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12-Favourite thing for a partner to wear?

Bennett-"Um, well, whatever's comfortable? I don't know. As long as they're happy. But I do like it when they wear my clothes."

23-What do you like in bed?

Bennett- "Uhhhhhh," *Blush bright red* "Can we skip this question?"

Jordan- "Nope!"

Bennett- "F you." *Glares at Jordan* "Well if I have to answer-"

Jordan- "Which you do."

Bennett- "It depends. Normally I like it sweet and loving but sometimes...things can get rough."

Jordan- "Too much information!"


3-What makes you blush?

Jordan- "Mmm, the only person who gets me to blush is (Y/N). Something about them. Like if I catch them checking me out or something like that. When they catch me off guard in front of the guys too. Like yesterday (Y/N) whispered something in my ear that I wont repeat I went bright red."

24-Turn on?

Jordan- "They're a few things. Specifically though when (Y/N) sits in my lap. Lets just say I don't sit still long."

Declan- "No! That is too much information!"


2-What's the best way to be kissed?

Declan-"Hm...Probably when you're cuddling with someone and you kiss them gently, and afterwards you just look into each others eyes." 

Naomi- "Aww, that's so sweet."

Declan-"Shut up" *Rubs back of neck embarrassed*

19- Have you ever wrote someone a love song/poem?

Declan-"Don't tell them but I'm actually trying to write a song on piano for someone but it isn't going great."


17-How important are looks?

Naomi- "Not at all. Obviously its a bonus if someone is attractive it shouldn't stop how you feel about someone."

22- Kinks?


Me-"can the rest of the musketeers leave the room."

Jordan- "Aww, come on."

Bennett- "Lets just leave." *Bennett and Declan drag Jordan out*

Me-"Now you may answer"

Naomi- *Mumbles something inaudible*

Me-"What was that?"

Naomi- "Biting and bonda-"

Me-"Ok bye!"

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