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"An angel? Draco Malfoy an angel? He's more like the devil!" Harry said and Ron burst out laughing.
"Yes, and you're his soulmate," Hermione replied.

"I'm a what and he's my what?" Draco shouted at his father.
"Yes, you're a pure blooded angel, from my side of the family. But you picked up your wizarding traits from your mother, my soulmate. You never noticed but I would come to your quidditch games and I could see the connection between you two. I was certain." Lucius replied.

"So I gotta be with him forever." Harry groaned.
"Yep. You can't be with anyone else, romantically or sexually." Hermione replied, making Ron wince.

"SEXUALLY! Nooooo that's not happening. I'll just have to be celibate." Draco replied to his father dramatically. If Lucius was near a wall right now, he would be bashing his head against it.
"Draco, you just gotta accept that's how it works. The bond between you two hasn't been consecrated yet."

"What does that even mean?" Harry replied stressfully.
"Ronald don't even say anything, it's not like that. You just gotta kiss."
"Kiss? Great." Harry said dreadfully.

"What type of kiss? Long, short, peck, tongue?" Draco asked sounding kinda enthusiastic to his father.
"Just on the mouth," Lucius replied.

The ache in Harry's abdomen had returned. The first time it hadn't ached in a week was when he was with Draco, so it was probably something to do with the bond. Hermione and Ron had decided to take that walk and left Harry to himself and his thoughts. He was still incredibly confused. Why has it always gotta be him? Why couldn't Ron be Dracos soulmate? Or one of Draco's 'friends'? But no it had to be him. There were a small pop and dobby ran into the room.
"Master Potter, master Malfoy asks you to join him for lunch." He said to me, trembling slightly.
"What one?"
"The eldest one sir. Does Master Potter need dobby to assist him, sir?" Dobby asked. Harry shook his head, knowing how afraid dobby was of the Malfoys.
"Where am I going?" Harry asked as he got up and pulled on a jacket.
"To where the younger master Malfoy is sir. Dobby was told you know where that is sir." Dobby replied.
"Yeah. Thank you, Dobby." And with that Dobby disappeared.

The walk down to the dungeons was cold and dreadful. Would Harry be threatened? Would they explain all this again? Would some sense be made out of this mess? Probably not.
"Password!" The portrait barked. It was of a luxurious woman with dragons snaked around her body.
"Uh hi, I'm sorry but I don't know it-"
"No entry then." She spat.
"But I've been told to come here because I have a meeting over lunch with Lucius Malfoy," Harry replied politely, remembering how difficult portraits can be.
"Ah yes, that was mentioned. I'll let you in this time due to orders but don't come sniffing around here anytime soon." She warned before turning round to an orange dragon. The room inside was dark again, except for a faint glow radiating from Malfoy's fingers. Carefully, Harry stepped over the broken shards of his old wand, trying not to make his appearance noticeable. Draco was inspecting his wings. The glow radiated off the sheen of his feathers was beautiful and Harry couldn't stop himself from looking.
"Ah Mr Potter, I see you got my message," Lucius said while stepping out of the shadows. Dracos wings disappeared into his back, causing Draco to wince slightly and the light from his hands vanished. "Draco, I see your wings have come out again. They will drop their feathers again tomorrow morning so don't get so used to them." Lucius explained before walking up to Harry. "Please, come and join me in here."

