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Harry always had a curiosity to him, especially when it came to things of his interest. So when Draco Malfoy didn't turn up to breakfast one winter morning, Harry was extremely concerned. But to Harry's dismay, no one else cared. Hermione said he'd probably caught a cold due to the horrible weather and Ron just didn't care. He couldn't concentrate all day! The first thing he had done when he walked into his lessons with the Slytherins was to check if the familiar blonde was sitting with his poor excuses of friends, but he never was. Even in lessons without him, he would ask around until he knew the answer (which of course was no).
One week later and Draco was still missing. An aching pain had developed in his lower abdomen and had worsened with each day. Also, his emotions were a mess, one minute he was happy as could be and the next he wanted to burn the place down and cry into his pillow. He wondered if he was secretly turning into a girl! Something was up with Malfoy and he didn't like it.

However, on Saturday morning, it was all revealed. Harry enjoyed sleep, especially at the weekend when there was no need to wake up. That's until someone's screaming in your face.
"POTTER WHAT THE HELL!" A voice screamed, pulling Harry from his dreams and throwing him onto the cold but slightly padded floor.
"Ow." He mumbled as he opened his eyes. He was surrounded by black feathers, everything was. "Who's owl has exploded? Seamus, did you attempt another spell from the Weasleys?" He asked as a feather fell flat on his face.
"Potter. Get out." The voice said again. However this time, it belonged to Draco Malfoy.
"DRACO WHY ARE YOU HERE AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY BED?" Harry screamed as he shuffled his way towards the farthest wall as if he was trapped in an animal's cage at the zoo! 
"Look around," Malfoy said, too tired for stupid questions. The room wasn't decked in the usual Gryffindor colours but instead Slytherin. It was like a smaller version of the Slytherin bedrooms. "So why are you in my bed?" Draco repeated.
"I...don't know," Harry replied, squinting at the walls.
"Well you couldn't have got in without the password and no one knows it."
"Why is there feathers?" Harry asked, ignoring Draco completely and pulling one from his mouth. Draco turned pale and looked extremely frightened.
"Oh no," Draco replied sounding extremely panicked before running off towards another room.  Harry sat on the floor in a confused state. Why had he turned up in Malfoys room? Why does Malfoy have his own room? Probably because he's a rich git! Voices could be heard from the room next door and Harry being the brave Gryffindor he is, he went to investigate.

"Father, it's happening," Draco said shakily as he stared into his fathers green flamed face. It looked grim and had to look away for a second. He knew this wasn't good.
"I was certain for so many years that this didn't pass down to you. But then your obsession with Pot- never mind." Lucius started but stopped himself, annoying Draco immensely.
"What about Potter? Father something weird occurred with him this morning." Draco said quieter, keeping his eye on the shut door. Lucius raised an eyebrow, that told Draco to carry on. "When I woke up, he was in my bed and those feathers were everywhere, just like the ones I saw as a child. I had a pain searing through my body that only stopped when his arm landed on me. He doesn't know why he's here and he couldn't have got in because he doesn't know the password and I told the portrait to not let anyone in. Father, I don't understand! Am I turning into a bird or a hippogriff?!" Draco wailed, significantly stressed and on the verge of tears. Why was he so emotional?
"Draco please you need to stay calm. I'll message Severus to get you removed from your lessons in the week and I'm going to try and visit you. This is a confusing time and I remember my first like it was yesterday. I'm also going to have to talk to Mr Potter sometime during my stay. I have to go now. It's probably for the best that you stay inside till I get there. I'll ask Severus to bring you food. Goodbye Draco." And with that, the flames disappeared into a fine glowing ash.

Draco walked out of the room to find Harry awkwardly standing there.
"So Malfoy, what's going on?" Harry pressed. Dracos head began to ache again and without him realising, the curtains shut and all sources of light were removed. Better. "How the...never mind," Harry muttered.
"It's none of your concern. Stay in the castle as someone wants to talk to you. Now please can you leave me alone." Draco said weakly as he massaged his aching temples. Harry felt emotional again. He felt like crying because Malfoy was telling him to leave? He'd expect to feel this way if maybe Ron did or Hermione, but not Draco Malfoy! Weird. Harry left and went to find his friends, he couldn't hold this to himself.

"Uh hey mate." Ron said as he dropped Hermiones hand. Harry ignored it.
"Hey Harry, you weren't there when we woke up so we guessed you had gone flying like you do sometimes. We were just going on a walk and you're um (she glanced at Ron and sighed) very welcome to join us." Hermione added.
"I uh no. Thanks but I need to talk to you two immediately and then maybe Dumbledore and then maybe a shrink." Harry said with a sigh. Both of his friends looked concerned and followed him back to the now empty Gryffindor common room.
"I woke up in Draco Malfoy's bed. Well more his floor." Harry grimaced, knowing exactly what it sounded like.
"WHAT HARRY! WHY WERE YOU- WAIT DO I WANNA KNOW? ARE YOU-" Ron shouted. Hermione hit him, sent him a scowl (that reminded him of his mother) and sympathetically smiled at Harry to go on. 
"It's not like that Ron. I woke up covered in these black silky feathers and like they were everywhere. I've never seen dra- Malfoy look so distressed in his life. When he realised, he ran out of the room and talked to someone and then returned and told me I gotta stay in the castle cause someone's gonna come to talk to me. Also, he did magic, unless we were in the room of requirements but we weren't, we were in the dungeons." Harry rambled. Hermione got up and returned shortly with a gigantic book.
"So Malfoy can do magic? I don't know if you've realised, but we can all do magic." Ron replied.
"No, he did it without his wand. He did it without anything. His head was hurting or something and he was rubbing his head with his eyes shut and then all the curtains closed and candles went out without either of us doing anything." Ron stared at Harry like he was crazy but didn't have an explanation to reply with. 
"What were these feathers like? Like an owl?" Hermione asked, sounding slightly distressed.
"No, much bigger and softer. I didn't think you could get softer feathers than Hedwig, but these were defiantly softer. They were long and like raven black." 
"Oh no," Hermione muttered, sounding very similar to Draco this morning. 
"What?" Both Harry and Ron said at the same time.
"He's an angel."

A/n: new ficcccccccc. I got this idea ages ago and I don't really know where from but I decided to attempt to develop on it and see where it goes so hope you stick around and read it. Byeeee

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