First Kiss

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As much as I like Bennett the boy is clueless. we'd been on a few unofficial dates and I knew he liked me. the thing about Bennett is that he isn't great with emotions and feelings, so I didn't want to rush in and scare him.

During lunch, we'd normally sit at a table in the cafeteria that everyone avoided because we sat at it, but he'd texted me saying we were going out for lunch. When I got to his car it was just us. "Are we waiting for anyone?" I asked, getting into the front.

His cheeks tinged pink, "Uh no. I figured we could use a break from Jordan. You know how he is," he rushed out.

Smiling at him, I nodded, "Cool. I like it being just us," he gave me a dopey grin before starting to drive.

Despite how much I loved spending time with Bennett lunch had an end time. I sighed when I saw the time, "We need to go soon," I told him. He nodded and called the waiter over for the cheque, "How much is it?" I asked, fishing out my money.

"I'm paying," Bennett said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He sat his card down on the cheque, wrote down the waiter's tip, and signed it before I could stop him. The waiter came and took the cheque and Bennett saw my annoyed look. "What?"

"You don't always have to pay," I told him, putting my money away.

Bennett rolled his eyes, "I know I don't have to. I want to,"

The waiter returned his card and we got up to leave, "You really should let me pay you back," I told him. "It makes me feel weird when you always pay,"

"Sorry," he said, "but it really doesn't matter. It's not like me or my family need the money. If I didn't spend it my dad would on some fancy suit or buy Bentley a new car. Plus, you deserve it and I don't want your money," Bennett said, opening the car door for me.

I stood outside the car, folding my arms, "Okay maybe not money but I will pay you back somehow,"

Bennett smirked, "How? Are you going to be my maid or something?"

He's almost laughable. I chuckle a little and step closer. Normally if I get in his personal space he'll step back, cheeks red. This time he just stood there, pink checks. I was forced to look at him, but the view was worth it. one more step and we'd be touching. We stood there and the atmosphere was quiet. I just kept staring into his eyes. "I've got an idea," I mumbled.

"What?" he said softly. This time I took a half step closer, almost touching his lips. He hesitated, swallowed, and leaned down, almost kissing me. he blinked a few times, pulling back slightly. I just stood there, glancing at his lips. He took a breath and closed the gap.

It was only for a second or so and featherlike. His breath fanned over my face and drove me insane. This time I closed the gap, hands snaking up to his shoulders. Bennett finally got the hint as he pulled me closer by the waist.

Before we could properly enjoy it we heard an old lady scoff and I pulled back, arms still dangling over his shoulders. "Teenagers these days," she sneered, walking off.

I took a couple steps back and couldn't help but laugh. Bennett joined in. a few seconds of laughter turned to silence as he looked into my eyes, "Looks like you've paid me back,"


Jordan had a hard time getting me to go on a date with him. Sure, he was hot and for some reason, I did fancy him, but I knew him. Jordan was experienced, to say the least, and was flirty by nature, so I never knew if he was serious.

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