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Harry was right. The day after Christmas, Draco went into planner mode. He pulled out a gigantic portfolio of fabrics, pictures and all sorts and plopped it onto Harry's lap.
"What is this brick?" Harry asked as he put down the soulmate book Hermione had got him.
"My dream wedding. I need your insights on my plan and we need to go over things to alter for the ceremony and put it all in another book." Draco said excitedly. Harry hated things like this but didn't show this for Draco's sake.

After twenty minutes of feeling fabrics for tablecloths, Narcissa walked in, saving Harry from his boredom.
"Draco! Planning so soon?" She laughed, making Draco blush a deep red. "You'll bore Harry to death at this rate! Plus you have two years to plan, dont rush this."
"Sorry mother but you know how excited am I for this," Draco said with a blush. However annoying this was to Harry, he found it somewhat cute.
"Anyway, Harry how about lunch?" Narcissa turned to the brunette. Harry nodded, making sure he didn't annoy his future mother in law.
"Um Mother, I don't know if you heard but I asked the kitchens to prepare a picnic to have with Harry. You know something... well we haven't been acting like..." Draco attempted to say but ended up stuttering.
"Yes, sounded very romantic but I stole it. It is vital I do this my dear. Harry find me in the gardens." She replied with a small smile before leaving.

"I can't believe you're abandoning me for my mother!" Draco grumbled. Harry laughed and wrapped his arms around the blonde.
"If I won't, your mum will be unhappy and then I'll have to deal with a very angry and much taller angel," Harry said before placing a kiss on Draco's lips. He couldn't think of when they started acting like this, or when he even accepted the fact he had a liking for boys but it worked and he didn't mind.
"What am I going to do without you?" Draco whined.
"Hm I could think of many things you could do," Harry growled, Draco walked away laughing at his boyfriend's comments.

Harry took a deep breath before walking towards where Narcissa was sitting.
"Ah Harry, Draco not about?" She asked, pretending as if she didn't overhear their conversation.
"Uh, I'm sure he won't be far cause the whole bond thing." Harry chuckled awkwardly. She passed Harry a teacup, which he took with a slightly shaking hand.
"Now, I'd always hoped that Draco's soulmate would be a girl as I do like some girly talk now and again-"
"I am no help there!" Harry muttered, before realising he had interrupted her. Great, he had already messed up.
"But you're a respectful young man and has treated my son with the utmost respect, especially through his hardships. It's not nice being an angel, especially when they're first experiencing rebirths and such, so it's important you're there for him. Plus it's nice for soulmates to know each other and help each other, which is why I invited you to lunch today." She explained. Harry let out a sigh of relief, he wasn't about to be threatened or anything, just friendly conversation.
"So what's it like being a soulmate now you've been married for a while and have a kid and stuff?" Harry asked, not sure how to word his questions. She just laughed.
"I'm used to it now. You're finding things out about your life as a soulmate and think it's hectic, but as soon as the ceremony is done, the bond calms down so much more and life becomes somewhat normal." She replied.
"So you don't mind it?"
"At first I hated it. I was stuck with Lucius forever and he wasn't the person I particularly wanted. Plus he was a little dramatic and clingy at first," reminding Harry of Draco immensely. "But now I've realised how much we need each other and when Draco was born, it confirmed that we truly were soulmates. This is something I can only hope for you and my son." She said with a soft smile as he stared into the distance. Harry had never thought that his life would become normal. I mean, first he has the whole wizard thing, then the dark wizard who wants to kill you and anyone close to you thing and now the whole soulmate thing! A normal life wasn't in his cards. But seeing Narcissa and Lucius, gave him hope.
"I know this isn't a question either of us want to ask but I must ask if you and Draco are sexually active?" These words snapped Harry out of his thoughts and nearly out of his chair.
"Uh no! We um haven't got round to it cause like it's important and we want to be ready-" Harry spluttered.
"Oh, that's alright dear and very smart of you two! I was just wondering if you've heard of euphoria." She replied with a slight giggle.
"Oh! Yes, Draco filled me in on that." Harry replied, recovering from his sputtering.
"It is quite horrible and I wish you don't have to go through it." She replied with a slight shake from her head. Harry suppressed a laugh, Draco having to pleasure him doesn't sound toooo bad in his opinion.
"If you could go back and had a choice, would you be Lucius' soulmate?" Harry blurted out before smacking his hand on his mouth. It had been a thought that had circled his mind so frequently. If he wasn't forced to be with Draco, would they just come together naturally; like fate?
"Ah, I remember asking myself the same thing. The bond doesn't just choose someone random, its written. Some say its written in the stars, others through the first pair of angels and soulmates it was decided, then fate and last true chemistry. I feel that one way or another, I would've fallen in love with that sod one way or another." She said with a laugh.
"I didn't even know I liked boys before this, only girls," Harry replied and sipped his tea which was surprisingly nice.
"It was meant to be. Draco always had this little obsession with you. One way or another he'd turn the conversation to his hatred of you. Which wasn't fun when we were simply asking about his school work or his grades. At one point, I thought he was only doing it to turn the topic away from a girl or that he was failing his classes. Then Lucius told me of the chemistry he'd seen at games and when he'd pick Draco up. He was almost certain you would be his soulmate if the angel passed on." Narcissa explained. "I always thought it was that Parkinson but I'm glad its you." Harry looked at her as he placed down his teacup, a grin forming on his face.
"Uh thank you." He said. However, Narcissa's attention had been led to somewhere else; the rose bushes. Harry followed her stare to see Draco looking sorry for himself as he tried to trim them.
"That boy is going to ruin my garden!" She laughed a warm, motherly laugh. "Please go before he completely ruins all the hard work!" She shooed harry away who practically sprinted towards Draco.

"Merlin was my mother that bad!" Draco groaned, glaring at his mother that now had an umbrella.
"No no no, she was fine!" Harry laughed as he wrapped his arms around the taller boy. He hummed in disapproval, making Harry laugh.
"She's watching us." Harry giggled like a little girl like he always does with Draco. Draco placed a small kiss on his head and he saw his mother smile from the corner of his eye.

a/n: SORRY FOR NO UPDATESSSSS!!! Its hard to be consistent!!!

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