Chapter 17

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Tomorrow was the day that I was going to go home. 

I was relieved since I really wanted to get home, but at the same time, I couldn't deny that I was attached to him in some kind of way.

My hate seemed to have dissolved for him after he told me the truth.

Right now, I felt like I was going through a breakup because I was wearing the shirt he let me borrow while lying in bed. 

The door creaked and I saw him walk in. He rose an eyebrow at how I was still wearing his shirt.

"You like that shirt, don't you?" He asked, with a small hint of amusement.

"It's comfy," I replied, a bit embarrassed. "I uh, just woke up,"

He looked like he just got back from another mission. He took off his cloak and put his ninja tools under the bed. Kisame walked by, "I'm going to go to the waterfall for a bit. I'll be back soon,"

Itachi left the room and I changed once he left. I neatly folded the shirt and put it on the bed, then walked out to find something to eat since I was starving. I definitely didn't want to eat any of Kisame's food though, since he got mad about that the other day.

Itachi was already in the kitchen and I awkwardly opened one of the cupboards, finding packaged ramen.

"I wouldn't eat that if I were you," He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"That's Deidara's. He'll throw a huge fit about it if you eat his food,"

I groaned. "I'm hungry. What is there to eat?!"

"I made dango a few days ago. I can share them with you so that way you're not eating anyone else's food,"

"Oh, uh, are you really okay with that?"

"Yeah," He said. "It's fine,"

He warmed the dango up and then split them evenly so we could both eat the same amount. I was surprised that he was sharing his food with me. For the past few days, I've been eating the canned stuff that was in the very bottom of the cabinet.

We ate our dango silently and I thought it was really good. I wished I could figure out how he makes them, so that way I could make them myself when I get home.

He's surprisingly a good cook.

"This is really good. How did you make the dango?" I ask him.

"My mother used to make dango like this and I started to make them the same way she did," He said.

"Oh, well, it's good. I bet your mother was a good cook,"

"She was,"

After I finished eating, I went back to his room to take another nap.

Unfortunately, I started having nightmares about things I wanted to forget and I started thrashing around and screaming. 

I was haunted by dark blue hair and silver eyes. Why can't I just forget them?

I felt myself being shaken awake and I opened my eyes and looked up while having a hard time breathing. I saw it was Itachi who had shaken me awake and he looked alarmed.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"No," I sat up. "Sometimes I have nightmares of things I want to forget in my past and it causes me to do this,"

He sat down on the bed and told me to lie back down. I wiped the tears trailing down my cheeks and then turned over so I could face him. 

"I don't want to talk about the nightmare, so I want to change the subject," I said.

"That's fine,"

"Whose room are you staying in?" I ask to change the subject.

"Orochimaru used to be a member here a long time ago and he took that room. I'm staying in there so you can have this room to yourself,"

I looked at him disbelievingly. "Really? He was with you guys?"

"Yeah, but he got kicked out a long time ago. He still has an item that shows membership to this organization though,"

I started to feel a little relaxed, but I was too scared to fall back asleep. 

"Can I ask you something?" 

He nods.

"Did Shisui ever talk about me to you?"

"Yeah, a few times actually," Itachi said. "I remember he used to talk about some antics you would pull and how he had to get you out of them. Sometimes a guy would ask about you and he'd get all protective over you,"

I chuckled.

"Yeah, that sounds like him. He was very skeptical after ex..." I trailed off.

Itachi looked at me curiously but didn't ask anything about "he who shall not be named." I'm glad he didn't. I didn't want to talk about that.

"Sorry if this is intrusive, but why did you turn rogue in the first place?" I ask.

Itachi sighed.

"I don't think you need to know that. It's too much to explain and it won't change me being a criminal right now,"

"Even if I don't need to know, I'd still like to know. You're like a mystery I like to try and solve," 

I blushed after what I said and to make it worse, he can clearly see my blush.

He chuckled a little bit. 

"I'm a mystery?"

"Yes, you are, because you stopped Orochimaru from wreaking havoc in the Leaf Village and saved me, a Leaf ninja, because Shisui wanted you to keep me out of harm's way. Yet you're part of some criminal organization,"

He didn't say anything just looked at me. I was starting to get shy because of how long he was staring at me for. 

"I think uh...I'm ready to nap again!" 

He just rose an eyebrow at me, telling me that he didn't believe me.

And he was totally right because I was still scared to fall back asleep

"Actually, um, can you stay here until I fall asleep?" I ask him.


I turned over to the other side. I won't lie, I like having him on this bed with me and his presence makes me feel safe right now. 

This was going to make going our separate ways even worse. I knew I shouldn't be feeling this way towards him, but I couldn't help it. 


After going back to edit, I saw that I've accidentally made a Harry Potter reference lmao. I didn't even know that was what they called Voldemort since I never watched the movies before. That's funny to me that I made an accidental reference 😂

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now