The doctor and sarah.

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Sarah Jane, felt the grey strands of hair go down her face.

I'll have to get some hair dye, i think. im too young to go grey.' she thought to herself.

She sat on her laptop typing up her newspaper story, as she is a journalist for the metropolitan magazine, and runs a tight schedule.

"Mis..stress." k9 stuttered, and interrupted Sarah Jane from her work, which she wasn't so pleased about, but it could be something important.

"Yes k9?"

"It seems like something is affecting inferior smith."

At that moment Sarah Jane looked at Mr. smith, he wasn't out of the wall, but the wall was shaking and loads of electrical sparks were coming out of him, which was pretty worrying, she had never seen Mr. Smith do anything like this before. She also didn't know what it meant, and it wasn't like she could google it?

"Mr. smith i need you!"

Mr. smith tried to load, but he couldn't, he always loaded...

"Mr smith. Now!"

Mr. smith was still unrespondable.

"K9 whats going?" Sarah Jane asked,

"I do not know, but it must seem that hes is affected by a local interference." K9 doesn't know? he knows everything' sarah jane thought.

"What kind of interference?" Sarah Jane raised an eyebrow.

"Regret, i have no comparable data, mistress."

"So this is alien technology affecting Mr Smith." Sarah Jane acknowledged,

"It 's possible mistress.''

"then there could something alien here, whether its a source or technology."


"would it be safe?"

"regret. i do not have the answer to that question ,mistress."

"we need to get Mr. smith to work k9, otherwise we can't find out what this 'inteference' is."

"that is correct, it would be too risky, for you to go and investigate it alone, you don't know what hazards and dangers there are."

"how can we get Mr. Smith to work?"

"try and use the sonic. " k9 replied.

that was a great idea Sarah Jane thought, why didn't i think of that?

i got my sonic lipstick, and pointed it towards Mr. Smith, and pressed the button.

"Sarah Jane." Mr smith slowly began.

"Mr smith. whats going on?"

"if I may continue."

"please do."

"something is affecting the local signal interference, and if no action is taking it will effect the sun and drain it like it affected me for those couple of minutes, but it would be much worse, Sarah Jane."

Sarah Jane was speechless, she always had to deal with problems like this, but this problem was more extreme than most others she was used to.

"Mr. Smith, what is it?" Sarah Jane cautiously asked him, to the question she really needed to know the answer to.

"i have no comparable data Sarah Jane."

"what about you K9?"

"I have no matching data either mistress. It would be too risky for you to go investigating something you have no idea about. You wouldn't even know what equipment you would require to deal with this." K9 warned her.

Sarah Jane grabbed her sonic lipstick off her table,

"yes i do K9. This!"

"Sarah Jane, i agree with K9, i don't think its very wise."

Sarah Jane, thought: if Mr. Smith and K9 are agreeing on something it was something dangerous and that she needed to stop whatever it was.

"Thank you. That's just what i needed to hear." "come on K9 walkies."

Sarah Jane didn't want to go alone, so she decided to get her metal dog ,K9 to accompany her.

Sarah Jane put K9 in the car, and then got into her seat.

She started the engition and started to drive.

K9, guided her to where the this 'interference' was.

When they arrived at their destiation, it was practically waste land, there was nothing there, nothing at all.

Sarah Jane walked around.

"warning, danger mistress!" K9 warned her, but it was too late, Sarah Jane was attacked from behind, by something cold, so cold.

within minutes Sarah Jane was gone, and something else had taken her place inside her body.



new book :)

I know the prologue is very short ill try to make the next part at least 1000 words.

i've always wanted to write a doctor who/sarah jane fan fiction because i really like them, and she is my favourite compainion.

Now i know this was quite boring/rubbish, but thats because im rubbish at writting prologues and stuff, but this is basically the opening so the next chapter should be better, i've also never wrote a book in third/second person so bare with me.



it would mean alot.


freya x

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