I Love You PT2

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Beautiful piano notes mingled perfectly through the air, dancing in the ears of passers-by and creating an enchanting musical world. Well till MMMMMMMMM. "Damn it," Declan cursed as he pressed on the wrong note too hard ruining the music he'd played.

"Take your time," Mr Hood assured the boy from his desk where he tried to mark papers but used Declan's playing as an excuse not to. "You're doing well," He stood from his desk and walked over the the piano to watch over Declan.

"I just can't get it! it meant to be perfect but every time I go to play C I play G and it messes up everything. I give up" Declan said, standing from the piano.

Declan tried to stand but Mr Hood put his hand on his shoulder, stopping him. Declan sat with a groan, "You asked for my help to write a song. I'm trying to help. But you need to stick it out and practise,"

The teenager sighed, randomly pressing keys, "How am I meant to finish this on time? (Y/N) will be here in like 10 minutes," Mr Hood shrugged, sitting back down at his desk, "Are you ever gonna tell us the name of your band?"

"Never" He answered instantly, "Now play,"

Declan had no sooner started playing before the door opened. "Sorry I'm early. Is it alright if I sit in?"

(Y/N) looked at Mr Hood, Mr Hood looked at Declan, Declan looked at Mr Hood. Crap. Declan had been trying to finish writing a song for (Y/N). it was a bit of a struggle. Declan told (Y/N) he was working on his assignment with Mr Hood so not to come till half way through lunch. But for once (Y/N) was early.

"Um," Declan tried to answer but words just wouldn't form. He wasn't the most talkative at the best of times.

Mr Hood cleared his throat and stood up, "I need to nip to the...sound studio and check on the volumizers," He grinned at his lie, "so Declan show (Y/N) what you've been doing,"

"Huh?" Declan asked, face beginning to redden. "Why?"

"Its good to get new perspectives." Was all he said before hurrying into the sound studio attached to the classroom.

(Y/N) grinned and dropped their bag, grabbing a chair and bringing it over to sit by Declan at the piano. Declan rubbed the back of his neck, feeling the icy sweat making him look more suspicious. "Well, on you go Mozart,"

Declan cleared his throat despite only using his hands. His fingers hovered over the keys for a moment before he took a breath and pressed the first note. It took a few notes for him to feel comfortable and the music began flowing again.

(Y/N) smiled as she watched her boyfriend play. His eyes were mostly closed, fingers moving expertly, and they're was a look of pure realization on his face. It didn't even faze Declan when he reached the note that kept tripping him up.

Declan got to the end of the song and his hands lingered on the keys. He hadn't fully realised he'd finished, perfectly, until he heard (Y/N) clapping. "You're gonna get an A on the assignment,"

"I wrote it," Declan blurted out, face red. God why was he such a teenage boy, "For you, I mean,"

(Y/N) looked down, blush on their cheeks. Declan couldn't help but look at the door to the studio and pray to every god and a few superheroes that Mr Hood would walk out, and he could run. "I love you,"

Declan looked up to see a massive smile on (Y/N)'s gave, and Declan couldn't help the smile that tugged on his lips. "Really?"

"Yeah, really,"

Wrong moment. Mr Hood walked out, "Well that's the volume um sorted. Now have you..." Declan nodded to the teacher, he grinned and clapped his hands, "Great now get out." The two shared a look, "Last time I left you to use my room you violated it. out. I wanna go for lunch,"

The lovebirds stood, Declan grabbing his and (Y/N)'s bag. Mr Hood followed behind, ushering them out and locking the door behind him. "See you two later," He told them, rushing off to enjoy the rest of his lunch.

As they walked down the corridors Declan remembered, "I love you two," (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, "I didn't get a chance to say it back,"

"The song spoke for itself,"


"Bop, bop, bo-"

"I'm going to kill you!" Naomi yelled, turning to face (Y/N). (Y/N) grinned but said nothing. For the past 10 minutes Naomi had been reading a book in her room at the base. For the past 10 minutes (Y/N) had been incredibly bored in the base.

(Y/N) being the mature loving partner they are decided to annoy their girlfriend because no one lese was in. so while Naomi sat, peacefully emerged in a book, (Y/N) tried to get her attention. She'd groan up in public school so (Y/N) repeatedly saying her name didn't work so (Y/N) resorted to poking her shoulder over and over again.

Naomi glared at the grinning child beside her. Why didn't the guys take them to the movies? Naomi mentally complained. "Can you not?"

"Can you not?"

"Real mature," Naomi rolled her eyes.

"Real mature,"

"Quit it" Naomi closed her book.

"Quit it!" (Y/N)'s reactions were more dramatic than Naomi agreed with.

"Just stop it,"

"Just stop it,"

"Quit copying me!"

"Quit copying me first!" (Y/N) was grinning and Naomi was on the verge of screaming.

Naomi took a few deep breaths, "If you don't stop, I will call your mother,"

(Y/N) blinked once, twice, then "If you don't stop-"

"Oh, I hate you!" Naomi groaned loudly, flinging herself back onto her bed.

(Y/N) flopped down next to her, "Oh I love you,"

Naomi narrowed her eyes, "Hate,"

"You love me," (Y/N) said, rolling onto their back, not fazed.

"I hate you," Naomi corrected.

"Love," (Y/N) sat up.

"Hate," Naomi fought her own grin.

(Y/N) face was twisted in anger, "You love me,"

"I hate you," Naomi's face faltered, and a slight smile peaked out.

(Y/N) tackled Naomi down, Naomi fighting back laughing. (Y/N) managed to pin Naomi down, holding her wrists, "Say you love me,"

Naomi smiled, "Fine. I love you,"

"I love you two," The two smiled, looking into each other's eyes, "But you're still getting tickled,"

"No, no, no-Bahahaha," Naomi writhed around in laughter, begging (Y/N) to stop.

Eventually (Y/N) showed mercy and sat up, still sitting on her but holding her weight off Naomi. "Am I more interesting than a book?"

"Yes, much,"

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