How Bennett asked you out

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He didn't technically ask you out. Well kind of. The guys were teasing him, saying he was like a lost puppy following you. He was getting mad since they always annoyed him about you. He eventually snapped when Jordan said "You'll never get the guys to ask her out. You'll die an old cat man."

"That would only work if I hadn't already asked (Y/N) out." Jordan and Declan stopped walking for a second, looking at each other before jogging to catch up with him.

"No way."

Declan added, "You would've told us."

"Told you what?" Naomi asked as you and her met up with the boys. Jordan jumped at the new voice and Bennetts' ears tinged red.

"That Bennett finally asked (Y/N) out," Declan said causing Naomi to spin and face you. You looked at Bennett who wouldn't meet your eyes.

"He did." You said slowly.

"And?" Jordan dragged out his words looking hopeful?

"I said yes?" It came out as more of a question. Bennett looked somewhere between horrified and confused. Jordan, Declan and Naomi looked unconvinced. "Yeah, he asked me to the movies tomorrow." You wanted to dig him out whatever hole he was in.

"What you going to see?" Jordan crossed his arms.

"(Y/F/M)." You and Jordan looked as though you were about to have a face-off with how intensely you stared at each other.

"Then what?"



"Bennetts cooking something at his place."

Jordan raised an eyebrow. "Then what?"

"We eat, you perv!" After a moment he nodded his head with a proud look on his face.

"The emo's finally got together. Nice." You all began heading to Bennetts car. Naomi shot you a questioning look so you ended up texting her through out the drive to the base.

When you got to the base Bennett pulled you aside into the kitchen. "Thanks for saving my butt but you don't have to if you don't want to." He mumbled with pink cheeks and eyes that looked everywhere but at you.

"I want to. Why do you think I could answer so easily? Its what I want to do."

"So... What times the movie?" You grinned at his bashful smile. Although it was a strange way to get asked out you'd have it no other way. Well, maybe Bennett wanted it a different way, especially when Jordan found out and mocked him. Until you hit him around the head to shut him up, of course.

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