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Trigger warnings: Mention/description of anxiety, panic attacks, depression and PTSD. Please stay safe. If you dont want to read this, feel free to message me or comment asking for a summary of what happened as it contains some important plot bits. 

"You dont think this is Voldemort do you?" Harry asked shakily, already feeling the familiar tightness develope in his chest. 
"I dont know. I know there are rogue wizards who aren't associated with Voldemort, but they tend to stay relatively quiet. Something this big cannot be good." Draco replied gravely. He had to contact his father, he would know something. Lucius had been working as a double agent for the ministry for just over a year and Draco hated it. Sometimes he'd secretly wish his father would go dark, as it was safer than his current position. 
"But why in Hogsmeade, there's nothing significant there, except for being close to us!" Harry clenched his fists, hoping he could push down this feeling. He'd never had a full blown panic attack in front of Draco and vowed he wouldn't since the day Draco gave him a bath after his nightmare. Draco gives Harry the world and more and Harry doesn't want to tarnish the most positive view he's ever been seen in. He didn't want to be seen as someone Draco needed to baby. 
"I'm going to write to my father and see what he knows about it." Draco sighed. He couldn't tell if he was stressed or if Harry was stressed but one way or another, he'd have to find a way to solve this. 

As soon as the door to the spare room closed, Harry dropped to the floor.
"No no no no no this can't be happening right now!" He muttered, tears welling up in his eyes. He crawled over to a box he'd shoved under the bed and threw it open. However, all that was in there was empty potion bottles that use to contain the only things that would calm him down and improve his mental health. He'd forgotten to get a refill. Violently, he threw the box across the room, not caring about where the bottles rolled too or smashed. He felt as if someone had their hand round his throat, crushing his airways. Breathing seemed to be a luxury and Harry's sore lungs longed for some release from this hellish situation. Flashes of green engulfed the room as Harry curled up into a foetal position and allowed the crying to rack his body. Screams and shouts of his loved ones intertwined with Voldemort's mind breaking voice, he was going crazy. Why bother trying to stop this when he'd be dead the moment Voldemort arrives?

Draco turned his head back to the door; did something just smash? He shook his head, smiling at how much of a clutz his soulmate was, before turning back to his letter. He could punish Harry later for whatever he broke. 

Dear Father, 
I'm sure you have heard of the dark magic incident that took place in Hogsmeade. I need any information you have on it or the current movements of Voldemort sent to me ASAP. We can't let the war happen again.
Love Draco.

Instantly his head snapped back to the door and he felt an urge to go out there and be with Harry. Something was up, but he couldn't pinpoint Harry's emotions, he was blocking them. Probably just panicking from breaking something, telling Draco that it was probably something of his. He carried on working on his letter, but he kept on glancing at the door. He felt uneasy but needed to finish this letter, it was too important. Inside, he felt as if the bond was screaming. 
"Harry are you okay?" Draco shouted, feeling an increase in anxiety. Harry didn't reply. He wasn't okay. 

Draco ran out into the bedroom and saw Harry lying in a foetal position, crying and trying his hardest to breathe.
"Oh, babe," Draco said softly as he went and held Harry. 
"I'm gonna die!" Harry replied through sobs, breaking Draco's heart. "Everyone's going to die
"No your not baby, I promise. I will do everything in my power to keep you safe." Draco soothed, trying his hardest to calm down Harry. Draco didn't know what to do, surely he must have some sort of medication or a potion to stop this?
"Harry, do you have a potion or something that I can get you?" He asked. Harry shook his head and pointed to the smashed bottles on the other side of the room. Draco leapt up and started pulling out the thousands of potions book on his shelves, desperate to find anything that could act as a remedy. 
"Dont bother, I'll be over it in a minute," Harry said, already feeling his breathing return to a slightly more normal pace. However, next came the wave of depression and Harry didn't want Draco to see that. However, Draco couldn't make the potion as a familiar owl began to tap on their window; Draco's family owl.

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