Preference 3*"Five more minutes..."

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Bennett: You and Bennett were in the kitchen baking a cake. Or three. The guys can never decide between chocolate, strawberry or vanilla so after thirty minutes of a heated debate you yelled "We can just make three cakes, ok?!" They silenced at that. Bennett then pointed out,

"I'm the one baking so they get what I want to make." You sighed and told him you would help, to which he agreed, happy to get alone time with you. He knew their would be no interruption because the guys (and Naomi just encase) were banned from the kitchen. It was Bennetts domain but he enjoyed having you help.

You had just put in the third cake and Bennett was setting the timer. "Twenty minutes, what do you wanna do?" You jumped up onto the counter and he walked over. You draped your arms around his shoulders and he loosely put his arms around your waist. This was the only time you were roughly the same size.

"Talk without having crude jokes or death matches between Jeclan." He nodded, putting his forehead against yours. He started talking about the time Declan threw Jordan in the sea. After his 10 minute story you stood in silence before kissing him. After 5 minutes of making out the timer buzzed. You pulled away and he tried to follow. You had to put your hand inbetwen your lips and pushed him forward, juming down.

"Mmm, five more minuites." You looked at him with an amused face.

"And let the cake's burn?" He sighed and opened the oven, while grabbing the oven gloves. He took all three out and sat them on top of the oven. You both started to take them out of the tins when you turned and said,

"We still have to wait for them to cool." At that he instantly sped up and all three cakes were out of the tins in 5 minutes. He put them on the wire wrack before grabbing you by the waist, picking you up and spinning you around, putting you on the counter.

"Where were we?"

Jordan: You and Jordan were out at night so he could spray paint the side of an old muesem. It had just turned 9 at night and you were getting slightly bored. He asked you to come out so he could talk to someone while he was working but he had barley spoken in the last hour.

"Did you see the new video game Declan bought?" he hummed slightly but didn't respond. You wanted to see if he was paying any form of attention to you.

"Bennett booked me in at the tattoo shop," he didn't do anything "I know I'm a year or two too young but I'm going to get a huge chest piece." He just mumbled a 'that's nice'. "yeah its going to be a huge mural to peter pan. Mainly the lost boys." It wasn't working at all.

"I'm getting a cat, or seven. I know you said we cant have one but why not?" he mumbled an 'ok'. You got so frustrated you almost yelled, "I'm not wearing a top!" He turned slightly, checking before turning back, chuckling.

"Five more minutes, love" You hmphed in response and sat on the ground. After a few minutes he turned round and started gathering up his supplies. You got up and dusted off your jeans and crossed your arms over your chest. He slung his arm over your shoulder.

"Sorry I got in the zone. What do you think?" You looked up to see a faceless girl in grey. It was you. You sighed taking your phone out and snapping a pic.

"Its nice, I guess." He ruffled your hair while walking you away.

"I'll take you to McDonalds to make  it up to you" His voice went higher towards the end.

"Fine but you have to pay, not Bennett." He nodded and and started humming, "And you have to talk to me."

"I knew I had a sexy voice but calm down."

Declan: Declan had just gotten a new game and he was entranced. You liked it too but he was addicted. He was meant to be going with you to a studio to record some songs on piano and (Y/I)/singing and he was still playing his game.

"Dec, we were meant to leave ten minutes ago," You whined.

"Five more minutes." He mumbled. You turned to Jordan with a pouty look, he sighed and reached across to grab the controller. Declan only took his hand of for a second too hit Jordan on his head.

"Nope. I already have enough brain damage!" You sighed and turned to Naomi.

"What am I meant to do?" She questioned like you were crazy.

"You're the only one he wont hit."

"He wont hit you." She pointed out. You let out a huge sigh and went to the kitchen. Your last option, Bennett.

"Declan wont come off his game and we were meant to leave ages ago. He's wasting your money and my time!" He wiped off his hands and mumbled a 'come on'. Bennett walked into the living room and pulled the cord out the station. Before Declan could even complained he said,

"I paid for the station, tv and game. Not to mention the studio and you're wasting (Y/N) and the people time. "

"I was so close!" He whined.

"I will not make you anymore food so you will starve."

"No you wont!" Declan got up and walked towards the station.

"Declan Lynch! I swear to God, I will go get Bennett's gun if you don't march your butt out that door right now!" Declan instantly stopped, turned round and looked at you. He waited a second before walking to the door.

"Whipped!" Jordan yelled.

"Oh at least his girlfriend isn't his hand!" And with that you two left. Not without him saying,

"I only asked for five more minutes..."


You were lying in your bed on your phone when Naomi came in. She put her head on your stomach and hugged you.

"You alright?" She looked stressed.

"I'm so glad you aren't your brother."

"Same" You kind of understood because of how annoying he was.

"He kept teasing me about dating someone younger. Also because its you." You stroked her hair and went to get up, "Stay." She nuzzled her head into your stomach.

"But I need to go bet up my brother." You heard a muffled 'five more minutes...' and just stayed there.

You decided just to let it go for now. You picked up a book from your bedside table and started reading it out loud. You knew Naomi liked hearing your voice and especially since it was a book.

After you were pretty sure she was asleep you grabbed your phone and started to hack into your brother phone. He had taught you coding and hacking two years ago and boy was he going to regret it.

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