Declan*Bad Kid

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(Y/N) wasn't stuck up, they were just better than people. Not for some stupid reason like family wealth or the shoes they wore but because they got good grades. Like really good grades. Plus, you could tell they would be really pretty if they wanted to. Or at least Declan thought so.

Sitting in the back of English Declan sat, tapping his pencil waiting for the bell, and glancing at (Y/N). Instead of rushing to pack up 5 minutes before the bell they sat putting everything back in place while his bag was filled with scrunched papers and rubbish.

Even the teacher wanted to run out the door so had their coat on and was ushering people to get ready. (Y/N) stood with the rest of the class, including Declan, swinging their bag onto their shoulder. As they were doing so (Y/N) saw Declan looking so gave a small wave.

Declan nodded but frowned a little when (Y/N)'s friends discouraged the interaction. Declan rolled his eyes. sure, he was a big guy and worked out and was in a gang and owned a few guns and I suppose there was that one time...never mind.

The bell went and they spilled into the corridor, (Y/N) being swallowed by the crowd. Declan was grumpier than usual, knowing there was no chance of anything happening. It'd to cliché, the good loving the bad. And Declan didn't do clichés. Besides they'd get into Harvard and his friends were convinced he'd get into jail. Thanks, Jordan.

Declan dropped his bag without a car and plopped down onto the cafeteria chair. Naomi looked up from her book, being the only one at the table yet, giving him a look. "You okay?"

He sighed, crossing his arms "How do your smart people do it?"

"Well let me tell you-" Jordan started, swinging his arm around Declan's shoulder as he sat down.

"Not you Jordan," Declan cut him off. Jordan held a hand to his heart in mock offense "And don't even start."

"Someone's not in a good mood," Jordan said. The last musketeer finally joined them, sitting with the chair weirdly far back from the table "Thought it was normally you," he nodded at Bennett who lifted an eyebrow, "Someone's grumpy"

"What happened?" Bennett asked. Declan went to shrug but kept talking "We all know Ms. Rowling could not give less of a crap, yore class is scared of you and don't piss you off, and Jordan's only been here like 30 seconds. So, something happened,"

Declan huffed "Quit being reasonable. It's irritating," now the whole group looks concerned. Well, interested in gossip in Jordan's case, "You ever realize someone's better than you?"

Jordan threw his hands in the air, "Your mopping over (Y/N)? Really?"

"What-no-why?" Declan spluttered out, "Watts wrong with you?"

"Dude, it's obvious," Jordan shrugged, "Pretty, smart, and nice. Course you like (Y/N). plus, you always stare,"

"No, I don't,"

"You kinda do," Naomi mutters.

Declan sighed, taking his head in his hands, "I hate all of you," he shook his hair, "And I do not stare,"

"Whatever you say lover boy," Jordan snickered.

During French, Declan was beyond confused. He'd missed last class after being out on a class trip and apparently, they'd learned about tenses. Whatever that is. "Can I see the notes?" He whispered to Bennett.

Bennett dropped the jotter on his desk. "Sorry about the writing," He was right. Declan grimaced at the chicken scratch presented, wishing for once to have Jordan in his class. For some reason, he had the girlish, pretty, neat writing in that confused head.

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