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A/n: This and the next update are gonna be hella long so good luck!

"I still can't believe you're making me do this," Draco muttered to Harry as he grabbed his blazer and passed him. They hadn't sat together for the whole train ride and hadn't seen each other since leaving the school, so the pain in both boys was strong, which was making Draco very grumpy.
"Where's your pain? Mines abdomen as always." Harry said.
"Head and back. Plus my wings are acting up." Draco replied. Harry found it funny how Draco can sound so grumpy in his head.
"I'll rub some of that cream on you later but in the car, you better use those hands for the greater good."
"That sounded fucking wrong Potter!"

Harry laughed to himself, making both Hermione and Ron turn round and stare at him before getting off the train. The Weasleys were easy to spot due to their fluorescent orange heads and so Harry didn't wait back to find Draco. Draco, on the other hand, was hanging back on purpose.
"Draco, where're your parents or that driver?" Blaise asked.
"My parents said a ministry official will pick me up, so I'll wait and see who beckons me." Draco spat. He was trying to avoid the cluster of orange heads looking for him.
"Draco! Over here, dear." Mrs Weasley shouted and Draco groaned.
"Oh, shit mate. You still want me to send your presents-"
"To the manor of course! They're simply dropping me off. Goodbye, merry and happy." He said grumpily before storming over to the Weasleys with a high head. Harry shook his head at how pretentious Draco was acting but laughed slightly at his act.

"Right then, that's everyone! Come along then, it's gonna quite a squeeze in the car today." Mrs Weasley said jollily. No one talked as they walked to the car; it was too awkward. Harry watched Draco squinting and knew he was in pain.
"Ron, you don't think we can speed this up a bit, Draco's in a lot of pain and so am I mate." He whispered to Ron. Ron glanced back at Draco who looked down at the floor and whispered something to his mum. The speed instantly picked up.
"Right, Arthur's had to borrow this car from the ministry because some people destroyed the other one," Molly said before placing the big pile of trunks in the boot/on the roof of the car. Draco looked at Harry, obviously confused.
"If you thought to break out of Azkaban was hard, try breaking out of my aunts and uncles." They climbed into the car. Draco was squished in the back row with Harry Ron and Hermione. As soon as they placed their seat belts on, the boy's hands found each other's skin. Ron looked alarmed as he watched Draco's hand slip under Harry's shirt/trousers and both boys had to contain their sighs and moans of delight. They were pain-free.
"He's looking at us weirdly, then he whispers to Granger and then she hits him. It's quite agitating and not helping my pain and wings." Draco grumbled.
"Ron, this is just for pain. If we weren't doing this, we'd be sobbing and you'd be probably pierced by some very large and extremely sharp wings." Harry explained and Ron grumbled something under his breath.

The ride home was quiet, except for the snores of the children asleep. That was everyone except Draco. Harry was curled up against him in a way that looked extremely uncomfortable but Harry's face looked happy and he was feeling very content. Draco tried staring at the window but the only thing keeping him entertained was the sleeping beauty next to him. He noticed Mrs Weasley starting to grab small items around them, silently announcing that they were soon to be home. But all Draco could see was icy fields and Harry never mentioned them camping. Suddenly a small shack-like house came into view and Draco felt horrible. The people he had tormented all these years lived here, in something the same size as Draco's personal greenhouse at his home. He felt terrible. "Ah Draco I see you're awake, be a dear and wake the ones up on your row, I'll get these thank you." Mrs Weasley whispered. Draco nodded and shook Harry gently. He truly wanted to wake him with a kiss but too soon and too many people. Harry grumbled and groaned.
"Come on sleepy head, we're here and you need to wake up Ron and Hermione. Harry's arm came out from Draco's side and hit Ron.
"Harry! No nicely!" Draco whispered, trying to hold back the giggles.
"Ron wake Hermione, we're home." He groaned before snuggling back up into Draco. All the Weasleys plus Hermione were awake now and they had pulled up in front of the house.
"Harry I am not carrying you, wake your arse up." He said. "Sorry for my language Mrs Weasley." He quickly added and she smiled and waved her hand in forgiveness. Ron stared at Draco the hardest, Draco looked over and shrugged.
"You love my arse," Harry muttered, making Fred and George laugh and Ron death stare Draco.
"Potter, we have an audience so wake up or I'll just leave you here," Draco said sterner but blushing intensely. Harry groaned but sat up, very dishevelled. The show was over so everyone got out of the car and helped bring the bags in. With a wave of his hand, Draco made all the trunks and cages of various animals float into the house.
"Oh thank you, dear!" Mrs Weasley said, with a loving grin.
"Oh um it's fine, I just hope they know where their rooms are, cause I don't." He said adding a fake laugh to the end.

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