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A/N: Look! A post! On time! And it's a part two!? Who am I?

Also there will be some questions at the end about this book so please answer so I know what you want. Thanks :)

Flowers. Declan. The Declan bought me flowers? Is the world ending? It might just be.

Sitting down the note, I walk out my room and into the empty hallway. I jog to the top of the stairs and as I do, I hear the door slam shut and lock. Glancing down, I see no one there. I'd missed him.

Still confused I went back to my room and sat on my bed, picking up the flowers. I'm not a flowers type of person or a Declan type of person but a faint smile tugged at my lips. No one had bought me flowers before.

How petty is Declan? I wondered before smelling the flowers. They smell like flowers. This doesn't seem right. I grabbed my phone, all thoughts of studying gone, and my fingers hovered over Naomi's contact before I swiped up to Jordan's and pressed call. I love Naomi but I have a feeling she wouldn't know what to do either.

For someone who was on their phone constantly, Jordan took forever to pick up. "Sup?" He said.

Holding back a petty response I blurted out, "I have a problem,"

"What?" Jordan sounded serious for once which is a change.

"Declan...he got me flowers..." I said, my voice trailing off as I picked them up. When Jordan didn't reply I said "Jordan?"

"Are you sure there from Declan?"

"That's what the note said," I grabbed the note, "We need to talk, from Declan,"

"Like our Declan? Like the tall one? In our gang?"

"Yes, that Declan!" I said, "Unless some random Declan I don't know broke into the base and left me flowers!"

"Let's not rule that out," Jordan said, and I sighed, "Look I know you don't like him, but it sounds like a peace offering,"

"But why flowers?"

"What's so bad about flowers?"

"Flowers are romantic and shit. Declan's, well, Declan," I stood up and started to pace, "Surely he'd just leave a note?"

"Normally Bennetts the mysterious one," Jordan muttered but I still heard, "Look I don't know why he got you flowers. Maybe talk to him?"

"But..." my voice trailed off, realising how stupid I would sound.

"But what? What could be so bad about flowers?"

"What if he," I paused, my voice lower, "Likes me?" my nose scrunched up.

"Would that be so bad?" Jordan said.

"We are talking about the same Declan here aren't we?" I snapped, "Declan who hates me, Declan who loathes my existent, Declan who can't even look at me during a conversation? That Declan,"

"Declan doesn't hate you," Jordan sighed. "He's a," He paused, "confusing guy? He doesn't do the whole touchy feeling thing. Plus, he's sooooo awkward,"

"Declan? Awkward?" I laughed, "How can someone like that be awkward?"

"Trust me, I've known him for way too long, but I know. Sure, he's scary and all but he gets nervous all the time. That's why he's so snappy,"

"Then I must make him really nervous," I rolled my eyes.

Jordan didn't say anything for a couple moments, "What if he did like you?" he asked. I went to say something smart, but he cut me off, "Like for real? If Declan said he had a crush on you what would you do?"

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