Your Worst Habit

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Bennett: Checking your phone

"Where's my phone?" (Y/N) asked as she lay on the ground to see under the bed. "Has anyone seen it."

It had been missing since she woke up from her nap. This lead to the whole gang searching the base, except Bennett. "Hey, we need to go if we want to catch the movie." Bennet stood by the door, keys in hand.

"I can't find my phone."

Bennett rolled his eyes "We could go without it." (Y/N) stopped and looked at him like he was crazy. "Why do you need your phone so badly?"

"Because-because what if I get kidnapped by lost boys?" she put her hand on her hip with a smirk.

"I'll be with you." He crossed his arms. This was gonna last a while.

"What if there's an emergency at home?"

"I think if your parents had an emergency they'd call 911. Next?"

"What if I get hacked?"

"Who'd wanna hack you?"

Everyone looked at Jordan who raised his hand. When Bennett sent him a look Jordan shrugged "At least I'm honest. Honesty is important in a relationship."

Bennett turned back to (Y/N) "You don't need your phone. Plus, we've been waiting to see the Incredibles 2 for literally 13 years."

"Fine." She groaned "But only because it's the Incredibles."

Without her phone they still managed to have a great time, even eating dinner out afterwards.

They walked into the base, grinning and laughing. Bennett stopped and looked down with a sheepish grin, pulling a phone out his pocket. "Found your phone?" it came out like a question.

She hit his shoulder. It didn't hurt him even slightly "What the hell man! You stole my phone."

"I didn't steal it! Just momentarily missed placed it?" (Y/N) glared and crossed her arms "Look I just wanted to have a phone-free date. You're always checking it. It's like you like your phone more than me." He mumbled the last part, looking down.

She sighed "Sorry, I didn't realise. But that doesn't mean you can steal my phone."

"Sorry. Am I forgiven?" Bennett looked up.

"How can I not forgive you." (Y/N) wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Pulling back, she said, "And you're so much better than a phone."

Jordan: Snoring

Twas the night before morning when all through the base, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Well except (Y/N)'s snores.

Jordan didn't want to say anything, excited to be able to sleep in the same bed as his girlfriend, but it was getting ridiculous.

Snore. Snore. Snore. Silence. A smile took over Jordan's face when he thought the snoring was over...snore. "Oh, for fuck's sake." He whispered, throwing his head back onto the pillow.

The movement caused (Y/N) to roll onto her side, facing Jordan. Silence. As soon as he realised the snoring was over he tried getting to sleep before it started again.

"Wakey wakey," (Y/N) grinned as she woke up Jordan.

He groaned rolling onto his side "Go away." He grumbled.

"You need to get up"

"And you need to stop snoring," he mumbled, finally sitting up. "Seriously, I think you have an issue."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes "It's not that bad- "

"You sounded like a dying whale!" Jordan cut her off. (Y/N) sucked her teeth and Jordan quickly backtracked "Not that you look like a whale! Babe! Babe!" He called after her as she walked out.

Eventually, Jordan was forgiven after making (Y/N) coffee.

The next time, and every other time after Jordan made sure he fell asleep first. "Hey, wake up," he gently slapped (Y/N) face. She yawned which Jordan would normally find adorable. "You know the drill." He mumbled.

"Yeah yeah, dying whale I get it"

Declan: Biting nails

It was one of the things (Y/N) knew she had to stop but couldn't help it. While sitting in English, listening mindlessly to the teacher, (Y/N) hadn't realised she was biting her nails.

A hand pulled her away from her mouth. (Y/N) over to see Declan. "Hey, remember your trying to quit."

"I know." She pouted, resting her head on her fist.

At lunch, the gang was sitting at their table when it happened again. Declan pulled her hand away from her mouth "Shit, sorry." She mumbled.

"Don't apologise to me. Tell it to your nail polish." (Y/N) looked at her fingers with a frown. Declan had helped paint them last night to try encouraging her to stop but it was already mostly chipped off.

"Why don't you try sitting on your hands," Jordan suggested.

"That would never work," Naomi said like it was the most obvious thing in the world "First, how would she do anything, and second she could just move her hands."

(Y/N) shrugged "Worth a shot."

Since her hands were rendered useless Declan ended up feeding her her lunch. This lead to Jordan fake puking, Naomi taking a picture, and Bennett turning his chair to face the wall.

A week later at lunch (Y/N) ran up to Declan with a massive grin on her face "Guess what guess what."

"What?" Declan drew out the word.

She jumped up and hugged him "One week no biting." She let go and thrust her hands forward "Look." Right enough the nail polish was still there and there were no teeth marks.

"Well done babe. Just need to keep it up."

Naomi: Hoarding

"I do not have a hoarding problem." (Y/N) told Jordan as he marched her to her room at the base.

He flung open her door "Oh really?" The rest of the gang was following them, standing in the doorway. "What's this?" he held up an odd-looking stuff toy.

(Y/N) snatched it "My first teddy. I can't get rid of it." She hugged it defensively.

"How old are you?" He countered. "Also, these," he held up a half-empty pack of playing cards.

"They're the cards we used on holiday. Their basically part of the family."

"And this empty makeup bottle?"

"It's pretty! Plus, do you realise how expensive it was?" she put her hand on her hip.

Jordan raised an eyebrow "Expensive trash. And these shoes?"

"They're the shoes I wore in primary/grade 1 (A/N: I think Americans use the grading system?)."

"They're like 10 sizes too small." (Y/N) rolled her eyes so Jordan moved onto the next problem; her closet. "When was the last time you wore this?" he held up a top.

"Um, that's different." (Y/N) looked to the floor.

"And why is that?"

Suddenly the ground seemed a lot more interesting. "It's the top I was wearing when I met Naomi."

"That's disgustingly sweet. I'll allow it." Jordan said. "Point is your rooms full of junk. And this is only the base. Your bedrooms so much worse."

That day the gang went through basically all (Y/N) stuff and putting it in the keep, donate, and chuck piles. It was harder at first, (Y/N) having a reason to keep everything, but eventually, they got it down to a semi-resole amount.

A/N: Do you want any other characters added? Bentley, Parker etcetera

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