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It was especially cold this night. Both boys held onto each other for dear life, trying to get some sort of warmth under Draco's wings. Of course, Draco didn't need Harry for heat, his magic heated him enough. But the feeling of Harry curled up on his bare chest underneath his wings made him all fluttery.
"So these rune thingys, Hermione said about them and I'm curious to what they are?" Harry asked as he tucked his head into Draco's neck more. It was so bloody cold!
"They're symbols that you draw onto your body and give you specific abilities. They glow either gold or silver and then turn black. Mine will be silver like my eyes because I have black wings. White-winged angels will glow gold. Ones that aren't permanent disappear, permanent ones stay." Draco explained.
"And you can't have them yet, cause a heating one would be bloody useful right now!" Harry shivered, causing Draco to hold him tighter.
"Illegal till I'm eighteen. They're extremely strong and I'm weak in angelic standards. You'll receive the soulmate rune and can take and apply the healing one but that's it for you." He added.
"Wait, I gotta be runed?" Harry asked while sitting up.
"The soulmate rune takes place at a soulmate ceremony in some place just for angels when we're eighteen because everyone finds their soulmate before eighteen. It won't be straight away cause I want my rune ceremony first." He explained. Harry nodded and pretended to know what he's on about.

"Where're your dad's runes? Harry asked. Dracos face completely changed.
"He got rid of them. It's a painful process and very dangerous, practically deadly, but he couldn't risk the dark lord seeing them. He only has his soulmate rune." He said gravely. Harry's face softened.
"What about you?" He whispered. Draco shook his head.
"I'm not gonna live my life in fear because of some noseless git!" He spat. Harry watched his eyes turn from the stormy grey to the firey silver, glistening in anger. His wings stiffened and Harry instantly stroked them, calming them back down.
"Can't your father have the non-permanent ones?" Harry asked softly.
"He only uses them in life and death situations," Draco replied, obviously wanting to stop talking about his father.

"What about you? What ones do you want?" Draco's face lit up and he practically ran over to a small bookshelf. He pulled off an old greying book and with the flick of his hand, it looked like the pages were glowing.
"This is a rune book, every single one is in it." He said as he stroked the spine of this beloved book. A devious look struck Harry's face that scared Draco slightly. He couldn't detect what emotions Harry was experiencing right now, which put him on edge.
"How about we play a little game. I'll open to a rune and you tell me where you want it." Harry whispered and Draco shrugged seeing no harm in that.

Harry carefully opened the book to a random page. Adorning these glowing pages was drawings of symbols, paired with a language that Harry had never seen before.
"What's this one?" Harry asked, eyes flicking up from the curvaceous symbol to Dracos silvery eyes.
"Stamina. Non-permeant," he replied, his voice raspy from tiredness. Harry liked this voice, it only added to the newly founded attractiveness that Harry was experiencing. Harry was a teenager so feelings like this are normal to him, but never to men and never to Draco Malfoy.
"And where would you have this?" Harry added, watching his hand trace Dracos paler skin.
"Probably in an easily accessible place when I need it quickly," Draco replied, his skin now covered in a fine coat of goosebumps.
"So your arm?" Harry said as he traced the design into his arm with his finger lightly. Draco's silvery eyes flicked from Harry's face to his hand, watching Harry trace the invisible design. His wings fluttered slightly, making Harry smile. Both boys were content. "What about this one?" Harry asked as he turned the page. Draco gasped.
"The soulmate rune." Harry stared at the design, two interweaving thorny lines, coming together in a rose. It was gorgeous.
"I have to draw that?" Harry said with a raised brow.
"No, they just make it so you place ur hand on where it goes and it'll grow and form. Too many people fucked it up so they had to simplify how to get it." Draco explained before taking Harry's hand. "And it goes right here." He said, placing the cold hand over his warm heart. Harry could feel his heartbeat through his skin, beating in time with his. It made him blush, which only caused Draco to chuckle softly. Harry let his fingers trace invisible designs around where the rune will be.
"Do you have to get it?"
"No. Some soulmates only get it so they can be apart from each other, some treat it like a wedding ceremony, others just don't bother." Draco replied, hurting slightly at this comment. Would Harry not bother with getting the rune? Draco thought that Harry had got used to the whole soulmate thing (maybe even enjoyed it) but maybe he was wrong. All he could think about for these past few days was his rune ceremony and their soulmate ceremony. What would they wear, would there be flowers? He felt crushed.
"Well, I can't wait to get it," Harry added, making Draco's heart explode and show by the humungous smile on his face.

