Bennett*Blind Date

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My dating life was practically nonexistence. I'd been on a couple dates, flirted with a few people, and might have had a kiss or two. I wasn't too focused on it because I have other priorities. But I couldn't help but notice nothing had happened for a while.

When the musketeers came to our school I'd been talking to this guy. He was cute, smart, and only kind of an asshole but around the same time, I became friends with Declan he stopped messaging me. Declan had been moved into my music class when he joined our school. Mr. Hood put him in my group. I was the only one 'brave enough' to talk to him in my group.

Declan and I became friends which lead to me being friends with the musketeers then eventually Naomi. Naomi was actually really nice, they all were. Sure, Jordan needed a mute button and Naomi sounded kind of pompous sometimes, but it was all fine.

Bennett was a bit weird at first. He barely talks, looks kinda emo, and one time when we were all at, he mall he dragged us into a shop to look at knives. Luckily, I found out he was a cook, not a crook. Kind of.

I found out about the musketeers by accident. The whole group of us were supposed to meet at Bennetts at around 12. Declan and I arrived at the same time and Declan used to spare key to get in. while he went to raid the fridge, he told me to tell Bennett we were here. Queue me walking into the hallway at the same time as a shirtless Bennett.

If they wanted to hide the gang, they really shouldn't of all gotten tattoos about it. Soon I questioned them, got told the truth, and the base became a regular hang out spot.

But I still had other friends. When my friend Casey invited me to a party, she said how her parents put a guest limit on it. She said I could bring a plus when. I normally could find someone to go with, or at least I used to. It had been weeks, months even since I had even messaged a guy. I wasn't exactly popular, but I was completely out of the game.

This was the type of conversation I didn't have with the musketeers. Naomi doesn't do guy talk, Jordan's a flirt, Declan's an idiot about this stuff, and Bennett doesn't talk about much.

As I sat I the base I was texting Casey my dilemma. She suggested a couple guys, but I said I'd already messaged them, and they'd ghosted me. My phone kept pinging. "Someone's popular," Declan muttered as he and Jordan played Black Ops.

"Sorry, it's just Casey," I mumbled as I watched the text I'd sent still pending, "You'd think a secret base would have a better signal,"

"Bennett put the booster in the kitchen," Declan said, eyes glued to his video game.

I sighed and forced myself up. I barely had a bar, so anything helps. Knocking on the door, my eyes were still on my phone, "You knocked?"

Looking up I almost jumped as Bennett had been silent opening the door. "Yeah, I know kitchens your domain, but can I come in? Declan said signals better in here," He nodded and let me in. the kitchen smelt heavenly, "Please tell me your sharing whatever you're making,"

"Yeah sure. How come you knocked?" He asked. I shrugged as I looked for signal, "Nobody ever knocks,"

"I didn't want to piss off the guy with the knives. Didn't want you to be...stabby," I said, hopping onto the counter, "How does this room have full strength?"

Bennett went back to cooking as my fingers jumped to type back to Casey. The silence was fine for me, but Bennett said, "Who you are texting?"

"Casey," I said. It went quiet again. When I looked up, he was hunched over cooking and the back of his neck was pink. You could feel his awkwardness, "Just a bit of guy drama. Nothing important but she gets all thingy if I don't text back,"

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