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Sunday evening rolled in too quickly for Harry's liking. He didn't mind the fact that he didn't have lessons tomorrow, but it meant being stuck in this room for the next week. Plus things with Draco haven't been so smooth. He spent the rest of the day in the room, talking with Snape or his father, leaving Harry alone. Draco only would return to eat in silence with Harry, neither boy even daring to look at the other. They had taken it a little far for a kiss that could only be a peck. But at the time it worked! Neither boy could deny that and the feelings they felt when it happened. But Harry still stuck to cowering in books and Draco in meetings.

The night was the worst. Harry would fall asleep in his bed, nightmares already surfacing and wake up every hour in Dracos. Draco never woke up, who could blame him. Harry wouldn't want to wake up to a sweaty, anxious ridden boy who is highly sleep deprived. But it was getting too much to handle. The dream he had had repeatedly throughout his life decided to make another appearance. But this time it was worst. Just as the blinding green light was hurtling towards Harry, the pain in his scar intensified, waking him up with a scream and tear stain eyes. Draco rose up, his wings out and looking extremely protective.
"Potter, why are you in my bed?" Draco asked groggily, trying to make his wings go back into his back, but they refused, informing him that something was up. Harry didn't speak, just shook his head. Dracos face softened as he saw the tears reflecting the moonlight. 
"Oh. Sorry." Harry went to get out of the bed but Draco pulled him back. 
"Talk to me, Potter." 
"I don't know why I'm in your bed, it keeps on happening. I'm sorry for waking you." Harry replied, shrugging Draco off.
"Harry. You're crying." Draco said softly.
"No, I'm not, my eyes are watering."
"You're covered in cold sweats." 
"I'm probably coming down with something." 
"You screamed." 
"I...screamed," Harry replied, not knowing what else to say and diverted his eyes down to the wooden floors. 
"Nightmares?" Draco asked. Harry didn't look up. If Draco found out, he'd be laughed at and perceived as weak. 
"Come on, I'll run you a bath. They're surprisingly relaxing at 2 am." Draco cooed as he wrapped his arm around Harry.

Harry perched himself on the side of the bathtub, emotions overflowing and holding back the tears. Why was the dream affecting him so much? The water flowed into the tub and Harry watched Draco add various liquids and powders. "You ready to talk about whatever you need to talk about?" He asked.
"Just a bad night." He muttered.
"Do you normally wake up screaming?"
"I screamed cause my scar was burning. Not because of fear. You can't fear something if you see it enough." Harry mumbled as a reply. Draco felt horrible seeing Harry like this. When an angel sees their soulmate upset, it messes with them and they'll do anything in their power to change that. But also, he didn't like seeing Harry suffer; he had been through enough.
"Look, Harry, I don't know if you wanna talk about it but if you do I'm here. Or even writing it down and burning it in the fireplace will help."
"I'm fine, thank you for this Draco," Harry said sporting a half-hearted smile. Draco smiled back.
"I'll go get you a fresh pair of pyjamas from your trunk. Get in when it's at the temperature you like." Draco said as he left the room. This was the bond doing stuff, the angel in Draco, not Draco himself right? However, the more times he said this, he realised that this is highly unlikely. He wasn't stupid, he had read into this bond thing a lot. He knew that the bond would be very happy with them being civil, potentially enemies again, as long as they're in close proximity to each other. Draco sighed as he walked over to Harrys sprawled open trunk. He smiled and chuckled (a/n: idk if that's the right word for this laughter. Makes him sound like a creep) at Harry's lack of privacy.  You'd think him being a big threat/ target to the servants of the dark lord, he would care a bit more about his personal belongings. His trunk was a literal mess. Draco pulled out various knitted sweaters, embroidered with the letter H, robes and quidditch uniforms before finding something lying atop a pair of ruby folded pyjamas. It was a picture of his parents swirling around in the snow. A few recognisable (but much younger) faces stood out to him in the background. There was Sirius Black and Professor Lupin, standing in each other's arms on the ice with a nearly falling over but much happier version of Peter Pettigrew. It caused Draco to smile at this forgotten scene, imagining how this would all be different if they were alive. If they were alive, would Harry had told them about this whole ordeal? Would they be supportive of him, of them together? Would he'd been invited to a big dinner party in a room lined with photos of Harry throughout his life and surrounded by family and friends, probably the ones from the picture? Or would it be a small thing? Dinner with just Harry and his parents. They wouldn't cook, they'd order in or even eat out at a family favourite restaurant. On weekends, he'd be invited to lunch at Lupins and Sirius', or to go to a family birthday event. Or even just to come over and talk. Draco would've liked that. I guess he could still go and have tea with Professor Lupin but Draco had heard that he had locked himself away since Sirius' death. That he had lost control. As his fingers traced the edge of the photo frame, he felt a sense of responsibility towards Harry. He didn't get this amazing childhood that he would've had happily if the dark lord didn't ruin it. Draco felt he had to do something to create this somehow. Make his life a thousand times better than it was before and on this night he pledged himself to do just so.

