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"Oi rat face!" Harry shouted as he walked into the room rubbing a towel on his head.
"Excuse you." Draco sassed as he placed down his book.
"Ron and Hermione are coming over after dinner for a bit so be civil and control your wings," Harry warned Draco. Draco rolled his eyes.
"But I'm still so weak after fainting." He sighed dramatically, causing Harry to roll his eyes.
"That was yesterday, your fine. Your father said your powers would have been completely restored by the morning and that was ages ago."
"Fine, I'll lock myself in my father's room while he's out or the bathroom." Draco groaned as he started to pile up books and objects.
"No." Harry quickly said causing Draco to pause and look up. "These are your rooms just as much as mine so you can stay." He said sympathetically. "That's of course if you want too, of course." Harry quickly added, not making any sense.
"Thank you, I will stay here and read this book." He said as he sat back down on the bed. They had gotten rid of Harry's bed as it was only used for Harry to lie down on and fall asleep. He never actually slept there. Now they had a lovely set of chairs, a sofa and a table.

A giant owl suddenly appeared at the window, tapping impatiently. Harry groaned.
"Really? I'm trying to dry my hair here." Draco clicked his fingers without even looking up from his book. Harry's hair was dry and the window opened, allowing the owl in. Harry took the wax paper wrapped parcel and read the label. Draco Malfoy. "Draco it's for y- alright then," Harry said as the package was replaced by payment for the delivery. He looked back at the bed to see Draco already opening it. The curiosity took the better of Harry and he went to go look. "You're getting better at this magic thing." Harry complemented Draco, but Draco didn't reply as he pulled back the last bit of paper. Sitting on their bed was a bright pink book with an obscene photo of two men having sex (an image that Harry couldn't peel his eyes from and would appear in his mind a lot in the future). Harry burst out laughing.
"Oh god!" Draco groaned as he threw the book across the room.
"Your father was serious about getting you a book on sex!" Harry laughed while grabbing his sides.
"Remind me to burn that and then throw you into the flames," Draco said angrily. Harry gasped.
"But then you wouldn't learn all the tips and tricks of gay sex and you wouldn't be able to practice this new founded knowledge on anyone!"
"Shut up, your friends are here." Draco spat as the portrait opened.

