Break Up PT2

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Sexy secrets are fun. Hiding in empty classrooms, sneaking out at night, covering any marks. It was the start of the relationship that was perfect. It was safer for people not to know you were an 'item'. Literally. But that's to be expected when you get involved with a gang member.

Normally his gang affiliation didn't even come up. His tattoo wasn't on show and the gang was relatively unknown. Some places were off limits. We didn't go into the lost boy's area, neverland as we dubbed it.

It wasn't that annoying but when Declan started setting up boundaries where I can and can't go it got worse. My favourite hairdressers were in neverland. Declan used to let it slide but with a building rivalry he got strict. For my safety.

The boys also all said I should learn self-defence. I had no issue with this till guns were brought up. "I am not carrying a gun," I put my foot down.

"Its only for protection," Declan argued.

My eyebrows shot up, "No. it's a gun. It's for killing people,"

"And you don't think the lost boys have them? There not going to stick to a moral code," Declan tried to reassure me and hand me the gun.

I folded my arms. "They don't even know were together,"

"You never know," he insisted so I left. I went straight home.

Not a great decision. My parents had found out I was seeing someone and always wanted to know more. What's his name? who is he? Do I know him? What does he do? Does he have a job? Is he good for you? It was relentless. It's not like I can turn around and say I'm dating a gang member.

Whenever we went out it was secretive and not affectionate in the slightest. He wouldn't look at me for long if at all. Hand holding was off the table. But it was so touchy feeling in private, as if we were official.

But I had enough. "We need to talk,"

"Okay. Shoot," he said, pausing call of duty.

I took a deep breath, "I can't do this," he went to speak but I continued, "Let me finish. I can't live two lives. I'm constantly keeping up a lie to my parents about you, at school you won't look at me, and god forbid I go to the hair dressers. Then we get here, and you act like everything is perfect. Its too much," he sat in silence, "Your turn,"

He looked down for a minute, "Look, I get it. I want to hug and kiss you in public, I want to meet your parents, I want people to know your mind, but it isn't safe. The lost boys-"

"That's it! it always comes back to this stupid gang shit!" I'd had enough, "It's not safe because you're in a gang. A gang with guns, and threats, and territories, and tattoos, and news stories and it's not right!"

"Well it's a bit late now," he said sarcastically, "And it's not like I didn't tell you,"

"You didn't tell me till I was 'too involved' and 'had to know'"

"The less you knew the safer you were,"

"Can you stop worrying about my safety! Its tiring to think theirs a target on my back," I crossed my arms, hugging myself, "I want to be a normal couple,"

"Its not safe," he tried again. "I'm sorry,"

"then break up with me," I whispered.

"What?" he came closer.

"Break up with me," I finally met his eyes, "I'd be safer that way."

"But I love you,"

"But you can't have it both ways,"

It was silent apart from the soft noise of the fan on his Xbox. "Okay," he broke the silence but that was all he said. He looked down.

I took a deep breath before grabbing my stuff and walking to the door, "I'll tell the guys," he said, and I nodded, "We'll slowly stop talking to you, so no one's gets suspicious at school," I nodded. "Get home safe-" He started but was cut off by my silence and the door shutting behind me.


It was different back then. At the start it was blushing, cute notes, and nothing but support. If I was struggling she did her best to help. But not known.

"Hey how did you do question 6?" I ask breaking the silence that had been hung over us since we sat down.

I heard her sigh, "Give me a minute," she continued writing then stopped, "What?"

"Doesn't matter," I mumble and continue.

She sighed and got up and looked at my paper, "You've already done it," she scoffed.

"I know," I said trying not to yell in the library, "But I wanted to know how you did it,"

Naomi rolled her eyes and sat back down, "The same," was all she said.

I just look at her for a few seconds before packing up my books, "I'm done,"

"No, you're not. You've got the other page to do," she doesn't look at me.

Putting my bag on my shoulder, I sigh, "I meant with us." She stopped writing but didn't look up. "We're over,"

"We're not even going to talk about this?" she looked up.

I rolled my eyes "You don't talk," it came out harsh, but it was true. "I'm always the one talking. You used to care. But you don't anymore." She said nothing, "thought you wanted to talk?"

"That's not fair," she said.

"What's not fair is being stuck in a relationship with someone who doesn't love you. Say it,"


"Tell me you love me, and we can talk," I crossed my arms.

Naomi looked down for a couple moments. I began to walk away, "I love you,"

I screwed my eyes shut, "No. no you don't. that is why were done. Face it, we've changed. We've outgrown this relationship. Its not worth the pain,"

"Your right," she said, snapping something in my heart, "but I hope we can be on good terms?"

I paused and thought, "Yeah. See you later, friend," the word stuck on my tongue and tasted foul. But all I could do was walk away.

And walk.

And walk.

I kept walking till I was out the library, up the street and far away. then I started to cry. Silently. 2 years. Over. All because she couldn't mean it. all because she didn't even try.

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