Break Up PT1

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"You can't be serious?" I ask as I stand across from Bennett, arms folded.

He shrugged, "It's true, isn't it?" I just gave him a look before sitting down, grabbing my phone to play a game. He sighs, "You always do this,"

"I'm not going to stand there while you accuse me of crushing on Declan!" I said. He rolls his eyes, "The idea is plain idiotic,"

"I'm not an idiot,"

"I didn't say that!"

"You might as well off!" he yells. I turn away and I hear his breath go ragged, "I know you do. You never talk to me, you never want to hang out, and you're always with him,"

"So, what I'm cheating on you now too?" I ask.

He sighs and grabs his hair, "I didn't say that,"

"You might as well off," I quoted. "And for the record, I'm 'always with him' because we're friends. Its why I'm 'always with Naomi' too but that doesn't seem to bother you. Is it because its Declan?"

"No, its because when I kiss you-you don't kiss back!"

"That's because you never do it! you're so afraid to show any form of affection I'm beginning to think I must be a toad!" I stand up, "You won't even hold my hand in public! That's why I hang out with Declan because he acknowledges me at least!"

He glares, "It's not my fault I'm not comfortable with that. You knew what I was like."

"I know," I sigh, "It's not your fault but it still hurts. You don't trust me, not even to tell me anything personal. I know nothing about you,"

"This is getting us nowhere," Bennett said, sitting down.

"Your right," I nod, taking a deep breath, "It's really not," I grab my bag and phone, "This, this isn't working. I'm done,"

"(Y/N), C'mon," he gets up, rushing over. "I just meant this conversation,"

I shook my head refusing to even make eye contact. "Well, it is what I meant. Goodbye,"

"No," he held my wrist.

I pulled it away, "Highschool relationships never last anyway,"


I knew what he was like before we started dating. He was a flirt, a player, mischievous. I just thought it wouldn't be like this. Waitresses are meant to be friendly but not that friendly. And boyfriends aren't supposed to be that interested in the waitress either. "Can we go? I've got a headache,"

Jordan let out a miny huff, "Yeah sure. Let me just get the bill,"

"I'll do it," I cut him off before he can get his wallet, "Why don't you go get the car?" he'd convinced Bennett to lend him his car for our date. It was really to impress everyone else.

"Sure," he said, getting up with a small smile, "See ya," I almost replied before I saw him talking to the waitress. He turned back, "I'll bring the car around,"

I nodded with a smile and grabbed my money while he left. It took a while to get the waitresses attention. She just dumped the check on her table. I shove the money in with no tip. Screw her. As I'm walking out I overhear her mumbling a 'bitch' when she sees the bill.

The cars silent apart from the radio. As we stop at a light I notice Jordan keeps glancing over, "You alright?"

"Yeah," I shrug.

"I don't mean the headache. You're being really...bitchy!" I just gape at him, "You know what I mean,"

"No, I don't," I said, "Maybe I should ask the waitress," I mumble.

Jordan rolled his eyes as the light turned green, "So that's what this is about? She was just trying to get a tip,"

"Well, that didn't work,"

"You didn't tip her?" he kept looking over at me and I held onto the armrest tighter, "That's her livelihood (Y/N)!"

"And you're my boyfriend! But you're more focused on everyone else's body than mine!"

"It's not like you're ever putting your body out," he mumbles.

I take a deep breath, "No you don't have the right to get mad. I don't have to 'put out' if I don't want to,"

"I didn't say you did!" he said, "You know this is really unfair. All I am is nice, maybe you should try it,"

"It's hard to be nice when it feels like you're trying to replace,"

He rolls his eyes, "I wouldn't need to try,"

My mouth falls open, "Fuck you, Wallace. Fuck you!" I yell. It's silent again. £Pull over. I'm getting out,"

"No," he said.

"Jordan it's not optional, pull over."

He said nothing but kept driving. Luckily we pull up at a red light. I open the door and he leans over and shuts it again, putting all the locks on. "Jordan this isn't funny,"

"I told you I'm not letting you out," he started driving again, ignoring the red light.

"Let. Me. Out," I reiterate. "Now," he doesn't listen but speeds up. "Jordan! Quit it!"

He's clenching the steering wheel, knuckles white. he won't even look at me. I grab my phone and start texting Naomi. He's crazy. "Put the phone away. now!" I drop it as I notice the speed go past 40. I'm going to die.

I scream as we skid over something. The car starts swerving then spinning in circles without Jordan being able to stop it. I lean back into my seat panting heavily as it finally slows down. The car is now across both lanes and we were lucky we didn't crash.

"Are you okay?" Jordan turns to me.

"Let me out," he unlocks the doors. I open the door and run. And run. And run. All the way till I'm not even sure where I am. I see a gas station and go inside, phoning Bennett. "Can you pick me up?"

"Is Jordan there?"

"No. we're over,"

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