Your biggest fear

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Bennett: The Dark

You had been scared of the dark for years. You knew it was kinda silly but couldn't help it. When you slept you either had the light on, a lamp on, the door cracked open or something like that.

The first time you stayed over night somewhere with Bennett was at his place. The gang had been watching a movie and it was late so you decided to crash and sleep in his bed with him. 

You didn't want to admit your fear so said nothing when he turned the light off and climbed into  bed. You rolled into his side and cuddled up with him, blocking out the darkness. He didn't realise anything was wrong till he felt your tears fall on him.

"Hey what's wrong?" He moved so he could see your face.

You shook your head. "It's fine." 

"No it's not. What's the matter?"

You let out a shaky breath "I'm scared of the dark." You managed to stutter out. He quickly jumped out of bed, making you worried.

He flipped on the light and came back over to the bed. "Tell me next time. It's not a big deal." You nodded and he got back in bed. "Now try sleep and we can talk about it tomorrow. As long as I'm with you, you don't need to be scared."

Jordan: Flying

Jordan didn't have a reason to know about your fear so you didn't bring it up. Well until the gang decided to go on holiday.

It was after your second year of college that you all made a collective decision to go to Italy. But this meant their would be a plane and you were terrified.

Jordan noticed you shaking slightly in the air port plus you had been distant the whole day. "Nervous flyer?" 

"A little."

But once you were on the plane in your seats you were about to have a panic attack. "Hey maybe this is a bad idea. I mean is it smart to try fly, I mean-" You began to ramble.

Jordan took your hand and squeezed it. "We'll be fine. I promise." You stopped your ramble and nodded. Jordan could see that you were still scared so held your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles. You put your head on his shoulder and he stroked your hair, whispering that it would be fine and other sweet nothings. 

Eventually the plane did take off and you managed to get through the flight and the return one without crying or having a panic attack like last time. You were still scared and Jordan made sure to help you without belittling your fear.

Declan: Heights

Heights can get to fuck! Was basically your mentality. Why would someone want to way up in the sky where if you fell you would die!? Ok maybe it was the falling part you were afraid of but still.

Declan found out when you were at a theme park. Jordan was desperate to go on all the rides and you so far had managed to avoid them. But when Naomi suggested the Ferris wheel you had little chance of getting out of it.

"Hey, I think I'm going to sit this one out." You told the gang."


Jordan tried to ask but was cut off by  Declan. "Me too. Were going to get some strawberry ice cream."

The three guys glared at each other as you and Naomi rolled your eyes. The rest of the gang got in line while you and Declan left in search of ice cream. "I'm guessing you don't like rollercoasters?"

"Only tall ones. I'm terrified of heights."

He shrugged, "Ok. What you wanna do?"

" don't think its weird?"

Declan stopped to face you  "Nah, lots of people are scared of heights. So, wanna try knock the tin cans down?"

"Totally." You grinned. Declan didn't make fun of your fear and you didn't tease him that he was afraid of *muffled sounds as Declan covers your mouth*

Naomi: Dogs

You and Naomi had been walking along the street, going to meet the guys when a dog walked past you. You stepped closer to Naomi, avoiding the evil thing, causing her to look at you. "You ok?"

"Yup." You just looked ahead and she shrugged it off.

But once you met up with the guys you decided to go to the park. But when you were all sitting on a bench a dog walker walked by with 4 dogs. They all seemed to love you but you were terrified.

"They seem to like you." She mused. You however were scared so jumped back so you were sitting on the back of the bench. She laughed and walked on.

The gang looked at you and before anyone said anything Jordan burst out laughing. Declan soon followed. Bennett gave a little chuckle along with Naomi. "Stop laughing at me!" You pouted.

"Who's scared of dogs?!" Declan proclaimed.

Instead of responding you just kicked him off the bench. "Hey!"

"Lay off guys." Naomi said over a stifled laugh. She wrapped her arm around your shoulder. "Don't worry babe, I'll protect you from the fearsome puppers."

"Screw you."

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