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Hogwarts, home sweet home. Not that Harry had minded the luxury of the Malfoy manor or the comfort of the Weasley's small home, but Hogwarts held all of his memories in its stone walls.
"Earth to Harry?" Hermione said and rolled her eyes making Draco laugh. "You're the only one to get through to him now so do your thing." She added to Draco.
"Thinking of me?" Harry jumped as his thoughts were disrupted.
"Unless you're Hogwarts, then no. Now fuck off!" He replied to a grinning blonde.
"Guys you know I hate it when you do this! Just talk like normal people." Ron whined. It had shocked everyone how close Ron and Draco had become. Ron sent more letters to Draco over the week at the Malfoys than he did to Harry, annoying Harry immensely.
"Well Ronald, if you would like to hear all the dirty dirty things Harry is saying to me, I'm sure he'd be honoured to say them out loud." Draco teased, earning him a slap from his boyfriend...well fiancé.
"Harry Potter, I feel like I don't know you anymore," Ron replied, wiping a fake tear.

However, the fun was instantly drawn to a close by a group of unwanted students walking over.
"Hello, Draco, would you care to explain what is happening here?" Pansy spat. Draco's back stiffened and he looked taller all of a sudden.
"Oh Pansy my dear, I see Christmas did nothing for your skin. Where's the glowing complexion you promised?" Draco cooed back.
"And for your information, I was having a chat with my friends. I hear that's a concept you don't understand so let me explain. Well, friends are someone who doesn't spread rumours about you all of the holidays." He spat before walking off. Harry and his friends ran after him, leaving Pansy stood there stunned to her spot.

"What did she do now?" Harry sighed as they walked into the warm building.
"Oh nothing much, just some rumour about me working for the dark lord and that we're related or something. I don't even remember, which shows how pathetic it was." Draco replied, waving it off like it was nothing. Harry frowned, he didn't like that at all.

Harry practically burst into his room.
"Ah, home sweet home! It still smells like the potion homework I set on fire." Harry exclaimed as he took a deep breath in and plopped onto the bed. Draco chuckled and placed the bags before joining him.
"I will agree it's nice to be back." He said.
"Even over your home?" Harry stared at his porcelain angel, his heart beating heavily.
"Well, this is our little space. My room there is my room, whereas this is our room." He replied before facing Harry. Harry couldn't stop himself as he pushed his lips into the ones he loved. Draco made a weird startled back noise before relaxing into a long-awaited moment. He had missed being able to do this as often as they wanted. Just them, no one to interrupt them. A warmness took over their bodies and Draco's wings came out. Then he remembered what would hit him tomorrow, ruining the moment entirely. He pulled away, causing Harry to whine and pull a face.
"What's up?" Harry asked, instantly being hit by a wave of discomfort and maybe sadness.
"Tomorrow will be my second rebirth," Draco said. Harry's heart sunk. Draco had ranted about how much he hated that week. It made him feel powerless and depressed.
"Hey, how about I ask Dumbledore if I can stay with you for the week, get my work sent here too. I could run you nice hot baths with all that fancy shit you like and give you messages and feed you grapes." Harry suggested.
"Ugh that sounds lovely, but I'm not some Greek god so you can feed me Chocolate." Draco laughed.
"Grapes are good for you!"
"Not for the soul tho! I need chocolate." Draco replied sternly. Harry had to give in.

They led there for hours, plotting how to survive the week ahead of them when there was a knock on the portrait. Draco opened it with his magic, ignoring the lady in the pictures detests.
"Ah boys, I see you survived the holidays together," Dumbledore said, followed by a grumpy looking Snape. Draco simply nodded to his godfather, not conveying any emotion at all which Harry found strange.
"Yes, Sir. I was actually about to come to find you and ask you something." Harry replied. Dumbledore looked at him with interest. "Well, next week is Draco's second rebirth so the bond will be acting crazy. Both of us agree it'll be easier for both of us if I stay in this room close by and get my work sent to me. Obviously, this'll cause-"
"Of course Harry, whatever will make it easier for both of you." Dumbledore interrupted. Harry blinked in shock.
"Oh um thank you, sir."
"Now, we'll get out of your way as I saw Miss Granger and Mr Weasley cowering out there. I'll send them in. See you soon boys." Dumbledore said before leaving with Snape following him like a shadow.

Only seconds later, Hermione and Ron came bustling through the door.
"Hi guys, why was Dumbledore and Snape here?" Hermione asked as she stared at a pile of Harry's clothes spread on the two chairs.
"Checking we hadn't killed each other. I think they came too early as I may kill him for being messy! Harry go move your shit off the chairs." Draco commanded. Harry knew he had to move before the bond forced him but he just wanted to lie with Draco.
"But you're so comfyyyyy," Harry whined.
"Get up. You know for the next week you'll be feeling incredibly horny and I won't be able to do anything but I'm not on my rebirth yet." Harry leapt up and moved the pile of clothes, making Draco smirk and Ron and Hermione looked at them wearily.
"You two are cute but also fucking creepy," Ron replied.
"Thank you, we try our best," Harry replied.

"Anyway, we talk about our relationship all the time, but what about yours!" Draco asked. Both Hermione and Ron blushed deeply.
"It's uh just ya know..." Hermione stuttered.
"It's just... normal and uh nice," Ron added. Harry and Draco burst out into a fit of laughter.
"Jeez Potter, I think the whole angelic bond thing really saved our asses from a normal and nice relationship." Draco laughed.
"Shut upppp!" Hermione said as she threw Harry's Quidditch socks at Draco, who deflected them instantly.
"Come on guyyyss we tell you everything-"
"Wellllllll." Draco interrupted.
"Shut up! We tell you nearly everything and we get nothing back, it's not fair." Harry argued.
"Well, our relationship is pretty mundane compared to yours. You're engaged after like a month and we're at I love you and cuddles." Ron replied.
"Cuddles is that what the kids are calling it these days?" Draco said through a fit of laughter. Hermione picked up the big pink book.
"H, I really wouldn't. Look what the book is." Harry laughed. Hermione looked at the cover and instantly threw it on the ground.
"Ew guys, why would still have this!" She groaned.
"Cause we're gay," Draco said.
"Well, one is bi."
"And we have sex."
"Well not yet."
"So cute, you contradict each other," Hermione replied.
"Actually pass the book, I should probably do some revision," Draco said. Harry gasped, blushed and fell into the bed. Ron burst into laughter and Hermione blushed.
"Draco I hate you so much," Harry screamed.
"You won't be saying that later." He muttered

A/n: I better prepare myself to write smut which I haven't done in monthhhsssssss.

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