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Harry woke to the sound of murmurs and clinking of glass echoing around the walls. Was Lucius here again? Harry knew he should attempt to like his future father in law, who was also a very scary angel, but he couldn't figure out how! He's just so cold! And after yesterday, he disliked him a lot. His arm reached out to snake around Draco's torso but met with feathers. He reached out further, longing to be held in his boyfriends arms, but all he felt was feathers and silk. With a groan, his eyes fluttered open and he heard feet patter over to the bed. 
"Hi beautiful, don't move too much." The voice croaked and tried to pull the sheets over Harry's body. 
"Shouldn't you be the one not moving, come back to bed with me!" Harry whined. 
"He cannot Potter and have you heard of the invention of pyjamas or at least some form of undergarments." A voice snapped. Harry groaned into the pillow, why the fuck was Snape here?
"Good morning professor, why are you here?" Harry sighed, not liking the idea of Snape being in the same castle as him, let alone room in his room! 
"It's closer to afternoon actually and because Mr Malfoy sent me an emergency letter asking me to be," Snape replied as he injected Draco in the back. 
"Wait, Draco, are you okay? Why didn't you wake me?!" Harry asked, extremely panicked and slightly upset. 
"You were so peaceful and happy, I didn't want to wake you," Draco replied, feeling Harry's sadness. 
"I trust that you two haven't partaken in any more... activities?" Snape asked with a grimace. Draco instantly shook his head. "Well then the pain mustn't be linked to that, I shall write to your father to look into it, but I expect you to rest for the day," Snape instructed before leaving. 

"Babe I'm sorry I didn't wake you," Draco said as he slid back into bed and allowed Harry to cuddle with him. 
"Its fine, as long as your okay now. I'll do anything you want today." Harry said. "Well not right this second cause I'm rather comfy." Draco rolled his eyes and played with Harry's hair, which was now soft due to Draco forcing him to use good hair products. 
"Please tell me your friends aren't popping in as I would love a day of just us." Draco sighed as he planned out the day ahead. 
"Probably not, tell the portrait not to let them in if they do," Harry mumbled. He felt his eyes drooping and drowsiness take over. 
"Can't you!" Draco whined, before lightly slapping Harry's arm to wake him up. Harry rolled his eyes and eased off the bed, body aching from yesterdays frenzy. 
"Put some clothes on you nasty animal!" Draco shrieked, throwing a pillow at Harry's naked body. Harry strutted up and down the room, shaking his arse and being extremely dramatic. 
"You love my body Malfoy, don't lie." Harry purred, causing Draco to roll his eyes. 
"I'm thinking about the decency of the portrait and anyone who may walk in." Draco giggled. Harry complied and threw on some underwear, jogger bottoms and one of Dracos quidditch shirts. He smiled to himself, basking in the feeling of making Draco laugh, feeling his happiness flow through his veins. 
"You really should've been a Slytherin," Draco said smirking at his beautiful boyfriend. 
"Hm, why is that?" Harry said, trying to block out the memory of the sorting hats first predictions. 
"Because even though you wouldn't have been a seeker-"
"Yes I would, you wouldn't have been as I became a seeker before you!" Harry protested.
"Shut up, I would've got you kicked off! Anyway, that shirt looks gorgeous on you. Like, keep it cause I won't be able to play quidditch due to the stupid bylaws-"
"Which is bullshit." Harry interrupted again. 
"Agreed. Stop interrupting me! I want you to wear that forever. Plus green suits you really well, brings out your eye colour really well. remind me to buy you a whole wardrobe of green things. I'm thinking turtlenecks, tight shirts ugh everything!" Draco groaned, imagining Harry in those beautiful outfits. Harry rolled his eyes but grinned at the attention. 
"Okay let me talk to the portrait in peace please."

"Um, heyyy Mrs Vonderstruck?" Harry asked awkwardly. The woman walked up to the front of the painting and peered at Harry. 
"Oh, it's you! Its been very busy here and I do not appreciate that. How is your boyfriend? He's so kind to me." She said. 
"Oh um he's fine and I'm sorry about all the visitors. Um if there are any people my age here to see us, such as the girl and boy who visits us a lot if you could tell them that we're having a day to ourselves just to sleep and relax and stuff, I'd really appreciate it." Harry asked, trying to sound as polite as possible.
"Hm if you could talk to someone about getting me a new coat of varnish and someone to polish and fix up my frame, I would consider it." She asked, sounding like a professor to Harry.
"Yes yes, of course, I could! I will ask next time I see Dumbledore. Thank you so much." He quickly replied before returning to the room.

As if on cue, an owl flew up to the window and began angrily tapping on it. 
"Oh, that's one of my father's owls!" Draco said with a grin as he opened the window via magic. 
"I'll get it, you stay there," Harry said as he rushed to the window, trying to be a good soulmate. Draco obliged happily as he slid his aching body under the silk sheets. Harry reached the angry looking owl and took the scroll from its mouth. 
"Mut be important if it's in scroll form. Unless your dad has forgotten about the wonderful, life-changing invention called the envelope." Harry said, earning him another glorious laugh from Draco.
He threw the scroll to Draco, before flopping down next to him, watching his eyes move across the lines. It was little things like this that made him love being in love and understand why people loved to be in relationships. His mind cast back to how he was so against this whole soulmate thing, thinking his life was over, but actually, his life felt so much better. He no longer worried about Voldemort, of course, he still had his nightmares, but they weren't so bad with Draco to soothe him. He knew he had an even better support system than before, someone who was there every second of the day and he loved it. His thoughts were cut off by Draco groaning at his side and a feeling of annoyance washing over him. 
"Whats up?" He said as he curled up to Draco. 
"My father contacted someone from Greywynne about my pains and now they want to run some tests so they can see whats wrong." He said grumpily.
"Well, that's a good thing. I know you don't like the capital, but it'll be cool to look around and see other angels. Plus it'll be good to get answers. when do we go?" Harry asked.
"In two days. What if its something serious or terminal?" Draco said quietly, looking up at Harry with wide eyes. brimming with tears. A flash of darkness flashed in Harry's eyes and he felt a stabbing pain in his heart. 
"You can think like that. But if it does come to that, you know I will stay with you every second and will never ever leave you." He said, kissing Dracos head reassuringly. Draco pulled him down into an actual kiss, but Harry could feel tears fall down his cheeks. 
"We'll get through this," Harry said when they pulled away from the kiss, "you stay here while I'll start putting some things together." He walked away, his heart feeling heavy. 
"I love you, Harry Potter," Draco shouted. 
"I love you too.

A/N: Sorry this was so short, its a filler chapter between plots. Angels by Khalid was playing while I finished typing this up and tbh it was very fitting and beautiful.  Right hello! I've returned from the dead!!!! I've got two more weeks of exams but I've technically finished school so hopefully, I can return to the sorta regular update schedule I had before. Hopefully, the new plot will also help me feel inspired to write. Hope you enjoyed this byeeee. 

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