"Whats this?"
"Flexibility." Draco laughed. Harry smirked.
"I like the sound of that." He whispered. Draco pretended to ignore that comment for his hearts stability. "And where would this one go?"
"I probably wouldn't use it."
"Really? I think it would be very useful." Harry replied as he let his eyes glide over Draco's body. He was being hit by the gay thoughts and a wave of braveness, like a tsunami. "I also think." he said with a pause as he let his hand drop down from Draco's chest to his faint abs, tracing them softly. "that this should go right here." His hand traced down to Draco's V-line. Draco ignored the familiar tightness present only millimetres above Harry's hand.
"Harry." He panted. Harry smirked and looked up at Draco, meeting his eyes with wide innocent ones.
"yes?" he replied. Draco only stared so Harry fiddled with the band of Draco's expensive looking boxer shorts. His eyes fluttered slightly down to Harry's pink, plump lips. Harry took this with all his Gryffindor braveness and connected their lips. Draco instantly moaned into the kiss, feeding his needs. He slid his tongue into Harry's mouth and won for dominance as he flipped harry onto his back. Their lips broke apart and Draco straddled him. Harry moaned at this new founded contact, causing Draco to instantly wave his hand. A silver mist covered the walls and doorways; a silencing charm. Harry peeled his own t-shirt off and Draco's hands instantly fell onto his chests. Draco's lips latched onto Harry's neck, sucking on it, to make Harry his. Harry seemed to really enjoy this and produced the hottest whimpers, so Draco stored this as useful information. Hot and heated pants echoed around the room, only adding to the atmosphere surrounding them. Their lips connected again and Draco swore he could see silvery sparks before closing his eyes. Harry didn't mind this and could definitely get used to it. Draco raised his lower half, obviously wanting Harry to remove his trousers. Harry's body responded to the lack of contact by thrusting up hitting Draco's lower half.

Suddenly a burst of silver light exploded from the two boys. Draco flung himself down over Harry, shielding him with his wings. Mirrors smashed, books fell and he felt the bed break underneath them. Lucius Malfoy shot out of his room, hair flying everywhere.
"WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING DOING!" he screamed. Draco sat up (still on top of harry) and blinked, his father rarely swore.
"Father, what just happened?" He replied.
"Well, that's what I want to know." He replied sternly.
"You don't think that was Volde-"
"Shut up Potter!" Both Malfoys shouted, making Harry blush and cower behind the pillow. Draco gracefully rolled off him and pulled the wrinkled quilt over Harry before pulling on a silk dressing gown and sitting back down on the broken bed.
"Father, I'm sorry but I don't understand what I have to do with this?" Draco spat.
"I didn't realise that getting you that book was going to convince you to... I was hoping it would act as more of a deterrent." Lucius muttered as he glare at the fluorescent book on the desk.
"Draco, I need you, to be honest with me. Were you and Mr Potter about to engage in sexual intercourse?" Lucius said grimacing. Draco blushed.
"NO no no no! we-we-"
"We were just kissing and it got out of hand." Harry piped up. Draco looked at him and didn't know whether to be angry or thankful at him. Lucius shook his head and groaned.
"Well obviously the bond didn't think that!" he shouted, making Draco flinch. He felt a warm hand under his gown, resting on his lower back for comfort. "During your rebirth, intercourse is dangerous. No one is entirely sure why yet, but it causes a power surge in your body, which was what that light was. You're lucky it was only a small one or you could've gone unconscious like before. Please dont engage in anything of the sort with each other for the rest of the week and future rebirths. Kissing in fine but you'll just have to sort out other ways to not... you know. Anyway, please tidy this up and go to sleep. Goodnight boys." He explained before sighing and departing.

"Did you think we were about to have sex?" Draco spat as he fixed the bed with his magic.
"Truthfully I don't think I was thinking of much," Harry said, trying to lighten the mood.
"Well, you must have been, cause I wasn't so that's why the bond thought that," Draco replied sharply.
"Well, you didn't exactly stop me." Harry purred in protest. Draco's anger caused him to throw a mini tantrum before shouting,

a/n: yes I did get the rune idea from the mortal instruments/shadowhunters/ 10000 other books linked to that series oops sorry. This was more of an informative chapter, not much really happened so sorry! I have a feeling this might be quite long, especially cause this is only chapter 7 and nothing's really happened yet. I'll try and move the storyline on a bit in the next few updates. Also if u read my one shot fic, I'm sorry I haven't updated in like a month, but Ive had terrible writing block this month (this fics updates are slightly pre-written so it hasn't affect this) so I'm really sorry!!! Byeeeee

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