eyes. I really could look at them 24/7.

His smile grew into a grin and so did mine. I wanted to lean in. Really bad. So badly... To touch his lips again. He drove me crazy. This kiss... I would never forget about it. Impossible. I knew, I loved him. This kiss was much too short. I needed another. He was keeping me alive but he was also killing me. How could I ever forget about it? It was all Zayn's fault. If he hadn't tried to get Louis to kiss me... I was mad. I needed another kiss!


It took me three seconds too long to take my eyes off Louis and look at Liam. "Yeah?"

"Niall, Zayn and me will go out later, Lou has another date with El."

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