Bennett*I Still Don't Even Know

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It wasn't that you didn't want to tell the gang its that you knew their reaction. Naomi wouldn't really mind or care, Declan and Jordan, however, would pry like hell and poke fun at you both. Specifically him.

this confined your cuddle sessions to the secret sanctuary of Bennetts own home. It also allowed you to take advantage of his clean house, nice furniture, and a perfect bath. You didn't date him for money but you had to admit the perks were nice.

Cuddled on Bennett's bed, him tracing shapes on your back as you talked about nothing, you heard a bell ring. Bennett held a finger to his lip, "Shh" he whispered, a smile on his face, "Maybe they'll go away,"

"Who is it?" You whisper back despite there being no way of being heard.

Bennett shrugged. "Parcel or something. who cares?" Bennett lent in for a kiss so you really didn't care. until


Bennett sprang out the bed, grabbing his gun. You scrambled back a little but Bennett motioned for you to go under the bed. You knew you shouldn't fight since he had the gun and who knows who broke in,.

Peaking out from under the bed, you watched your boyfriend leave the room, not bothering to put his shirt back on. You moved further under the bed as you heard a slight commotion. "Jordan!" You groaned silently at your boyfriends yell.

"...I just don't get how you didn't hear us from here," Jordan entered the room.

Bennett's feet shortly followed, Naomi and Declan's joining them, "I had headphones in,"

"Then where are they?"

Looking over you noticed them sitting under the bed with you. You saw Bennett walk to the other side of the bed so you slid them over to him, "Right here," he said.

When he bent down to pick them up he looked under the bed, giving you a wink, "Okay?... But why-"

"Jordan, just drop it," Naomi said. "Let's just-"

"Why do you have that?" Declan asked.

You heard him walk over and pick something up from the floor, not getting a good look. you heard Bennett try and say something but was cut off by "Isn't this (Y/N)'s?"

Your hand flew to your chest and your head dropped, knowing it just had to be your shirt. Possibly even jeans. Cuddling with clothes wasn't as fun. With no time to react, you came face to face with Declan as he looked under the bed. "Really?" He said, reaching under and pulling me out.

"Hey!" You protested, wrapping Bennett's rug around myself.

"Watch it," Bennett butted in, helping me stand. "Now if you'd kindly leave-"

"Uh uh," Jordan waved his finger in Bennetts' face. You reached up and slapped his hand out of Bennetts' face, "Okay," he held his hands up in defense, "I get it, you're protecting your man,"

"How long this been going on?" Declan asked, crossing his arms.

Bennett and (Y/N) shared a look, "Only like...a month?"

"Why didn't you tell us?" Naomi asked, clearly offended.

Bennett tried to stutter a response so (Y/N) said, "Becuase you'd just make fun of us. Jordan did it even when we weren't together,"

"Jordan sure, I get it-" Jordan tried to protest Declan but was waved off, " but why not us? We've been friends for years,"

Bennett looked down, ashamed. "Becuase I-I just found someone I'm comfortable with and i-i don't want it to get ruined. I wanted to be selfish,"

(Y/N) stood closer to Bennett, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Its okay, I guess," Declan shrugged it off, "Talk later when you're all fully clothed,"

Bennett nodded but kept his eyes on the floor. no one said a word.

"I'm sorry," Naomi broke the silence "But how did the emotionless emo and the socially inept ones get together?" Everyone was shocked at Naomi's words, "No offense,"

"Honestly," (Y/N)said, "I still don't even know,"

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