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The quiet village of Hogsmeade had turned to chaos. The villagers were running about in frenzy, boarding up their homes and shops, trying their hardest to not let it be like last time. Something dark was coming and it had already begun to appear in their usual idyllic sky. Black wisps of smoke danced through the dark skies they brought with, accompanied by screams of Merlin knows what. It brought the villagers down to their knees, holding their ears to block out the screams that they felt would melt their brains. Not even magic could save them now.

When the reports came in, to those at the Ministry, there were many reports of someone seeing a man with wings, like they were staring into the face of death, or to some... staring into the face of an angel. Fudge stared at the large pile of reports scattered over his desk. He remembered the last war and didn't know how they'd get through another. The sheer amount of talk of angels stressed him. Normally angels didn't show their wings when around those who weren't angels, they liked to blend in. So the fact that there have been sightings of them associated with dark magic, worried him. Instantly, he contacted Dumbledore. (A/N: I dont know if Fudge is the correct minister for the time, I looked it up but it didn't help! If he's not, ignore it as it doesn't come up again)

Dear Albus, 
You have heard of the recent dark magic sightings in Hogsmeade. Since then, we had a multitude of reports regarding sightings of angels or "death" which is described incredibly similar to the usual description of angels. The ministry knows of the Malfoys and their son angelic bloodline, as of our duty to keep track of magical creatures and of their affiliation with he who shall not be made. I was wondering if you could find out if the family had been in Hogsmeade since. Furthermore, please ask Draco to send a letter to the Ministry to inform the name of his soulmate. It'll be kept quiet, of course, it's just for the records. 
Best regards,
C. Fudge

 Harry and Draco returned from another successful day of lessons, but in an argument. They'd nearly been back a week... unless you count the mess from Monday.
"Help I hurt!" Harry groaned from the bed.
"You hurt?" Draco shrieked, pacing the room with his wings out. Harry couldn't keep his eyes off him. He'd been working out every day and it had already made a difference and with his wings out... he looked heavenly. "What in the angel's name did you think you were doing flying in loops and doing tricks and putting yourself in danger like a fucking idiot?" Harry cowered in the bed. He loved Draco, but he was petrifying. 
"I was just messing about with Fred and George. I knew exactly what I was doing and I'm pretty skilled on my broom." Harry tried to defend himself but just earned himself a glare.
"I nearly died in my transfiguration class! Thankfully McGonagall knows our situation and let me go find you. She probably thought you died!" Draco replied.
"Okay okay, I learnt my lesson and I'm sorry for being stupidly dangerous, just come and hold me before I stab myself," Harry whined. Draco walked over and placed his hand against Harry burning hot abdomen, making him groan from delight. Harry shuffled over, letting Draco lie down next to him and allowing Harry to trace his fingers over Draco's arm. Finally, they were at peace again. 
"I have homework I want to do before dinner," Draco muttered, his eyes longing to shut.
"Do it later, I wanna nap and can tell your tired," Harry replied as he snuggled up against Draco and breathed in his calming scent. 

This bliss didn't last for long as he heard 3 loud knocks against the portrait, who was angrily arguing back to the knocker.
"Your father?" Harry asked.
"No, father wrote to me yesterday from the manor so has no use to be here," Draco replied.
"Oh, probably a Professor. I'll open it and you put on a shirt." Harry replied. He opened the portrait to Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape all waiting at the portrait.
"Ah boy! Can you tell these people to not go banging on my frame, it scares the dragons." She shouted in a high pitched voice.
"Uh yeah," Harry replied, slightly stunned. He let the Professors in, who all greeted Draco politely. 
"Right, we have come here to have a little meeting with you boys. Hope that's alright?" Dumbledore asked.
"Oh yes of course. Let me just clean off the table. Do you want anything to drink?" Draco replied, being the perfect host as always. The trio of teachers watched in amazement as with a small flick of his hand, things floated off the table and to their original homes. Harry guessed it wasn't every day they saw an angel use their magic. 

Once they had all sat down at the fancy marble table, the atmosphere had turned serious.
"Well, first of all, everything said here will stay between us." Dumbledore cleared. Harry gulped, that means some personal questions may arise. 
"First of all Draco, the ministry has reminded me to ask you to send in confirmation of your soulmate for their records so please ensure that you do that." Dumbledore started off. He nodded but muttered to Harry,
"My father said he was going to deal with my ministry." 
"Right next thing," Dumbledore said awkwardly, clearing his throat. "There's been sighting of dark magic in Hogsmeade and many people also described seeing things that match the description of angels. So we were wondering if you or your father have been Hogsmeade in the past week?" Dumbledore obviously didn't want to ask these questions as he sat awkwardly and played with his beard.
"What?No!" Draco shouted, his wings ripping through his shirt and erupting from his back as he rose up. "Are you just saying that because of my dads old past with Voldemort? You know he doesn't do that now, especially with Harry as my soulmate." Harry stood up and started to rub his wings, murmuring to Draco to calm down. The professors sat in awe, even Snape who had seen Draco's wings before. They were extremely beautiful and even though Draco was terrifying right now, he looked like something out of a piece of art.
"Come on Draco, they're not insinuating that. Just sit down and let them explain." Harry murmured. Draco sat down in his chair, his wings refused to go back in and he sent them mental daggers through his eyes.
"Draco, we would never insinuate something like that about our students. We are only asking as you are the only angels in the Hogsmeade area." McGonagall explained. With that and the fact that Harry was massaging his wings, Draco seemed to calm down. Well, that's what Harry guessed his wings drooping meant. 
"Sorry for snapping, my mind just jumped to the worst possible answer." He mumbled, rubbing his neck and looking very embarrassed. He also hated that everyone could see his wings. However much Harry complimented them and calling them beautiful, didn't help when Draco thought they were ugly and a reminder that he wasn't human. 
"It's alright, we know that this mustn't be easy for you. I remember your father Draco and it was hard on him too." Dumbledore sympathised. 
"I haven't been to Hogsmeade this week, I've been in lessons and my father told me in a letter yesterday that he has been staying in the manor and trying to get on the good side of the angel clave," Draco replied.
"I see," Dumbledore said. He looked away from the boys and out of the window, his thoughts consuming him. 
"Please, may you explain your little trip to us?" McGonagall asked.
"It was for medical reasons. As Professor Snape may have mentioned, Draco had been experiencing horrible pain during his rebirth before we went, which we couldn't track to anything. So we went to the country of Greywynne for medical tests. They didn't treat us very well, but after the harsh two days of testing, came to the conclusion that we're the most powerful angel and soulmate recorded since the very first ever ones." Harry explained. 
"And was anything suspicious or was linked to Voldemort?" 
"No, they were just not nice to us. I think my family are on bad terms and so they separated us and weren't very nice. I didn't see anything, but I can ask my father." Draco replied.
"Yes thank you. Well, we'll be out of your hair now. Please tell me your father's reply" Dumbledore said. He sounded worried and Harry didn't blame him as he was absolutely petrified. 

A/n: Sorry if that was bad, I have a fly currently in my room and I'm trying to get it out but it's being annoying, send prayers. Each vote/comment = one prayer for me! Byeeeee from me and my new pet fly!

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