Jordan*At Least

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"At least tell me what I did wrong," Jordan begged as I sat on his bed flipping through my English textbook and not even looking at him. I heard him sigh but I did my best to keep my eyes fixated on the pages, "How am I meant to say sorry when I don't know what I did wrong?" He asked.

"It's nothing Jordan," I mumbled.

He rolled his eyes, "If its nothing then why are you ignoring me?"

I slammed my book down "I'm not ignoring you," I said with the largest fake smile I could muster, "See I'm paying attention. Because I obviously don't have a life outside this relationship,"

"Where the hell is that coming from?!"

"Its-!" I sigh and try to calm myself and lower my voice, "Jordan I'm mad because I'm putting way more effort in than you are. You expect me to drop everything just to hang out with you,"

"No, I don't- "

"Last Tuesday." I cut him off, "I had a big project due the next day and you keep phoning and phoning and phoning then text me about an emergency at the base. When I rush over, afraid the cops have raided the place and found out about the gang, I find out the emergency is about your stupid fight with the guys over what ice cream flavour is best! And when I got mad you told me 'chill out'."

"That was one time- "

"I asked you to mail my job application on your way home since you pass a mailbox, and all you'd have to do is drop it in, and you 'forgot' and went to get milkshakes with the guys. That was 3 weeks ago. And do you know how I know you didn't do it?" I asked as I stood from his bed and walked over to his desk, "Its right here!" I picked up the envelope, "And you never even told me."

Jordan's head dropped, "Sorry. I-I forgot but I am trying," he insisted.

I scoffed, "No., not you're not,"

"That's not fair," Jordan said, standing up and moving to stand I front of me, "Sure I mess up occasionally, but I always do my best,"

My head dropped, this was getting no were, "Trying?" I asked, not able to look at him, "My birthdays tomorrow and when I told you my family was taking me out to dinner you told me you couldn't make it because you were going to tag some building," I didn't raise my voice, I just looked at the ground. The silence made me look up, Jordan had a blank expression, "A real boyfriend, one who cared, would come to my birthday,"

I walked out of the room, not even bothering to grab my English stuff. His mum saw me as I was leaving, "Is everything all right?" she asked, holding back a cringe.

"Ask Jordan," I said as I walked out.

You're meant to be happy when you wake up on your birthday, but the air seemed to suffocate me. Did I even still have a boyfriend? I tried to put it out my mind as I 'celebrated'. Both my parents were working so id originally planned on hanging out with the gang. I texted Naomi saying I couldn't make it and made up a lie the yd taken the day off.

I stayed in bed watching stupid videos and playing games on my laptop until it was time to start getting ready. We were going out for dinner at a small diner nearby with my family. It was just meant to be lowkey and nothing fancy, so I grabbed some skinny jeans and a semi-cute tee. As I was about to leave, I went to grab a flannel and realised they were all one's id stole from Jordan.

My parents assumed I'd still went to see the gang, they assumed it was a cute nickname, and I let them assume it. As we sat down, we made normal conversation and I almost felt at peace. Well till all the oxygen seemed to be sucked out my lungs when Jordan walked in. 

He was in his usual clothes, but I couldn't help but notice the lack of creases. Did he iron them? Did he own an iron? His hair was all spruced up and he had a gift bag in his hand. He sat down at the empty seat at the table, "Sorry I'm late," He put his hand out for my dad to shake and I noticed the paint still stuck on his skin, "I'm Jordan,"

Jordan was all smiles and jokes, as usual, despite this being the first time he'd met my family. He was so nice in fact I almost forgot we were fighting. As we were walking out, he asked, "Is it alright if I take (Y/N) off your hands for a while?"

My parents shared a look, "I suppose so. But home by 9 sharps, got it?"

Jordan grinned, "Not a second late," he threw his arm over my shoulder, "Coming?"

I followed along until my parents had driven away. I stepped back, his arm dropping, "Made time, did you?"

Jordan's smile fell, "I'm sorry. I was thinking about yesterday and well I am really sorry. But I want to show you something,"

Despite my better judgment, I followed him. As usual with Jordan, it took a long, weird time with short cuts and jumping fences, but then he finally slowed down as we turned a corner. On the side of the building was me, in black and grey, holding a cupcake with a candle in it. "Happy birthday,"

"Wow," I couldn't help it.

"Just don't touch it, the paint might still be wet." He said, moving to stand next to me. My eyes scanned the image then looked at the ground in front of it. There was a backpack and some spray paint can. Jordan scratched the back of his neck, "Yeah I kinda had to rush," he moved to pick up the cans and shove them in his bag.

"It's amazing Jordan," I said. He looked up from where he was crouched, shoving cans back into his bag, "I'm sorry,"

"Don't be," he said as he stood, swinging his bag on, "You were right. I need to try harder and I will,"

I took a step closer, my hands snaking up his chest, "I love you. You just need to be yourself Jordan,"

His hands went to my waist as a smirk fell on his face, "Well I am pretty good at that," Just as he was leaning down to kiss me someone yelled. Jordan pulled back and looked past me, "Run," he said. I went to look behind me, "Don't look just run!"

And I did. As we ran, I heard the guy yell again and I had to glance. "A cop!?" I yelled at Jordan as we ran.

He gave me a sorry smile "What happened to me love you?" he asked as we turned a corner, running faster.

"It got fucking arrested!"

A/N: Tomorrow's my birthday, whoa!!!! Gonna celebrate...home...alone....since my parents are working my friends are on holiday and my brother is going to the cinema...and didn't invite me. Whoa!!!!

Can't wait to be 17 and alone tomorrow! It honestly sounds more angsty than it is. I'll probably just be playing my DS all day till someone gets home at like 4-ish. There are worse ways to celebrate. Who needs friends when you've got a DS and the internet?

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