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"So where do we have to go?" Harry asked, wrapping his jacket around him as they waited at the front of Hogwarts station in the early morning's bitter wind. No Hogwarts trains ran in the term time, so they stood and waited for the Malfoys to pick them up.
"The Vatican city in Rome. There's a portal thing that'll transport us to Greywynne, like using floo powder." Draco replied, feeling the effect of his rebirth heavily.
"And how are we getting to Rome?" Harry asked, extremely unsure about this venture they were about to go on.
"I have no clue, but we can't floo there, only angels and soulmates can get into the area of the Vatican. I'm sure my parents have some sort of plan." Draco explained. Harry sighed, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. He already felt uneased by being around the Malfoys, let alone an entire population of angels!
"Can you not stress please, I'm trying to keep my pain to a minimum," Draco sighed, rubbing his head. Harry tried to keep himself calm for Draco's sake. He knew how worried Draco was about this trip and what they were going to find. Of course, Harry would support him through anything, terminal illness, diseases, whatever! But Draco still worried and the only thing that could change that was the results.

A blacked out ministry car pulled up in front of the two boys and a driver climbed out to open the door for them.
"Ministry car?" Harry asked as he clambered into the back seat across from Narcissa.
"We dont own a car, so my father got one from the ministry," Draco explained, sounding blunt which made Harry's chest ache. Harry swore (solemnly) to stop asking questions even though his curiosity was one of his weaknesses.
"Oh Draco, how are you feeling!" Narcissa asked with a look of worry coating her face.
"Sore, annoyed, tired and not wanting to be here." He replied. She looked over at Harry to shrug as if to say, I've tried to cheer him up but didn't work.
"Well why dont you two try and have a nap, your father said it'll be a few hours till we arrive."
"Where is father and where are we arriving, Rome?" Draco snapped, holding his head, which was hurting him immensely. Harry's hand reached up and massaged it while shushing him to calm down.
"He's in the front with the driver and we're going to a... um well, I do not remember the name but we are catching a plane." Narcissa replied quietly.
"An airport," Harry said, trying to be helpful. However, Draco's face turned grey and Harry knew he was angry.
"An airport! We dont know how to survive an airport!" He shouted, making Narcissa flinch. She obviously wasn't used to Draco being this angry at her.
"Well, we thought Harry could guide us as he was raised by muggles for eleven years." She explained in a mere mumble. How did Harry break this to her that he'd never been to an airport?
"Um well, I actually have never been to an airport but I guess I can figure it out and use what I've learnt from others at my muggle school, tv shows and random books." He replied, crushing the last bit of Dracos hope. They were screwed and Draco really didn't want to end up in a muggle prison, especially not when he feels like this.

A couple of hours later, the blacked out car pulled up in front of the airport. Muggles turned and gawked at the car, intrigued by who was inside the vehicle.
"Wait what are we going to do with our trunks, everyone here has suitcases."
"Lucius knows a charm to make them appear more normal to muggles, so I'm guessing like a suitcase. We dont want to draw attention to ourselves," Narcissa explained as she climbed out of the car. Harry knew they would draw attention to them anyway. All of the Malfoys were overdressed for the airport and Harry would raise questions as he didn't look related to them at all.
"The ministry has provided us with passports and a letter to describe Harry travelling with us as Draco's friend. Apparently, muggles notice if a nonrelated child is travelling with a family." Lucius explained as if this was an absurd idea. Harry looked at him quizzingly as he was passed the red suitcase with his trunks tag on it. The Malfoys were ranting about having to take their own luggage and Narcissa couldn't figure out a way to drag the heavy suitcase with her handbag elegantly enough for her liking. Harry rolled his eyes, of course, he was stuck in this situation.

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