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"Why are you so adamant about staying?" Mrs Weasley sighed as she began to pack away Ron's belongings.
"Because Harry and Draco are!" Ron replied as he put his things back to where they belonged. Her faced hardened at how selfish Ron was acting right now.
"So, if Harry and Draco jumped off a cliff, would you?" Ron rolled his eyes at the typical parent question,
"Maybe not just for Draco, but if it got rid of Voldemort, hell yeah." He replied. Molly sighed and sat down on his bed, stroking the soft fabric of his robes.
"You don't know war Ron, I do and its nothing like the stories or the little picture you've got worked up in your head. It's death and destruction and there's a chance that you and your friends won't make it. Come home where its safe." Ron sat down beside her, his head tossing and turning the idea of evacuating.
"But I can't leave Harry," he simply replied. If he left Harry, it'd be like leaving a brother behind and he couldn't do that. Harry would never leave him, so he'll never leave him. Molly couldn't answer. She knew that wherever Harry went, Voldemort will follow, so if she invited Harry to go with him, she'd be putting her entire family in danger.
"Please, Ron. This isn't duelling anymore, its war and no one's safe," She begged. She couldn't lose one of her kids, they were her life and if one slipped away, she would never recover.
"Mum, I promise to be safe, but I can't leave Harry. If you want, I'll convince Ginny to go with you."
"If you're staying, I'm staying with you."

*Yo this isn't a time skip, it's a character skip? Overall, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not updating in like 80 years so hey! I just copied this into word, so I can write this in college ahhhhhhh*

Hermione sighed as she sat down in the deserted girl's bedroom. So many students had already left, leaving her and Ginny the last girls in Gryffindor. She was sitting on her bed staring down at the letter from her parents. Earlier that morning, she wrote to her parents talking about the war and that she may be evacuating back home, but her parents seemed to not understand. Yes, she longed to stay and longed to help Harry and Draco out, but she had to think about herself. If she stayed, it would practically be a death sentence. Her parents just thought this was some sort of wizarding game and trusts that she will play safe and keep them updated on who wins. You'd think muggles would understand war and evacuation as it's practically always on the news. She could hear Molly's strained voice from the boy's bedroom and decided to go ask for some advice.

"Hello dear," She said as Hermione entered the room.
"Hey Molly, I was wondering If I could ask for some advice?" Hermione sighed as she walked over to Ron's bed. Ron gave her a concerned look, full of love and care. Molly patted the place on the bed between her and Ron, beckoning for her to sit down and share her troubles.
"My parents don't understand that this is an actual war, they, for some bizarre reason, think it's a game or something. I have no clue how I'm going to evacuate and if I even want to anymore." She spilt. She longed to stay and help Harry. She knew a lot of tactics and was good at magic so could be a major help, but she'd also be setting herself up for death.
"I'm staying and so is mum," Ron replied. Hermione looked at them both shocked, never expecting Molly to let Ron stay.
"The idiot was so certain on staying, that I have to stay and protect him." She explained.
"So do I stay?" Hermione asked, already crafting a list of preparations she would have to do.
"Could you see yourself leaving?" Ron replied, sending a surge of confidence through her body.

*A TIME SKIP! Insert the lady from Titanic when she says "its been 84 years" cause it has oh my god I've missed this. Also, like cannons and stuff cause war*

