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Draco was in the shower, leaving Harry to sit outside and think of an apology. Today was their last day of freedom before returning to lessons and he was going to spend it with Hermione and Ron. Last night had been torture. After fixing up the room, both boys fell asleep. However, Draco pushed Harry away every time he would get close to him, obviously angry and today he woke up and stormed into the bathroom. Harry took a deep breath and walked into the preoccupied bathroom.
"Potter! Get out I'm showering." Draco screamed. Harry tried to pinpoint how Draco was feeling and failed because A) he was pretty shit at it and B) Draco was blocking him from doing it.
"Why are you blocking your emotions?" Harry said to Draco in his mind.
"Please refrain from my mind and emotions while I'm showering!" Draco replied.
"Draco, I'm sorry okay." Harry side as he squeezed some toothpaste onto his brush. He could see the outline of Draco's body in the mirrored reflection of the fogged up door, distracting him from actually brushing his teeth.
"Carry on, I deserve it." Draco sang from the shower. Harry rolled his eyes. Yes, he had been thinking of sex last night! He's a teenage boy for God's sake, it's all he can think about when with Draco. I guess this was just Draco being his dramatic self!
"Draco Malfoy, what can I possibly do to earn your forgiveness again?" He begged through a mouthful of toothpaste.
"Merlin's balls you're terrible. To win my forgiveness, you can spend the day with me at Hogsmeade. I have to pick up some Christmas gifts and some company would be nice." He replied. He smudged the glass so his face was visible, showing his puppy eyes. Harry turned and faced him. 
"Fine but come on then, I still gotta shower and go explain to Ron and Hermione that I can't meet up with them." Harry laughed.
"You were gonna go a long distance without me?" 
"Your dad said we have to try before he leaves," Harry replied while walking up to the glass, the outline of Draco's body was more prominent now.
"And I thought we were going to try at dinner like we discussed at breakfast yesterday?" Draco snapped with a raised brow.
"Well, it's not happening now, so out now!" Harry said as he opened the door, fed up with Draco's behaviour. Draco didn't even flinch to cover his body as Harry's eyes were flooded of the sight of his bare skin. Fucking hell he was perfect. Harry blushed and Draco turned around exposing his arse to Harry. Harry was trying to think about how he'd look when he's older when his body had filled out and his porcelain skin covered in runes.
"If you like what you see so much, why don't you just join me?" Draco said in a sing-song voice.
"Draco. Out now." 
"Only for you my dear." He cooed before getting out and wrapping a towel around his waist.

It was obvious that Draco wasn't going to leave the bathroom. He had actually decided to stay, just to see if Harry would undress and spend some extra time pampering himself for the public. Harry realised that this was probably somehow tied into the apology he apparently owned and decided to give Draco what he wanted. He stripped down to nothing and turned the shower back on.
"Hm someone enjoyed what they saw a lot!" Draco said as he addressed the problem Harry had. Harry stepped into the shower, Draco still didn't budge.
"Draco can you leave?" Harry sighed. Draco turned and walked up to the shower.
"Why? What possibly could you need privacy for? You're going to wash your hair, your body, maybe even sing a little if I'm lucky." He replied with a smirk. Harry rolled his eyes and exhaled loudly.
"Malfoy, read my emotions you prick!" Harry said. Draco rolled his eyes.
"Nah not in the mood."
"Draco Malfoy! Get out of here or I'll just start doing it." Harry warned, causing Draco to laugh.
"Hm go forth," Draco said, butterflies going crazy in his stomach. Would Harry actually do it? He watched one hand plant against the wall and the other one disappeared, followed by a sharp intake of breath.
"Fuck." He muttered making Draco go crazy.
"Oh fuck off! Stop feeling that feeling so strongly, now I'm a fucking mess!" Draco whined before storming off to the bedroom.

An hour later, both boys were walking down the bustling hallways of Hogwarts.
"I still can't believe you done that to me this morning," Draco grumbled as they got to the Gryffindor common room. Harry whispered the password.
"I did warn you but you were the one who decided to stay." He said before dragging Draco inside. Hermione and Ron were sat on the sofa curled up into each other.
"Are you sure they're not soulmates instead of us?" Draco whispered. It was true, they acted more like they were attached than Draco and Harry.
"Hey, guys," Harry said, making them jump apart.
"Harrrrrryyy! And Malfoy um hi." Hermione squealed.
"Good morning Miss Granger," Draco replied politely, causing Harry to turn and blink at him a couple times. Was he being nice to them?
"Uh I'm sorry but I can't go out with you guys today," Harry said. Ron sighed and Hermione looked disappointed.
"I would've really! But someone (he shot a glare at Draco) insisted that as a form of an apology/punishment, I have to go Christmas shopping with him." Harry sighed.
"Hey! It's not just Christmas shopping, I need to pick up some things for us, for the whole soulmate thing." Draco replied, batting his eyelashes.
"Why does he have to apologise?" Ron asked carefully. Harry blushed and Draco shot him a death-defying glare. He wouldn't dare to tell them what really happened, would he?
"Don't you fucking dare!" Draco warned.
"I won't! Trust me, I don't want them knowing about my sex life." Harry replied. Draco nearly choked. SEX LIFE?! Where had that come from?
"I uh did something that messed with the bond and made a big kinda explosion thingy, that made Draco get into trouble with Lucius," Harry explained.
"Well, I guess you better get going. Are you coming down to dinner?" Hermione asked and Harry nodded.

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