I Love You Part 1

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A/N: Declan and Naomi will be in part 2


The day was boring, school was long, it was a Tuesday after all. Sitting in the base, flinging the balled-up homework exercise between Jordan and myself, we all chill out. Declan, like always, plays some video game, thank god its not fortnight, while Naomi actually does the homework. Bennett is either in the kitchen or checking over his gun. He's a a...confusing kid.

"You know," Naomi doesn't pause from her scribbling, "you could do the homework?"

Jordan pauses before throwing, "We could but...nah," He tossed me the ball.

I let out a short laugh at Naomi's head shake, continuing our rally, "Some people are book smart," I nod to her, "Some are street smart-"

"-and some of us find rich boyfriends?" Jordan cuts me off.

Pausing my throw, I think, "Well it is good to have a backup," I say.

"Glad to know I'm back up," Bennett smirks as he walks in from the kitchen, thank god, "But if you think I'll be some rich husband bank forever your wrong,"

Bennett plops down next to me and I naturally lean on him, "Nah. Husband number 1, "I say. Bennett laughs but says nothing. "Jordan as fun as this has been," I stand from my seat and throw the paper in his face, "I wanna nap. See ya boys! Naomi,"

My room in the base was more of a storage room now since I spent most my time in Bennetts. All of Jordan's computing spare parts, Declan's old sports kit, Naomi's overflow books. Bennetts strange cooking stuff and my general junk cover the entire room. I look in and groan, the beds not even got sheets on it. Shrugging, I open the door to Bennetts and fall on his bed. 

God knows how long I slept for but when I woke the sky looked significantly darker. I'm hearing a creek so turn my head to face the door. I probably looked a state. "Huh?"

Bennett was creeping in, plate in hand. "You missed dinner," he said gently, almost whispering,

"But I didn't want to wake you,"

"Too late," I hummed, snuggling back into the covers, "C'mon,"

Bennett didn't protest and sat the plate on his nightstand, sliding in beside me without bothering to change. "Good sleep?" he whispers, bringing me into his arms.

"Better with you,"

Silence is peaceful but I couldn't sleep with Bennett here. I wasn't going to say anything though.

His finger traced shapes on my back, making me shiver every so often. "Bennett?" he hums, vibrations moving through his chest, "I don't wanna sleep anymore,"


I pick up my head and look at him, "Mm come here," For a teenage boy his lips were surprisingly soft. One hand continued to trace shapes while his other found my waist, moving me to lay on top of him. Not aggressively or rushed. Just closer.

My hands found themselves in his hair, slowly messing it up knowing he'd complain. Pulling away slightly, lips millimeters apart, foreheads together, we just stay close. "I love you," he mumbles, lips bumping mine.

"I love you more,"

"Not possible,"


"Could you shut the fuck up?" I ask Jordan with the most pissed off expression I could muster.

"I could..." he has a stupid grin plastered to his face. "...but I won't,"

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