Harry walked back into the bedroom, running his hands through his hair. All he could hear was sniffles from the pile of blankets in the bed. Harry hurt because Draco hurt. Draco's mind had turned off but gone into overdrive at the same time. He couldn't bring himself to the possibility of his father being dead or badly injured, but what else could that smear of blood be from? Unless it wasn't his father and it was his mother! Another sob wracked his sore body as another wave of grief flooded his lungs. How could he carry on after this?
"Hermione, Ron and Ron's mum are staying to fight," Harry said softly, unsure on what he could do to try and alleviate the burden Draco was bearing. Draco only half grunted in reply. "It's raining," Harry added.
"Appropriate." Draco sniffled.
"Babe, don't think the worse. Your parents, especially your father, are the most resilient people I know." Harry replied as he rubbed Draco's back.
"But you don't understand!" Draco lashed out, "if my fathers dead, my mother will be significantly weakened by his loss so would be easy to kill. If my mother's dead, so is my father. Either way, I'm officially an orphan." Harry flinched at the last word, a word that had labelled him for his entire life.
"Welcome to the club." Harry sighed sarcastically.
"Oh I'm sorry, I'm not thinking straight." Draco apologised as he sat up and faced Harry. Draco looked like a mess. Harry tried not to show his shock as he studied this new side of Draco. He looked dead himself like all the blood had been drained from his body, leaving this gaunt, ghostly Draco behind.
"You just need something to distract you," Harry said slowly as he peeled his eyes away from Draco's face.
"What fun, pre-war activity is you going to spring on me? How to pack a medical kit, sorting out food supplies, making body bags out of robes?" He mocked. Harry realised how close Draco had been to war his entire life. With his parents, he was always near Voldemort, with Harry, he was always in Voldemort's path. The thought of war was something Draco was used too and that broke Harry's heart.
"Do you remember Dumbledore's army? My friends and I set it up last year?" Draco nodded. "Well, we round up any students and staff that cant evacuate, and we discuss tactics and teach defences and curses and basic medical things. We can also give people certain jobs and stuff." Harry explained.
"How are we going to do that in such a short time?" Draco asked, already doubting Harry's ideas.
"I'm Harry Potter, I can get a message round quick." Harry grinned.

*ANOTHER TIME SKIP WHOAAAA. I mentioned cannons in my last one and that got me thinking about wizards inventing things from the olden days but thinking its modern. So, things like cannons and finding electricity and stuff and incorporating it into their magic. I would love to write something like that, but I have no clue how! * *I'm writing in College, this is extremely scary*

The room of requirements had expanded more than what Draco believed to be possible as they squeezed in the last few people. Harry was stood on a small platform in the centre of the room, catching the eye of everyone who was here.
"Right, listen up!" Harry shouted, but the swarm of people carried on chatting amongst themselves, spreading rumours of recent spottings of dark magic around the country. Draco had had enough of the mindless chatter. Didn't these people have better things to talk about? Harry was getting nowhere with shutting people up and Draco was getting increasingly more annoyed.
"SHUT IT!" He shouted, causing all the beady eyes to turn to him in the corner. Harry gave him a warming smile before turning back to the crowd.
"Thank you Draco," He started, "Welcome to Dumbledore's Army 2.0." Dumbledore flushed a deep shade of red at the honour and couldn't stop himself from giggling.
"I decided to bring back Dumbledore's army as a potential defence for the war you've all heard about. It'll ensure people are more prepared for fighting, medical care and overall giving us all a higher chance of survival. For the rest of the day, I propose we use the room of requirements and its resources to prepare ourselves for whatever could come." Harry explained. Draco looked up at Harry in awe. He was so calm in situations like this! Even though Draco's life had gone to shit in the past 24 hours, he at least still had the beacon of light which was Harry Potter.

*Guys I'm going mad. The person behind me is typing so loudly, like full on slamming the keys on her computer and there's some stupid alarm going off and I'm dead. But anyway, another time skip whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop. Tis now a few hours later! *

Harry looked around at the people around him. Everyone was working extremely hard and he felt proud. Students were learning curses and defences, professors were making up potions and medical kits. Everything seemed to be working and working well.
"Hm, someone's being a smart leader," Draco said as he wrapped his arms around Harry and placed his head on Harry's shoulder.
"Draco, people will see!"
"And, they have worse things to concentrate on," Draco replied. Harry let himself relax into Draco. How would he ever survive without Draco?

A/N: AN UPDATE??? WHATTTTT!!! I am so sorry guys, but I'll try to get back to some form of order soon! This was actually terrible I'm sooooo sorry!!!! Hope you enjoyed this, I'm off to my politics class now so whoop whoop! Byeeee

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