Draco placed the photo back, picked up the pyjamas and knocked on the bathroom door. "Can I come in?"
"Uh wait for a second," Harry said frantically. Draco heard the sound of water being pushed. "Um, okay I'm good now," Harry added. He entered the bathroom to see Harry's body covered in bubbles. He would be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed.
"Heres your pyjamas. Feeling better?" Draco said as he perched on the edge of the tub. Harry nodded and blushed.
"Sorry about all of this. Its nearly 3 am, you didn't have to do this."
"Harry, our emotions are connected, I wouldn't have been able to sleep even if I left you alone. This ensures that we're both calm and collected. Plus someone shouldn't have to go through shit like this alone." Draco replied softly as he glided his hand through Harry's hair. "Sit forward a bit, I'll wash your hair as its all sweaty and probably won't be nice to sleep in." Harry nodded and pulled himself forward. The bubbles kinda dispersed, leaving him exposed to Draco's eyes. At first, he couldn't peel his eyes away from Harry's toned body, but then he saw him blushing and instantly tore his glare away. Harry frantically grabbed at the small amounts of bubbles. "Harry, we're going to have to live with each other for the rest of our lives so I'm gonna see you naked at least once." Draco laughed. Harry didn't grab for any more bubbles but ensured his privates were covered. Draco grabbed the shampoo and massaged it into Harry's mop of hair. Harry closed his eyes and hummed; allowing his whole body to drop. The bubbles dispersed but neither boy cared. If Draco could paint, he'd paint this scene. But it wouldn't be the cold colours that covered the walls but in a mellow warm yellow. A colour of content.

"You're good, hm, at this." Harry barely muttered causing Draco to laugh.
"I guess that's something we have in common."
"We could do this often. To strengthen the bond ya know." Harry lied, not wanting to admit to how much he enjoyed. Draco carefully washed out the shampoo, ensuring that none of It went into his eyes. He did the same with conditioner (the only time Harry had ever used it) before grabbing the sponge. "Pass me the body wash."
"Um, Draco I can wash."
"I'm sure you can, but I'm not gonna let you so pass the body wash please," Draco replied before grabbing it from Harry. He glided the sponge over Harry's body, causing Harry to blush immensely. The smell was comforting and if Harry was going to stay in Draco's bed and in his room, he had to smell comforting. Draco's hand slipped under the water and down Harry's chest to his stomach. Harry was nearly choking on his emotions and was positive Draco could feel his heart beating. "Here, take this and wash in other places." Harry's fingers brushed over Draco's as he grabbed the sponge. Their skin has touched a million times, but this was the thing that sent jolts of electricity and magic through Draco's body.
"Thanks, Draco. Um, I'll get out in a second and see you back in there." Harry said and Draco nodded slightly. The urge to kiss Harry was strong in Draco right now. One peck that's all that would be needed to complete this moment. A small kiss with his arm on Harrys back before slipping back into their bedroom. However, he resisted the temptation and walked back into the bedroom. It was 3 am but Draco didn't mind. Outside was still and exactly how Draco loved it. Filled with silence.

"Draco I can't even begin to express my thanks," Harry said as he rubbed his hair with a green Slytherin towel. Draco waved his hand and Harrys hair and was miraculously dry. "I spent ages drying your hair earlier and you could've just done that," he said, staring at Draco.
"Hm, we're even. Come on, we better sleep." Draco said as he patted the mattress beside him. Harry chuckled, smiled and glided into the silk sheets. "If you wake me tomorrow morning, you can forget about having hair!" Draco threatened before closing his eyes to sleep.

Lucius was fed up with the noise. He knew them bonding was vital and any interaction was a blessing but at 2 am? He quietly walked into the room to be hit by the smell of Dracos favourite (and most expensive) bathing products. As he focused on the bed, a faint light appeared, showing the two boys intertwined in his son's wings. He could get used to this, his son being happy and his son in love.

a/n: lmao why did that last line sound so creepy lololololol.

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