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"Good morning Harry, Lucius and Narcissa. Sorry I haven't been around much in the last two days. How are you enjoying your... facilities?" Mr Beaumont said cheerfully. Harry loathed him and made sure that was noticeable.
"Oh let me think, hows being separated from your soulmate? It's absolutely fucking awful!" Harry mimicked his cheery tone. Mr Beaumont only shot him another smile before turning to the embarrassed looking Malfoys.
"Um, everything's fine!" Lucius said, trying to sound happy, but Harry could see the bags under his eyes and the newly formed wrinkles. He was breaking. When Harry tried to interject, Narcissa pinched Harry hard, forcing him to shut up.
"Sir, we were just wondering about our son, how is he? Do you know anything about his condition yet?" Narcissa asked kindly. Harry was calling them all sorts of names in his head, especially traitors and arse kissers.
"I cannot disclose that Mrs Malfoy, but I'm here for something else today, well someone else." His eyes settled on Harry and did everyone else.
"What do you want with me?" Harry snapped.
"Testing time!" He announced like he was expecting a round of applause or screams of delight. "Trust me, Harry, it'll help Draco out in the long run." He said. Harry sighed, only agreeing to this for Draco.
"What do I need to bring?" Mr Beaumont looks pleased with this.
"Just yourself."

Harry followed Mr Beaumont down the cold halls, getting further and further down the halls and into the maze of empty cells, metal and glass.
"Can I see Draco? My entire body hurts from us being separated for so long." Harry asked.
"No. Dont ask again." He said sterner than before. It was obvious the nice look was just for the Malfoys. He didn't get why they were being put through this. Angels and soulmates make up 90% of the whole angel thing, well at least 90% of the book Harry read. Without them, the angels wouldn't thrive. So why are they doing everything in their power to keep them apart? Mr Beaumont surely wasn't homophobic? Harry had seen many gay couples here and Draco told him it was a normal thing. So why was this dictator, so pressed on ruining them?

He shoved Harry into a metal room filled with others in blue scrubs.
"This is the soulmate. Get the testing done and get it done quick, the screaming is so annoying and some of us have a country to run." He said before walking out. The feeling of disgust was an understatement to Harry right now. Surely he wasn't human? No one could be that heartless, even Snape, Voldemort or even Umbridge! Who would've known that Harry would find someone more repulsive than those three combined? Harry heard the door seal and his anxiety went through the roof.
"Sit." One of them said and Harry instantly sat in the metal chair like he was being controlled. Was there no comfort in this place? The beautiful country wasn't so beautiful when you looked up close. They grabbed Harry's arm and the other injected a green bubbling liquid in it. They all worked in pairs, probably as soulmates so why didn't they understand the pain and horror he was experiencing? Everyone must be brainwashed in this place. The liquid flowed through his arm and he felt as if his arm was on fire! A screamed racked his broken, bruised body and he didn't realise tears were running down his bruised numb skin. But the pain didn't last for long as suddenly, it went black!

Draco woke up with a shaky gasp and pain coursing through his body. There was someone else in the room, but couldn't see them through the stars.
"Harry!" He wailed. The person ran over, it wasn't Harry.
"Master Malfoy, please calm down!" He fretted, trying to hold Dracos bandaged arm away from his body.
"Who are you? Get off me!" He screamed, his veins filled with lava.
"My name is Leo Cartwri-(he sighed) Greywood," Leo said, a sad look flashed in his eyes.
"Cartwri's a weird middle name but nothing sane about this shithole," Draco replied, wanting to lash out but lacked the energy. He felt weak.
"No Cartwright use to be my surname. It was my soulmates, Jacob, but he... I lost him a couple years back so I had to go back to my family name. " He choked. Draco felt a sense of sorrow in his heavy heart and lowered his arms.
"I'm sorry. I uh yeah." He barely said. Leo's story made him think of Harry. What if he had died and the stupid doctors here were forcing him to stay alive. That's why he had so much pain like his body wanted to turn inside out.
"It's fine, its why I want to help you so much. This place has gone against their own sacrileges rules given by our creator and I know this sounds stupid, but I feel as if Jacob's telling me to help you two. You two remind me of how we were." Leo said, a sense of determination seeping through his voice.
"Oh my, thank you so much, Leo," Draco said. Suddenly a stab of pain shot up Draco's arm, making him want to tear his bandages off. "HARRY!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.
"Hey! Shushhhh Draco! Stressing yourself out will make it worst for you and Harry. You need to calm down. They've obviously taken him for testing." Leo said, trying his hardest to calm the young angel in front of him. He was so determined, just like Jacob was. Jacob was willing to do anything for justice and to help those who needed it, even if it led to his disappearance. The separation of an angel and soulmate is unbearable. When an angel dies, the soulmate goes through a period of separation; the bond dissolving. The pain was excruciating and Leo remembered blacking out so many times that he nearly died! He held Draco as his body shook and his breath returned to normal.
"I will get you out of here, I promise. But I need you to stay here, do everything I say and trust me. I need to go and figure some things out, like where he is and stuff so stay here and eat something." Leo passed him a bowl of broth that he'd made and slipped past the guards.
"I can't eat though, as he hasn't eaten," Draco said weakly. His stomach rumbled, but he ignored it, hoping that he won't be able to eat so he can prove the bond is still intact.
"Oh Draco, they've separated part of the bond. That's why you can't communicate and you're freer. It'll reconnect when you get to Harry." Leo explained, breaking Draco's heart. He felt lost, like part of him was missing. Well part of him was missing! Half of his soul is somewhere else in this country. He doesn't even know if they're in the same building! 

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