Getting Your Exam Results

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A/N: So I got my SQA results yesterday, which is why I didn't post, and I wanted to write something for all the other sufferers and all the future sufferers. So sorry its late. Also, fuck the SQA.

(Y/F/S) = your favourite subject


"Results day," you murmured, coffee clutched in one hand while you faced timed Bennett. "I'm so not ready for this."

"I'm sure you've done great babe." He tried to reassure you. "Your letter not there yet?"

"No. yours?"

He shrugged "Dunno. I only woke up 10 minutes ago."

"And you've not checked!" You gripped the cup tighter.

Bennett flopped down onto his bed "Nope. It doesn't really matter what I get."

"Cause your rich," you roll your eyes.

"No. because I work in the restaurant. He said once I was outta school I could be full time if I wanted."

"Yeah, well I'm pretty sure I can't do that. Kinda need a degree for my dream job."

Before he could reply your mum's voice rang through your house "(Y/N)! POST!"

You didn't even hang up, just dropped your phone on the couch, before racing over to your mum, snatching the envelope.

Going to tear it open, you paused. This was too much. "I don't think I can do this." You told your mum.

"Just open the letter!" you heard from the couch. Your mum walked over and grabbed your phone, seeing Bennett "Hi Mrs (Y/L/N)"

"Hi, Bennett." She smiled. This time she turned to you "Just open it, sweetie." Your mum held the phone up so Bennett could see your reaction.

Opening the letter, you began rifling through the pages trying to find the one with the results. A bit of paper for a helpline fell out. How fitting.

Your eyes skimmed the page. The rest of the pages slipped from your grip, spilling over the floor. "I've passed," you muttered. "I passed!" This time you were jumping up and down, shoving the paper in your mum's face.

"Told you so!" Bennett said with a smirk.

"Go check if you've got yours," you told him.

He chuckled "Did you forget? I signed up for the email. I passed too."


You weren't Naomi level genius but smart enough. You hoped. However, your letter made you question it a little.

The gang decided to meet up for lunch to share results. "So, what about you?" Jordan turned to you, doing a slight drum roll on the table.

"Well. um. Okay, I guess. A's and B's but...I failed maths." Your faced dropped "I have to redo it. Again."

"Oh babe," Jordan put an arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer "It'll be fine. You'll kick maths ass this year. Plus you've got us as a tutor."

"How did you do better than me in maths?" You asked, flinging your hands up.

"Oh, I didn't. I cheated. Quite easy really." He shrugged like it was no big deal.

Declan and Bennett weren't surprised, but Naomi's eyes were popping out her skull. "You what?! Why didn't you study or-or pay attention in class or accepted defeat?!"

You butted in "The real question is why did you only cheat a B?"

"Didn't want them to be suspicious."


Declan opened his front door to see you standing there, shopping bag in hand. "I wanna forget how to breathe," you told him, pushing past and walking to his room.

He closed the door, jogging to catch up "That bad?"

"Yup." You flopped on his bed. you dumped your shopping bag out on his bed "Bad enough to resort to this," the bed was covered in comfort food ranging from chocolate to a tub of ice cream. "Can you get a spoon?" you asked, taking the lid off the tub.

Declan brought you back the spoon and a sad smile. "Here babe." You took the spoon, muttering a pathetic 'thanks'. "Do I wanna know what you got?" he rubbed your back.

"Mostly D's. and don't make a joke."

"Did you pass anything?"

"Got a B in (Y/F/S)"

"That's something." He grinned "I'm sure you'll do better next year." You didn't respond. "Give me a minute."

Declan ducked out the room and you didn't really care. You wrapped his blanket around you, smelling his scent, and eating more ice cream, wishing you'd got sprinkles.

He walked back in after a couple minutes, shoving his phone in his pocket "Okay so I told Bennett and he said I can take you for retail therapy. How does a $300 shopping spree sound?"

As you were leaving his house you asked "What did you get? I forgot to ask,"

"You...don't wanna know," he told you, putting a hand on your back to get you out quicker.

"I'm not gonna freak out-"

"6 A's and a B."



Everyone knew Naomi was going to do fine, great even. Everyone was pretty confident in you as well. not only were you smart, to begin with, but Naomi had rubbed off on you. Opening yours and Jordan's results was comical to you "I bet you in English, in Maths, oh look Biology as well-"

"C'mon (Y/N). Be a little nice." Your mum told you.

Jordan sulked on the couch. Once he found out he was doing 4 of his exams with you it turned into a competition. "Yeah well I bet you in PE," he said that in a 'take that' voice.

"Oh, I'm so proud. Aren't you just mother. He could be a gym rat." You deadpanned before smirking.

Your mum smacked the back of your head, sitting leftover takeaway in front of you for breakfast. Sometimes you're glad she couldn't cook "Jordan's not an idiot. My boy got A's and B's." She hugged his head, sitting his pizza in front of him "3 A's, 4 B's, right?" He nodded.

"Cute" you smirked "I got 5 A's. but 3, that's nice as well."

Later when Naomi phoned to tell you hers you tormented Jordan a bit more. But everyone expected Naomi to be a straight-A student.

Next year Jordan actually studied in an effort to beat you.

When she hears the news the cup drops to the ground shatters, but it doesn't matters, cause that cups just became her heart,

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