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"Draco!" Draco heard behind him as he sprinted into the town square. The sun was setting but it still burnt his eyes as he emerged from the darkness to the orange glow. Every sense was overpowered. The gentle whispers of the canal sounded like roaring, tree branches softly hitting another was like the cracking of a whip. Someone in the cluster of cottages was having a barbecue and the scent of the cooking meat made him heave. Uncontrollably, Draco screamed as he felt his wings spread from his back even larger and old scars reopen. Houses loomed around him, making him feel small and overcrowded as he fell down onto the hard cobbled road. 

"Hey, come here," Harry said as he cradled the limp, given up Draco in his arms.
"I'm scared, Harry." He whispered, "I dont want to know what they'll do with me cause I'm different. Probably lock me away so no one can see the imperfect." Harry could feel Draco's anxiety, every drop of fear that coursed through Draco's body, ran through Harrys. 
"If you're different then so am i. I've always been different and trust me, it's much better to stand out then be another one of the crowd. You wouldn't be Draco Malfoy if you didn't stand out and this difference that you hate, I love so much. Now, whatever they're about to tell you doesn't define you. You're not just an angel, I'm not just a soulmate and you're not whatever they're gonna say." Harry comforted. Draco's breathing seemed to even out and his wings calmed down. The reopened scars didn't seem to be bleeding anymore, but Harry still felt tears run onto his hand. His abdomen felt as if it was on fire and he longed to free himself from his t-shirt and feel the cooling cobbles beneath him. But this wasn't about him, he needed to be strong for Draco. 
"We should probably get back before they send something demonic on us." Draco sighed as Harry slowly helped him to his feet. Draco studied Harry's face, he looked paler and tired but weren't they all? Something looked different about him so Draco added it to the long list of worries that were suffocating his mind.

As they walked into the medical centre, a wave of guards closed their view of the exit.
"Guess we sorta deserve that." Harry chuckled.
"God this place is like a prison. Azkaban has more lenient security!" Draco replied.
"So you're telling me that you would rather face off a dementor than an angel?" 
Draco replied in seconds. 
"Hm welcome back. Please do not try any of that again or we will shoot you with a tranquiliser." Mr Beaumont said cheerily. 
"Fucking weirdo," Draco muttered, forcing Harry to hold his breath to not laugh.

"Right well, announcement time!" Mr Beaumont shouted.
"Remember, I'll be with you through anything," Harry whispered, clutching onto Draco's hand. Draco's breath hitched and he clenched Harry's hand. Mr Beaumont referenced for Draco and Harry to sit. Was it this serious that they had to sit?
"Right, over the past two days the expert medical team have been testing and analyzing Draco and Harry and luckily have come to a conclusion rather quickly!" He started, talking like he was in a musical or play. It was as if he was waiting for a round of applause after every sentence!
"Look, I'm sorry to interrupt, but can you skip to whatever is wrong with me as I'd either like to go home or start treatment." Draco sighed. Harry's hand snaked out of his and round to his lower back, tracing small circles along his shirt. 
"As you wish." Mr Beaumont replied as if he was holding back his true reply. "The issue doesn't just lay with Draco, it's with Harry too. It stems from Draco but through the soulmate bond, Harry has got it too." He started. Draco turned to Harry who had turned a ghostly white and looked shocked, his hand still against his back.
"I'm sorry, I've made you ill and I will never forgive myself." He said quickly. Harry didn't reply, he was too shocked. "Harry please reply, I'm worried."
"I'm fine, just shocked as I thought it was only you. And I dont blame you at all, this was meant to happen. Plus. I'd rather suffer with you than let you suffer on your own. It's us against the world Draco." 
Harry replied. Draco smiled, of course, Harry would be incredible and idiotic about this. Draco would do anything to ensure Harry will live and not suffer. 
"You two are unlike anything we've ever seen before. Usually, in angels blood, there is still human blood or have elements of whatever the soulmate was or history of angels ancestry. So with Draco, we expected elements of human and wizard magic in his blood tests, however, there was none. Now with the soulmate, after initiating the bond, it should be 50% angelic blood and 50% of their original being. But, with Harry, it was around 80-90% angel and only the remainder human and magic. This makes you two the most powerful angel

d soulmate recorded since Gabriel and his soulmate Seraphina." He said. Narcissa looked at them in shock, whereas Lucius looked at them impressed but almost as if to say I did that! 
"Well, Potters the chosen one in another world! What a surprise!" Draco laughed, a flood of relief flooding through him that it wasn't a disease. 
"And a Malfoy being the most powerful, anyone surprised?" Harry replied with a smirk. 
"Alright boys very funny, but you interrupted me." Mr Beaumont said, sounding as if he was about to throw a tantrum. "Anyway, because of you two being exceptionally powerful, your bond is extremely powerful. Everything you do together will be more powerful, every emotion is felt more powerful etc." 
"So what was that pain?" Draco asked. Harry had entirely forgotten about the pain Draco felt in the morning!
"You're young, only 16 and your body isn't ready for this much power. Maybe try gaining more muscle so your body is stronger and able to carry itself and your bigger wings." He replied. Draco nodded. Harry had no complaints about an even musclier Draco. He had to stop his mind from slipping into images of Draco working out.
"Right well you are free to go but Draco I think you should apply to our academy. It would benefit you greatly." Draco looked at him like he was mad.
"No, I dont think I'd ever come back here unless I really have to." Draco sassed, before grabbing Harry, his bag and passing through the scared looking angels. Cause who would try and stop someone as powerful as Draco?

A/N: Yooooooooo! I really wanted to write for the last bit "Draco sassed before grabbing his bottom, his bag and passing through the scared looking angels" but I feel that might not have ended well. Also, I have planned out the rest of the fic and its scary to think I've nearly completed two fan fics wow. Anyway byeeeee!!


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