How Jordan asked you out

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Inspired by the pick above

Jordan wasn't just going to ask you out normally. Oh no! Who do you think he is? It took a bit of planning and thought (for once) and he came up with the perfect plan.

He managed to convince Naomi to steal your phone and give it to him. That was definently the hardest part. Once he had acquired the phone he spent 10 minutes hacking your phone to get the password.....Naomi was present so don't worry! He couldn't do anything crazy!

Once in the phone he went to your contacts and changed his name in it to 'will you go out with me?' Then because Naomi wouldn't let him change your settings from English to Russian he gave her the phone back.

The pair, one more guilty than the other, returned to the main room of the base. Jordan sat down in an armchair and Naomi sat next to you. Jordan had the phone and as planned before hand Bennett got up to 'go to the kitchen'. As he passed Jordan, Jordan 'accidentally' tripped him. Bennett hit Jordan around the head and while you laughed at Jordan's whines Bennett grabbed the phone. Before he went into the kitchen he passed the phone to Declan who was coming down the stairs.

Declan took the phone and sat on the couch next to you. He pretended to tie his lace and while doing so slid your phone under the couch....Jordan planned this to the extreme.

After around 10 minutes you began to look for your phone. You thought you'd sat it on the couch (which you did before Naomi stole it) so began to search. "I could call it for you." Jordan offered. You agreed and found it.

When you saw the message on it (will you go out with me?) you froze. "Did you steal my phone?" He nodded cheekily.

"Well, answer it then!" He prompted. You rolled your eyes and threw a pillow at him. By this point your phone had rang out. Once Jordan recovered from the pillow attack you kissed him. He still pouted. "You didn't even press answer! I went through a very tough plan to make that happen!"

"Fine you baby." You rolled your eyes. "phone it again." He did and you pressed 'accept'. "Happy?"

"Very." After a second you realised something.

"Wait you hacked my phone?!!?"

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