Preference 23*Best compliment they gave you

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First of all I'd like to say how awesome it is with all of the interactions going on! Its awesome when you comment because then I now you actually, I hope, like it.

Also if you like musketeer x reader's, check out @Bk_writes because they have a similar book which is awesome.

Bennett: "I wish I met you sooner. Then we wouldn't be with these idiots."

He told you this when Naomi was trying to stop an argument between Declan and Jordan over what way the toilet paper goes. You couldn't help but blush because he wasn't normally like this around the gang so you didn't expect it. Or the kiss on the check to follow.

Jordan: "You make me a better person."

You had been walking hand in hand to the bridge where you met. You wanted to go see some of his street art along the way. However you came across a couple boys spraying over one of his. He started to confront them and when they laughed he reached for the knife in his boot. You stopped him and said 'no stabbing, theirs witnesses' he sighed. That's when he gave you the best compliment without realising it.

Declan: "As long as you're with me, I don't care where we go."

You were trying to find a place to eat before a movie. He just wouldn't answer so you had listed off a ton of places. After a while you started to get slightly, completely, annoyed. He then complemented you without looking up from his phone. When he did he laughed at how red you had gone. He kissed your forehead before he got up to put his coat on so you could finally leave.

Naomi: "I feel safe with you."

You and Naomi where lying in bed chatting. You were cuddled up, you holding her, while she played with your hair. You asked her if she was scared being part of the gang. When she said it you felt proud. Even though you didn't know if you could, it made you feel amazing to know that she felt safe with you. I mean, yeah you know how to use a gun (Bennett's idea) and kind of fight (Declan and Jordan's idea) but you'd never felt so needed. You kissed her on top of her head and continued your conversation, happier than ever before.

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