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~Y/N P.O.V~

"But dad!!!!! It was an accident!!" I said. "An accident you said?! What if the book go to someone else hand?! What if someone took it and burn it?! And the worse thing is what if the devils got it?!" He said. "Sigh.... listen y/ NEED to find that book back before anyone got it." I look at my father. Great. Now I feel guilty for everything that I've done. "I'll go to the Earth and get back the book." My dad said. "No. Let me find it. I'm the one who accidentally left it there. I'll go back and take it."



"Guys, whose book is that??" - a person

"I don't know. Why would you fucking ask me." - a person too

"DO NOT CURSE YOU STUPID KID." - a person again.

"Let's just bring it with us."

And with that, 7 guys took the book and bring it with them.

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