They entered and instantly had to step over the vibrant pink brick of a book lying on the floor. Hermione raised her eyebrow at Harry's.
"Don't look at me, it's Draco's," Harry replied while putting his hands up in surrender. Both Hermione and Ron stared at Draco.
"It's my fathers." He replied without looking up, making Ron choke. "WAIT, NO NO NO!" He frantically shouted. Harry could see the buds of his wings trying to come out so he placed his hands on them and rubbed them softly. This made Draco moan slightly and Hermione and Ron to step closer to the portrait.
"Dracos dad brought Draco the book because he thought he'd need it to know stuff about gay sex and I'm just doing this to stop the pain jeez stop sexualising everything," Harry explained. He watched Draco tilt his bead back, eyes fluttering shut and mouth slightly ajar. It was a hot image and Harry's mind began to wander to other situations where he might see this again.
"Hmm. So Harry how you been?" Ron asked awkwardly.
"Nearly got murdered by some big spiders yesterday but ya know alright I guess," Harry said. Draco shot him a death-defying look because he had stopped rubbing his back.
"I'll do it after when they leave k?" Harry whispered and Draco nodded slightly grumpily and led down.
"Sp-spiders?" Ron stuttered.
"Yeah in the forbidden forest. Draco needed to go flying and then he had to save my arse with some Latin spell thingy." Harry said.
"It was more of a curse." Draco butted in. Harry rolled his eyes.
"Shut up, you just shouted some Latin and glowed! A lightbulb could do that without the dramatic Latin."
"Ummm, did you not see them disintegrate? Plus if you actually understood what I said, you'd know it was more than some Latin spell thingy!" Draco replied sharply. Ron looked taken back slightly but Hermione laughed.
"I've looked into angelic magic, there's a lot to it including runes and stuff. But from what you explained, I think I know what he said." Hermione whispered, only making Draco scowl. He could listen in if he wanted too, but he'd need a rune on his body for that. However, it was illegal for angels under the age of eighteen to use runes as they were quite deadly and apparently he was too weak. Harry would have to have runes as well, but not yet.
"What did he say?" Harry replied quietly.
"Amor per mortem."
"Yeah, that sounds familiar."
"It roughly translates to death by love, which is why he glowed from his heart. He killed them because he loves you. As it says, it's only supposed to kill them. If he just accepted you as a soulmate they would've just died. However, they disintegrated, which shows he has powerful feelings for you, Harry." She explained. Harry was shocked. Draco really loved him. He didn't know how to breathe or how to function and he certainly didn't know what to feel. Did he love Draco? I mean, he was attracted to him but did he love him?
"Are you alright?" Ron asked. Harry nodded.
"Do you feel the same way back?" Hermione asked.
"I uh... I don't know." Harry said slowly, his mind overflowing with emotions.
"Would you like to rant about it? It tends to help." Hermione suggested.
"Well, I'm attracted to him. Like he's hot and I wouldn't mind having to go there if I had too, if you know what I mean. But I don't know if I love him like that. I don't even know what love is." Harry whispered.
"Well, love is knowing that you'd do anything to save them. You'd jump in front of a killing curse and sacrifice yourself to Voldemort, just to see them live. You can't go a day without thinking about them and you can't see yourself without them in your life. Your heart beats faster when they enter a room and your skin tingles when they're close and you can feel their presence." Ron said and Hermione blushed. Was that what Harry was feeling?
"So, do you feel that?" Hermione asked with a twinkle in her eye.
"I uh don't know. I'd do anything to save him, but that might just be the bond. I literally can't go a day without him or we'd both be in immense pain and I guess I like having him around. When I'm alone, like when he goes and showers, I feel empty and like something's missing." Harry rambled. Draco looking up at his book, sensing that Harry was distressed.
"You alright?" A voice said in Harry's mind. He jumped and looked up at Draco.
"Did you just talk to me using your mind?" Harry asked out loud. Hermione squeaked but played it off as a cough.
"Yeah... it's a soulmate thing. I just read about it and wanted to test it." He replied casually.
"Can you read my thoughts?"
"No, but I could probably make an educated guess due to your response, body language and emotions. I can really pinpoint your emotions now and I experience them myself, just as you will with mine." He explained. Harry narrowed his eyes.
"Don't get horny or I swear to god I'll come and slap you." Harry burst out laughing and Draco giggled.
"Well, now I feel left out," Ron said.
"Harry!" Hermione whispered, drawing Harry back in. "Only soulmates that are romantically bonded can speak through their minds. He just tested to see if you feel the same way and sorry to say this, but you do." Hermione explained. Shit.
"Okay please stop being embarrassed. It's weird to feel embarrassed when I'm reading a ton embarrassing subject. Don't make me come to fight you with the gay book." Draco sighed.
"I don't think Harry needs the gay hit into him," Ron said before hiding behind Hermione.
"Haha, very funny," Harry said blandly.
"Ron, I think we should go now. I promised I'd help Ginny with some homework and she's probably wondering where I am. Also, I want to research something a bit more." She said with a wink towards Harry. She wants to research the angelic bond. Next, she'll be dissecting them!

Harry showed them out and picked up the book from the corner. He flicked it open to a random page and started to read it to Draco in his mind. "The art of rimming by Charles vondick- no wait vondike. Rimming is when you stimulate the others anus with one's tongue. Draco was this written in the early 1900's? If you feel you would not like the taste, flavoured lube is a godsend!" He watched Draco shift a bit to lie on his front, a deep blush developing on his face. Harry carried on reading. "Simply, you place one's tongue around the others anus, licking in whatever way you like. When you feel comfortable enough (or when your partner has had enough teasing) feel free to dip your tongue into the hole. Ooh, they have diagrams and real life pictures! "
"I'm going to have a shower," Draco said before running out of the room, looking very flustered. Harry could feel that Draco was horny and it pleased him immensely.

A/n: well that ending took a turn. Could you say it bent? I'll go home.

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