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Alarms rang out around the castle, making the walls shake and made people cover their ears. Draco and Harry stood out from their balcony, watching dementors soar through the stormy sky. This was it, this was war.

"We need to get down there," Harry said bravely, watching the rows of students and professors barricade the entrance to their beloved school.
"Harry it's not too late to hide you," Draco began, but he already felt the burning sensation of separation from thinking about it.
"No, this is my fight and I couldn't leave you." Harry crashed his head into Draco's chest, inhaling his scent as it was the last time he would ever do this. Well, it might be the last time. The last time Dracos strong arms wrapped around him, rubbing his back in support. The thought that this might be the last time they'll be together made Harry want to run away. He didn't want to face a world without him.
"I love you so fucking much and whatever happens today, I will always love you," Draco whispered. "If I die, you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me."
"No, don't talk like that, never ever talk or think like that," Harry begged, not wanting those thoughts to add to the ones that were already suffocating his mind. "I love you too and we need to stick together in this. If we dont, we'll make it harder for ourselves." Harry replied. He pulled Draco down for the most perfect kiss; passionate and loving, a mixture of all the kisses they've shared and will share.
"Come on, we better get down there."

A path cleared down the centre of the human barricade, allowing the duo to walk down and face a thing so repulsive; Voldemort.
"Harry Potter," he snarled, sending a cold stabbing pain down through his body.
"Ignore him." Draco reminded Harry.
"We meet again," Harry replied, a smirk adorning his face. Draco had never realised how much Harry thrived on the battle and thrived on this thing that had been the sole purpose of his life. This is exactly what he had lived for, every second of his time on earth was for this and that inspired but petrified Draco.
"And Draco Malfoy, that's interesting." He taunted. Draco's face hardened at the sound of his voice saying his name. "Betrayed me for some fling. I always had an inkling you were of that sort."
"Fuck you," Draco replied, rolling his eyes. He wasn't even mad, just annoyed that he was here.
"Mr Potter we have some unfinished business to attend to." Harry stepped forward and Draco felt like he was going to throw up as he calculated all the ways he could save harry if it all went wrong.
"Well come on then, let's finish it." Harry spat. Did he not feel fear? Was he mad? Why did Draco have such a reckless idiot as a soulmate? Harry walked towards Voldemort. 
"Harry please don't be stupid," Draco shouted, his wings wanting to come out. But he couldn't let people see. "Harry please!" Draco pleaded. Harry turned around, feeling Draco's distress, but walked towards him. 
"Stop, my wings!" He wailed as his wings erupted through his clothes, making him cry out in pain. They were bigger than usual and razor sharp, hurting him immensely. Choruses of gasps erupted from both sides of the war at the sight of him. 
"An angel?" They gasped, making Draco want to cry and run away from embarrassment. He didn't want them to see what he was, to them he was just a normal wizard. Now he was a creature, something to gawk at. Warm arms wrapped around him and lifted him up.
"Stand up and be the strong, beautiful angel you are," Harry whispered, "dont let them get to you."

Draco stood up and stared at everyone around him with his classic sneer. 
"Oh dear, someone isn't a pure-blooded wizard like he always said he was!" Voldemort said with as much glee as someone like him could create. "Good thing I killed your father when I did before I knew how tainted he was. It was unfortunate your mother got away." The rest of the death eaters laughed as Draco felt the air being knocked out of his lungs. 
"He's dead." Was all he could mutter out. Harry couldn't bear the flood of sadness that he was currently feeling, not just from  Draco, but his own sadness. In his own cold way, Lucius had grown on Harry. He was to be his future father in law and wasn't as bad as he thought. Once Harry had hoped they would've bonded and gotten on well. 
"He's dead," Draco repeated. 
"Hm, wanna tell me where your mother is? Then you and Potter here could really bond over being orphans." Voldemort butted in. 

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