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"Draco may I have a word," Lucius asked his son who was sitting at a desk next to a very confused looking harry. Draco whispered something to Harry before getting up and following this father into his room. "Last night, you two must have really bonded. The connection is glowing."
"Father, it was just that um Harry had a bad dream and I could tell he was distressed and you know how it is, always having to make your soulmate happy and all that so-"
"Draco, I don't mind or really care. But please be quieter next time. Anyway as I was originally going to say, you two are growing incredibly close and your mother brought it to my attention that I am going to have to have a serious talk with you." Lucius interrupted in a very serious tone.
"Oh god." Draco groaned.
"I'm sure you understand your body and presumably how Gay sex works as I assume you have known this about yourself for a while?"
"No, actually I didn't know until the whole soulmate thing," Draco replied awkwardly. He was actually lying, but his father didn't have to know.
"Oh. Well, I'm sure we can purchase you a book on it somewhere." Lucius said even more awkward than his son. Draco blushed and couldn't look up at his father. He was lucky Harry wasn't in the room right now. 
"Anyway, having sexual intercourse with a wizard, especially if they are powerful like Harry, can have some effects such as strengthening of powers and can cause weird magic mishaps, but having sex with another type of magical being, such as angels, is entirely different," Lucius explained.
"I don't understand how it can be different. The only difference is that I have wings...don't tell me that I have to do something with them!" Draco exclaimed.
"No no no! I was on about the effects. Your wings may appear due to the emotions and partnering, but I was on about the bond. It will feel complete, a surge of power coursing through both bodies. It will feel...I don't know how to say it but better than anything you'll feel in your life for both you and Harry. Regarding Potter, I've asked Snape to make you some of this potion that will stop him from getting euphoria. Before you interrupt me and ask me what that means, let me explain. Euphoria is a state that happens to the non-magical one after intercourse. Its a state of constant arousal that will occur for twenty-four hours after any sexual act. I have heard it is horrible and you would have to make him ejaculate for it to stop. However, if he took a sip of the potion before engaging in the act, it won't happen. Do you understand?" Draco nodded, absorbing all of this. If Harry really annoyed him he could use this against him and cause him to suffer for a whole day hm. Well, this would mean they would have to have sex... "I expect you to share this information with Harry for his own wellbeing. Also, I want you to go down to the forbidden forest this afternoon to practice your flying and obviously you'll have to take Harry with you. There's a clearing north of the entrance about the size of a Quidditch pitch."

Draco returned to the room to see Harry busily writing.
"What was that about?" Harry asked as he turned and faces Draco with a warm grin.
"I just had the talk but angel style!" Draco replied with a thick layer of sarcastic happiness.
"ooh, I can't imagine the great Lucius Malfoy talking about sex," Harry said with a pained look on his face. "Anyway whats so different about it? Just curious ya know." Harry blushed. He desperately wanted to know.
"Ugh well, apparently it'll be really good and like the best orgasm, anyone can have cause the bond is reconnecting and completing or something. But, unless you drink some of this potion before, you will be horny for the next twenty-four hours unless I come and make you cum. Which overall all sounds absolutely delightful." Draco said with a lot of sighs.
"um wow great to know. Thanks, I guess." Harry laughed.
"I'll construct you a pamphlet if you dont understand. Or just let you borrow the book on gay sex my father is purchasing me!" Draco groaned causing Harry to laugh even more. "Okay now that's done, go wrap up warm as I gotta go practice flying." 

Harry got up and stripped off his shirt right in front of Draco, making him slightly shocked. He didn't mind Harry's body. It wasn't ripped but it wasn't skinny; it was perfect.
"Your gay is showing," Harry said with a wink as he grabbed his broom. Draco shrugged and pulled on his Quidditch jumper.

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