Bad Day

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You ever get one of those days that just suck for no reason? Your whole body seems to be tied down and stops you breathing properly so you're stuck with stale air? Everything just seems to be so wrong? Well (Y/N) had one of those.
Its somewhat easy to hide but Bennett could tell (Y/N) wasn't happy when their smile didn't reach their eyes and they didn't make incredibly inappropriate jokes. Bennett asked them to hang out at his house to get away from the base and the Musketeers.
"What's up?" He asked once the door was shut. (Y/N) went to lie and cover it up, "You can tell me,"
They just sighed and looked down. Bennett walked over and engulfed them in his arms. (Y/N) responded immediately, clinging onto him. "I'm just having a bad day,"
Bennett moved them to the couch, (Y/N) sat in his lap and him hugging them to his chest with a blanket over them. Bennett rubbed their back and tried to think. He saw the pillows "Let's build a fort,"
"What?" (Y/N) said but he'd already started to get up and grab pillows, "Why a fort?"
"Why not?" Bennett had an idea; distract. Who cries in a fort?
His idea was a great one because by the time the fort was stable, and the inside was decked out with blankets and pillows (Y/N) was smiling. They lay in the fort and watched the umbrella academy on Bennett's laptop.
(Y/N) rested their head on his shoulder, "I needed this. Thanks,"
"Theirs no reason bad days can't have good nights,"

Some days are just stressful. School, a part-time job, family, friends, drama, to list a few reasons. (Y/N) tried to smile through it and not scream and somehow had managed. When the gang got back to the base they just flopped onto the couch, customer service smile dropping.
They weren't very chatty during dinner and Jordan was getting concerned. He placed a hand over theirs, rubbing his thumb over their knuckles. (Y/N) only gave a small smile in response.
After dinner, Jordan stood and held a hand out to (Y/N). they didn't have the energy to fight and just let Jordan pull them up and take them upstairs. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
This unleashed the beast and (Y/N) ranted and ranted and ranted until they were out of breath. "So yeah. Today's been crap,"
"I'm sorry babe. Come here," Jordan opened his arms and (Y/N) fell into them without a second thought.
They ended up cuddling on the bed without saying anything. Jordan swapped between playing with (Y/N)'s hair or rubbing their shoulders, leaving the occasional kiss. (Y/N) just closed their eyes and relaxed.
Jordan woke up to the door creaking open. (Y/N) was half on top of him and his arms were around them. Jordan looked up to see Declan's head peeking through to door. He nodded towards (Y/N), mouth 'okay?'.
Jordan looked at their sleeping figure and nodded. Declan gave a thumbs up and went to leave. Jordan nodded towards the light switch. Declan got the hint and flipped the switch off. Jordan adjusted himself as slowly and carefully as possible. Once comfortable he let himself sink into the pillows. "Sleep tight," he murmured, pressing a kiss to their head.

Family can be a stressful thing. (Y/N) had been told to go straight home after school to talk. Declan hadn't expected the knock at his door. (Y/N) was standing there with a fury in their eyes. "I cannot believe this,"
Declan stepped back to let (Y/N) in and get out their way. (Y/N) had been here before so walked in Declan's room. Declan rushed in behind them and tried to straighten it up a little bit but (Y/N) didn't care, "So get this..." (Y/N)'s rant lasted a long time. By the end of it they were panting, "Am I crazy?"
It's a trap. Don't answer. Abort abort! Declan's thoughts yelled at him, "Well..." Declan then proceeded to show (Y/N) a different perspective, wincing at their glares, "They're not being too unreasonable. In my opinion."
(Y/N) sighed, "I'm a horrible daughter/son/child,"
"No, no, no you're not," Declan panicked. "You're just having a bad day,"
"Yeah, and I took it out on them. And you,"
Declan sighed and put his arm around (Y/N) "We're allowed to have bad days," Declan's eyes roamed the room, thinking, "Let's ...bake cupcakes! Mum got a box mix and everything,"
(Y/N) glanced at him, "You don't need to do this,"
"I want to. I like making you happy,"

Sometimes you just have bad days. Sometimes you're depressed. Sometimes things just don't flow.
(Y/N) was curled up in bed just staring at the wall. A knock from the door interrupted the silence. (Y/N) didn't respond, "I'm coming in," came Naomi's gentle voice. "I brought tea,"
Naomi placed a cup for (Y/N) on the bedside table. Naomi sat beside (Y/N), hesitantly reaching a hand out to stroke their hair. "How you are doing?" She asked.
(Y/N) shrugged half-heartedly. So, Naomi just sat there, stroking their hair. The company was nice, easy. A couple minutes past and (Y/N) slowly moved to sit up. "Can you pass the tea?" (Y/N)'s voice was barely audible.
Naomi did so before sitting cross-legged across from (Y/N) on the bed. (Y/N) was looking into the mugs, taking an occasional sip. "Sorry I'm like this," they said into the mug.
"Don't apologize. You didn't do anything,"
Naomi sighed, sitting her own mug down. "I would happily sit with you every moment of every day till that smile comes back. Shit happens,"
A small smile crept onto (Y/N)'s face, "Did you just swear?"
"Oh, shut up," Naomi rolled her eyes.
(Y/N) sighed. "Sometimes it feels like I'm drowning,"
"Well then, it's a good thing I can swim,"

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