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A/N: A post, on time?! What is this?

Bennett: He was a tough, cold, gang leader who made grown men flicnh by raising a brow.You think he blushes?

Well have you seen how pale he is? Of course he blushes! Bennett has learned how to surpress his smile muscles and hide the hope in his eyes but he cant control the blush that rushes to the top of his skin.

Its one of the ways you relised he maybe liked you. In class youd lean over, bumping shoulders, to see his answer, which he didnt mind, or copy notes and when you leaned back youd question in your head if he was blsuhing. He couldnt be. Could he?

Bennett doesnt have emotins.

Well thats what everyone thinks but he really does but got used to hiding it due circumstances...and bullying. If he said a genuinely funny joke you laughed, and not the shy kind, if you actually found it funny. The tips of his ears would go pink.

If you gave him compliments, for example on his cooking or cars, it was his checkbones that had a light tinge to them. If it was a phycical or personal compliment then it made his neck red and he'd stutter a thanks. The best time was when you were all heading out to the movies. The guys and Naomi were in the car and Bennett came to knock on your door to get you.

His hair was looking good, his outfit on point, and he's Bennett so you decided to tell him, "Loooking good. I like the hair," and continue onto the car. You heard the usual stutered 'tha-tha-thanks' but thought nothing of it.

However it had caught him so off guard he stumbled when trying to open the car door. If you add both factors together it results in Bennett's face being pinky for the whole drive.

Jordan: Its not often Jordan would blush. Its not often youd do somehting to make him blush. If you brushed to close, especially before going out, or looked especially good he was able to maintain his cool and just have a smirk on his face instead.

It was the personal attention or compliments that got him. But that only happened when you were alone. The first time you saw him blush was when you'd escpaed the gang in the beginign of your relation ship and you were talking in Jordans room in the base.

The scene was perfectly pg. You were laying across from each other on your sides, talking about random things. The conversation had kinda lulled and you said "How do you do it? Everytime I see you you managed to turn bad days into good ones,"

Jordan grinned, looked down, sayings, "Dunno. Natural i guess," 

You looked at him closely, especially when he lifted his head, "Are you blushing?" You laughed a little.

Or if it was infront of his mom. Jordan was really close to his mom, and didnt even deny it, so when she asked why you were dating (not in a mean way, just curious,) and you said without hesitation, "He's my favourite person so it made sense,"

"Youre alright too, i guess," He managed through a grin as he stared at the ground, checks red.

Declan: Declan tries not to blush. Tries. He didnt use to blush often. If he got embarrased or he had to talk to new people but that was when he was young. But one thing that gets him is his family embarrasing him.

SUre when you started going out, or even a bit before, his checks would tinge a little when he saw you but it had kind of stopped. However one weekend he had to cancel a date since his family was haing a barbaque.

Barbaque equals food, food equals you get to eat food, therefore you suggested you join him. Declan was hesitant, saying it would be boring or awkward. You said you didnt really care and would go but only if you wanted to.

The next day he called you saying, "Please come over. My crappy cousisn are here and I need a barrier-Hey uncle tom! Please send help,"

So you flung on a decent outfit, not tight around the waist, and headed to the food-DEclan! The backyard was what you'd expect of a family barbaque. Kids running about, adults pretending they like each other, and slightly burnt food filled the place.

Unless you count the awkwardly looking tall, broad man hunched over awkwardly in the furthest away corner holding a tiny paper cup of juice. As soon as he saw you, which was within seconds, he rushed over.

As he was rushing over you were greeted by his mum, "Im so glad you made it. Declan said you got the cold," She looked over you concerned.

You gave Declan and her a smile, looking at Declan briefly, "Im better now. Thanks for asking,"

"No problem.And dont worry theirs plently of food," she winked, walking over to join the other adults.

You gave Declan a look, whose neck was already heating up, and gave a fake cough, "Ugh ugh, im sick," You crossed your arms.

Declan looked to the ground, "Sorry?"

"Your lucky your cute," 

He wasnt lucky enough as his 'crappy couins' realsied Declan was dating someone, and were horrified they didntn already know, and insist on making sure to interogate yoy and embbaraas Declan. 

Of course oyu were laughing, who wouldnt listing to the time thwy went on a family holiday and he was too scared to get off the boogy board and thought he'd drift out to sea. However some of the little kids in his family insist the newbie play with them.

Face completely red, and fake smile on his face, Declan turned to his cousins "Id say run but we know what happened last time. Id suggest climbing,"

Naomi: She didnt normally have a reason to blush. She knew she'd most likeyl be right if she answered in class, was used to the bullying and judgement, and no one ever hit on her so she just didnt blush.

However yuo changed that. Sometimes you'd like to give people nicknames. Jordan was idiot or spray paint, Declan was muscles, Bennett, of course, was emo or misour chef and Noami, Naomi got all the cutsie nicknames.

Sure you'd use nerd as well but it was a mix of beautiful, cutie, sweeyie, and doll. You called most of your female friends sweetie or babe, so you didnt have to remember therre names, but beautiful and doll were exclusively for her.

Naomi couldnt tell you the last time she was called beuatiful before you. It caught her so off guard her face was red the first time.

How affectionate you were didnt help. You liked hugs, hugs felt nice, everyone likes hugs. This meant you greeted friends with hugs, linked arms, half hugging people, and liked to be close t people. Including her and the gang. You'd even once got a hug from Bennett. 

But Naomi would always blush after these hugs. But Naomi wasnt a pretty blusher like  YA books would describe their 'ugly nerd' as. Her face, red. Just red. Sometimes it was just her checks or neck but it was red, not oink.

Naomi was determained to make you blush when you started dating. It was too forced and never worked decpite her research and reading. It wasnt until the simpliest, sweetest kiss that resulyed in a blush she knew she caused.

The beautiful moment was ruined by her go "Ha! I knew you'd blush eventually!"

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