{Epilogue Part 1}

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Draco stared at his reflection. It had only been 2 months since the war, but he already looked so different. He had bulked up more, scars laced his body and his skin had a glittering effect to it (A/N: twilight is quaking) from the sheer force of magic from the risky rune he applied all those months ago. The long scar still ran down his left arm, but it didn't bother him as much as it did anymore. It was a reminder of all that he and harry had been through and of how strong he was. How strong they were together. Plus he and Harry now were scar buddies, which he thought was cute. But runes wouldn't be risky as today was Draco's rune ceremony! Because he took such a strong rune with no effect, the clave, who was extremely scared of Draco and were imprisoned by the ministry of magic, allowed him to take his rune ceremony early. That was almost a month ago and the glee that Draco felt then was still bubbling inside of him. 

"Hey beautiful," Harry cooed as he walked into the room, but then suddenly stopped. "Are you wearing a leather skirt?" Draco blushed, (A/N: It was roman skirt thingy or some sort of weird trousers that I couldn't explain soooooo)
"I think its more of a leather kilt thing. I feel like a Roman soldier." Harry wrapped his arms around Draco and kissed his neck.
"Kinky, I like it. Can you ask to keep it?" Harry gasped. "Wait do I get one at our soulmate ceremony? Double kinky!" 
"Is it possible for you to not be dirty for a couple of seconds," Draco sighed, fed up of his stupid soulmate.
"Hmmm, I'll try and keep my mouth shut throughout the ceremony, but I may be crying like a little bitch."
"You are a little bitch," Draco corrected, shrugging Harry off of him.
"Correction, I'm your little bitch," Harry cheeked. 
"Get your arse out of here!" Draco laughed, pushing Harry out of the door to a very shocked Narcissa. 

She walked into the room with her long grieving dress trailing behind her. After the war, Narcissa decided to stick with angelic traditions and wear the long, Victorian style black dress with a matching lace veil. Basically a black wedding dress, which Draco thought looked similar to all of her other dresses. 
"Your father would be so proud," She whispered as she cupped her sons face. Draco's eyes dropped to the floor, he still wasn't able to talk about his father. "He was a good man, just like you're going to grow to be." She continued.
"I know," was all he could conjure up, still not looking at his mother.
"He died to save us." She spluttered, catching Draco's attention. "He died as human as possible, fighting against his angel side to not expose us, giving me time to escape. But when I returned, I saw his feathers and understood that he knew and that's why he killed your father. That's when I found the letter addressed to you but unsent. In a frenzy I sent it. He tried his hardest to protect us, that's all he ever wanted to do and I can't begin to imagine how proud he would be to see how you protected everyone." She explained. Draco felt as if all the air had been knocked out of his lungs. How his mother seemed to be dealing with this so well baffled him.
"Mother, how are you surviving the loss of your soulmate?" He asked carefully. Harry was reckless and if there was a fight against evil, Harry was always there. Harry danced on the line of life and death way too much for Draco's liking and the idea of losing him may one day become a reality. The thought brought a depth of sadness that Draco didn't know was possible.
"Having someone who understands living with me is a big help." She replied. After the war, Leo moved in with Narcissa, who she now treated like a son. "He's been a great support system as he truly understands. Plus even though Snape can be a snivelling little shit (Draco snorted at how that reminded him so much of Harry), he knows he was round anti-addictive pain potions." 
"I'm so sorry, mum." He replied. He never called Narcissa mum, always mother and it felt weird but right.
"Dont apologise. Every time I look at you, I know I've done right by the world and over the past two months, seeing you grow and flourish into the most perfect man with the most perfect relationship, I know I've done well by him." 

*wow we love sadness apparently. I want more happiness so time skipperino to the (why was despacito the first word to pop into my head) ceremino.*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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