The room was the same one Draco ran into that morning. Now it was just Harry and Lucius alone. "We need to be civil. For Draco's sake." Lucius said and Harry nodded in agreement.
"How old are you Potter?"
"Sixteen." Harry replied.
"When was your birthday?"
"The 31st of July sir."
"Hm, that makes sense then." Lucius pondered but Harry didn't dare to ask what made sense.
"Do you know what Draco is?"
"Yeah, I did some research," Harry said, making sure he didn't drop Hermione into it. "He's an angel."
"Yes. And so I'm guessing you know who you are?" Lucius added while holding out some sandwiches. Harry took one reluctantly before realising they were more likely from the kitchen.
"Yes. His uh soulmate."
"Exactly. You need to be told some things and some changes will happen." Lucius started. "I'm guessing you read about how the bond is started, that needs to happen soon or the bond will go mad, causing both of you pain and distress. Right now, Draco is going through a rebirth. As you know they occur every month, for him his wings will shed and regrow every day for a week. There will be trouble for you as well. Have you noticed the pain that you have been getting?" Lucius started explaining and Harry nodded.
"In my kinda lower abdomen."
"Yes, he has pains too, it's because of many things. The bond not being consecrated, you two being far from each other and because he's going through his rebirth. Also, your emotions will be all over the place, again for the same reasons. I have already spoken to Dumbledore (a disgusted face covered Lucius' face) and arranged for you to move in here with him. It's vital for the bond to not go crazy. After a few weeks or so, it should calm down and allow you to have some privacy and freedom, but not for long periods of time. Do you understand me?" Lucius added.
"Yes, sir," Harry replied back as if he was talking to a teacher.
"Good. I recommend you spend the day with Draco and consecrate the bond. House-elves will bring down your trunk before tonight."
"Wait will I still be a part of Gryffindor? Can I still sit with them at meals and stuff?" Harry asked before Lucius walked away.
"Probably not for this week. But after that, I'm sure the bond won't mind."

Harry re-entered the dark room carrying a plate of sandwiches.
"Um, this is for you from your dad." He said as he got closer to the bed and placed it down.
"Thank you," Draco said but didn't touch them. The boys stood and stared at each other. "You can sit you know."
"Oh um thanks," Harry said as he sat down next to Draco.
"It's probably for the best if we stay close so the bond doesn't have a hissy fit," Draco said sounding annoyed.
"Yeah. So when did you get this room?" Harry asked, trying to make small talk.
"My birthday. The first rebirth occurs after the angels sixteenth birthday. But I just thought my Father was coming to his senses and getting me away from those juvenile idiots." Draco explained.
"Back in early June then. That was before the summer holidays and I'm only hearing about this now? That's a new record." Harry blurted out.
"How do you know my birthday?" Draco asked, his eyes narrowing on Harry.
"Uh, I don't know. The bond maybe?" Draco hummed but already knew that the bond doesn't put knowledge in the other person head.
"So you didn't know you were an angel?" Draco shook his head.
"Guess that's one thing we have in common." Harry laughed.
"What do you mean?"
"Well I didn't know I was a wizard for ages and you didn't know you're an angel for ages." Draco gasped in pain and two wings erupted from his spine.
"Fuck that hurt." He whispered and Harry watched his eyes water.
"Will it always be that bad?" Harry asked softly.
"No. It's one of the first times they have come through so that'll hurt and it'll hurt on my rebirths. My back will have a lot of scars." Draco explained and Harry looked at him sympathetically. He knew how bad rebirths can be from Remus, but his were one night, Dracos were a week. Harry's eyes focused on the dark wings towering over us.
"They're beautiful." He whispered, reaching out to stroke them. Draco pulled them away and met Harry's eyes with his. "Sorry. They just look really soft."
"They are to me but Snape went to feel the softness and cut his hand on them. They go razor sharp."
"Maybe it's different cause I'm...ya know and you can't hurt me cause of it," Harry suggested. Draco shrugged and moved forward towards Harry.
"Don't say I didn't warn you." Carefully, Harry outstretched his arm and placed his hand delicately on the feathers.
"They're softer than anything I've ever felt before," Harry said in awe.
"Oh goddd keep your hand there." Draco moaned as he shut his eyes and fell back onto the pillow. Harry look alarmed but obeyed.
"That sounded wrong."
"My pain has stopped. Don't move ever!" Draco sighed contently. Now Harry thought about it, his pain had dulled too. It was still there but gone slightly.
"Wait, I know this sounds weird and very wrong but give me your hand," Harry asked.
"Cause my hand on your pain has stopped it so maybe your hand on my pain will stop mine." He explained. Wearily, Draco placed his pale hand in Harry's. Harry guided it and placed it on his lower abdomen, giving a sign of relief when the pain ebbed away.
"This looks extremely wrong."
"Shut up and don't move or I'll move." Harry threatened.
"I really hope my father doesn't see this."

A/n: I really like this idea so far 😬

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