Concert you go to

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Inspired by Panic's new music

Bennett: P!ATD

Say Amen had just dropped and you were obsessed. "I pray for the wicked on the weekend. Mama, can I get another amen?" You say as you bopped your head to the music as you cleaned your room. "I pray for the wicked on the weekend. Mama, can I get another amen?"

You whip around as the music gets turned down from a gentle scream to a whisper. You look and see Bennett had just turned down your speaker. "Do you mind?"

"Yup. As much as I love you I don't want it blaring."


"Its midnight!"

You looked out the window to see it was pitch black. "Oh."

"Uh hu. Night."

Your and Bennetts aniversary was approaching quickly. You had sorted out your gift already, a silver chain necklace, so didn't really worry about it.

Bennett was defiently the better gift giver. You had given him his as you sat on the couch. He kicked the rest of the gang out for a couple hours so you were alone. "I love it." He clipped the chain on. He reached behind him and held something but didn't show it. "You can't use it for a little bit but hopefully you like it." He handed over an envelope.

"Is it a puppy?" You joked, tearing the envelope open. "Oh my Brendon Urie." You whisper, staring at the tickets. "You got me pray for the wicked tickets?!" You essentially scream. "I love you!" You jumped forward and tackled him into a hug.

"Thought you'd like that."

Jordan: Taylor Swift

You were one of the only people who knew of Jordans obsession with T Swift. He loved her with all his heart. The only other person who knew was his mom.

One night Jordan had saw a competition to win tickets and so you both entered. You figured you might as well. He admitted he doubted he would actually win but you accepted it.

When the winner was announced you had been locked out your email however when you logged back in and looked through you noticed a strange one. "Winnner, winner, meet Taylor." You thought it was spam so almost deleted it when you remembered you were in your important tab.

Clicking on the email you saw that you had actually one 2 back stage passes to her next show. "Well I'll be damned." You muttered. You printed off the slips but honestly forgot about the concert that was happening in a weeks time.

On the friday before the concert, which was on saturday, you were in school chatting with the gang when you over heard girls talking about Taylor Swift. "Oh shit I forgot" You basically yelled.

"What?" All the muskateers eyes were on you now.

"Jordan what you doing on Saturday?"

"Not much." He sounded skepticall. "Why?" He dragged out his words.

"I won Taylor Swift tickets so-"

"OhH MY GAWD YOU WON! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" The secret was out as he started jumping up and down. He stopped when he remembered the gang who were now all giving him the side eye. "You know what I don't even care anymore. You won!"

"Yeah. I think they're backstage passes or something-"

"Oh my god!"

Declan: Ed Sheran

Declan had been given Ed Sheran tickets for his birthday by his moms. They had asked you what artists he liked so that was his main gift.

He invited you to go with him and you obviously accepted. He had a meet and greet after so after the concert when you were both kinda sweety and dirty you stood in line.

It wasn't a huge concert but was a fair size. Since the line was long you were just messing about. You had an earphone in so you would just start randomly dancing and forcing him to join in. The people behind you even joined in so you took your earphones out so you could all hear. It ended up being around 10 of you just dancing and goofing off.

Security told you to stop though so you booed them as they walked away so Declan covered you mouth. "Ew!" He exclaimed as you licked his hand. You poked your tounge out at him. "You two are adorable." The teen girls behind you said.

You only then realised you were 2 away from the front. Your lack of music didn't completely stop you dancing as you would randomly bust out a move or two. Declan laughed when you did, realising no one here was that judgy. Luckily.

When you met Ed he was cool. You got a couple pictures and he said "Security said their was some random chick trying to start a rave. I'm guessing it was you."

"What? Nooooo" You laughed. "Me never, it was him"

Declan just looked at you and dead panned"You did the pennywise dance 2 minutes ago."

Naomi: 5SOS

You had been over at Naomi's house studying which turned into messing about. She had recently discovered 5sos through your playlist so you were playing that. "Knock knock." Naomi's mom said as she opened the door. She stopped. "Cool music. Who is that again? 4 sauce?"

"No, Mrs Lorriane. Its 5 seconds of summer aka 5sos" You chuckled.

"My mistake" She asked if you were staying for dinner but you said no and left soon after.

You had the week off school for Easter. Naomi texted you on Wednseday saying "Hey, come over. My mom want's to talk to us."

"Omg is it the sex talk? Im not comming! That didn't come out right." You replied, cringing at yourself.

"Idk," You were proud of her using text lingo for once "but she says it gonna be fun"

You sighed but went anyway, really hopping it wasn't the sex talk. Instead Naomi's parents lead you to both sit across from them on the couch. "Here" Her dad thrust a slightly crumbled envelope out to you.

Naomi took it with a skeptic look in her eyes as he mom bounced slightly. She opened it slowly and you peered over her shoulder. "You got us concert tickets?"

"Yes! For 4 sauce. Oh 5sos." Her mom corrected herself.

"Omg! This is amazing. You have like the best parents" You said as you took the tickets from her hands. "Can I come? Like were dating so please." You put on puppy dog eyes.

"Of course. But why?" Naomi turned to her parents.

"Most teens go out, party and all that. You never did. Plus it could bring you out your shell." Her mom said as if it made sense.

Her dad jumped in with "Plus you can call it a reward for your report card."

It was offical; Naomi had the best parents ever.

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